Get the Vibe. Melissa Perry Moraja. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Melissa Perry Moraja
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Get the Vibe
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780984239436
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      Everyday doctors misdiagnose patient’s symptoms as a result of lack of research and knowledge. The doctors who misdiagnosed me with premenopausal symptoms were professional and truly did their best to understand what my body was experiencing at that point in time. Through this experience, I learned that you should never let go of your vision even if someone else tells you differently. If you can see it, then you can create it no matter what negative thought someone else shares with you. Perhaps my pregnancy is a miracle. Or just maybe it is a result of the power of the mind–the power of visualization and positive thinking.

       Take some time to think of a situation when someone told you something negative about yourself which you then believed. How did that make you feel? Do you still have that belief about yourself, today? What power did this person have that caused you to accept what they said? Now think about a situation where someone told you something about yourself that you didn’t believe. Why didn’t you believe it?

      The Suggestive Vibe

      The premise of the power of suggestion stems from being conditioned at a young age to conform to certain behaviors and thought processes. For instance, as a child you were taught to brush your teeth when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night. You were taught this for two reasons—better dental hygiene and preventative care. As an adult, as soon as you wake up you unconsciously walk into the bathroom, open the toothpaste container, put a little on your toothbrush, and begin brushing your teeth. It’s become a habit. Brushing your teeth during certain times of the day and sometimes even after meals has become part of your normal daily behavior and routine. Brushing your teeth is just one of many routines that you have been conditioned to do for preventative care. And it simply started with a suggestion.

      We all have been conditioned to believe certain thoughts, leading us to act or react a certain way. In fact, many of us condition ourselves to believe certain thoughts and to act a certain way as a result of our repetitive thinking. For instance, if you continue to think the thought, “I know I won’t get that job,” then you probably won’t get that job. Whatever you think is what you will begin to manifest into your life. This is the outcome of the power of suggestion.

      The goal of the power of suggestion is to replace old thoughts and feelings hidden deep within your subconscious mind with new positive thoughts that when triggered result in a new positive behavior. One way is through repetition. If you want to be happy, then keep thinking to yourself that you are happy. Another way is to replay a negative situation in your mind resulting in a positive outcome. For instance, if you are overweight, begin visualizing yourself losing weight. Even better, see yourself in six months tone and lean. See yourself eating healthy and exercising. The key to the power of suggestion is repetition. The more you think it, do it, believe it, and feel it the sooner it will become part of who you are.

       Below are several techniques to assist you with replacing old thought patterns and negative thoughts with positive ones.

      1 When you have a negative thought repeat the words, "Stop, stop, and stop." What this is doing is getting your mind to stop the flow of energy from the prior thought. Some people like using the words, “Cancel, cancel, and cancel.” The key is to get your mind to think and believe the energy of that negative thought has been erased.

      2 Whenever you have a negative thought, replace it with a positive one. For instance, when you think, “I will never fall in love or get married,” replace that thought with one that states, “I have a loving healthy relationship” or “I am happily married.”

      3 Create and say your affirmations everyday such as “I am happy,” “I am successful,” and “I am a loving person.”

      4 Use visualization techniques as described in the following section.

      Visualize a Vibe

      Visualization is the ability to use your imagination to picture images of what you would like to manifest. This is a powerful tool when you add to it feelings, intention, and action. Visualization can bring changes into your life sometimes immediately.

      This great mind power has been used for centuries because of its success in altering thought processes and causing events to happen. It also has had great success in helping people overcome addiction, reduce their stress level, improve their productivity, and increase their confidence. In fact, visualization is a technique used often by elite athletes such as major league baseball pitchers.

      Major league baseball pitchers use visualization techniques to improve their concentration, resulting in better performance. Let’s take an example where a major league baseball pitcher is using visualization techniques the night before a baseball game. That evening the major league baseball pitcher practices visualizing himself standing on the pitcher’s mound with a baseball in his hand. As he continues to visualize, he takes a deep breath in, allowing himself to stay focused and relaxed during the process. He then sees himself throwing the baseball over home plate, resulting in a perfect strike. The pitcher continues visualizing the same scene over and over again in his minds-eye (your minds-eye is the part of your brain that lets you day dream or imagine). Then the day of the game, the same pitcher throws a perfect strike.

      But that’s just the beginning of the power behind visualization. The medical community also has had great success with using visualization techniques. For instance, people who were told they will never walk have walked. Why? Because they believed! They visualized themselves walking over and over again; and after months and sometimes years of physical therapy and implementing visualization techniques, they accomplished their vision. Cancer victims such as Lance Armstrong have used positive visualization during cancer treatment and have successfully become cancer free. But it wasn’t only by using visualization techniques that assisted them with becoming cancer free. As Lance’s coach, Chris Carmichael said in a letter, “Lance beat cancer because he had great doctors, a positive attitude, and a lot of luck.” Visualization techniques combined with other healing modalities are a powerful tool.

      What do you do if you can’t visualize? Simply, just use your other senses–feel, touch and smell. For instance, if you are looking to take a vacation to Paris, France, feel yourself sitting in a French bistro smelling the aromas of freshly baked pastries. If you still are having trouble using your other senses, then use affirmations and create visuals. Find images of scenes from Paris, France in magazines, newspapers, and brochures. Cut the images out and paste them onto a calendar or a goal notebook. If you don’t have time to create a calendar, then write your affirmations on post-it notes that state exactly what you desire—“It is the year 2015, and I am standing at the foot of the Eifel Tower.” Stick the post-it notes with your affirmations onto your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and any other place where you will see it at least once a day.

      What you’ll find by doing these simple exercises is that within a matter of days to weeks you are a magnet for attracting friends and even strangers who are planning a trip to Europe, have just recently visited Europe, or are a native of Europe. The more positive and focused you are the better you will become with shifting the energy vibe in your environment to an energy vibe that will assist you with achieving your goals. The key in fulfilling your vision is to not give up. Believe that you have the ability to manifest everything and anything you want. Like everything in life, it takes time. The more you practice saying your affirmations, thinking positive thoughts, and writing down your goals the better you’ll become with creating the life you desire.

      The power of the mind is just one tool that can help you create and achieve your goals and objectives. In the next three chapters, I will share two powerful everyday tools—color and sound—which if used will not only help you achieve your goals and objectives, but also assist you with increasing your productivity, improving your relationships, and enhancing your self-awareness.

      Color and Its Connection with You

      You go into your closet and pull out that navy blue