Get the Vibe. Melissa Perry Moraja. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Melissa Perry Moraja
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Get the Vibe
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780984239436
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that color and music have on my moods and behavior. This only reinforced my theory—color and music has a direct effect on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state—inspiring me to begin researching and studying energy.

      As I wrote in my first book, Empower Your Soul-Create Balance in Your Life by Trusting Your Intuition, through my research on energy, I found that light is made up of energy waves which are grouped together in what is called an electromagnetic spectrum. I know this sounds a bit tedious and for some elementary, however, by understanding the basic building blocks of light and energy, you will be able to comprehend why everything around you affects you.

      In continuing my research, I discovered that not all light beams on the electromagnetic spectrum have the same wavelength. The light beam with the longest wavelength and shortest frequency is seen by us as the color red. Going from longest to shortest wavelength on the spectrum of visible light, we have orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (violet has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency). It’s important to know that white is not a color. White actually makes up the colors of the rainbow.

      Visible light isn’t the only type of energy vibrations that affect us. On one end of the spectrum you’ll find infrared and radio waves, while on the other end you’ll find x-rays and gamma rays. These types of rays (infrared waves, radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays) are not visible to the human eye; however, it has been scientifically proven that these types of rays have a positive and negative effect on you. This then supports Principle Three: There is a positive and negative side to energy vibes.

      Principle Three: There is a Positive and Negative Side to Energy Vibes

      It’s believed that everything in the world has a positive and negative side. As a child, you are taught there is good and bad, and right from wrong. As you grow, you learn that there is faith and doubt, and love and hatred. What about energy vibes? Yes, they too have a positive and negative side. For instance, on the positive side, x-rays are used to identify bone fractures, microwaves are used to cook food, and radio waves allow you to watch television and listen to the radio. On the negative side, these types of rays can actually be dangerous to your physical well-being creating cancer, tumors, and other diseases within your body. This then has a trickling affect on your emotional and mental state. Anything that happens to your physical state will also impact your emotional and mental well-being, too. They are all connected. Just like you are one with the Universe, your body, mind and spirit are all connected.

      If you know that x-rays, gamma waves and infrared waves have a direct effect on your physical body, then you know that color and sound also impact your well-being on a physical, emotional and mental level. As mentioned in Principle Two, color and sound are made up of wavelengths and frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum. And both have a positive and negative side. For instance, the positive side of yellow is that it stimulates the mind. It promotes thinking, studying and learning. The negative side of the color yellow is that certain color tones can actually promote anxiety. In fact, it’s been found that people lose their tempers more in rooms painted in the color yellow and babies cry more.

      In summary, if we can use x-rays, gamma waves, and infrared waves innovatively to discover illnesses within the human body, improve long distance communication, and make scientific discoveries, then why not also use the power behind color, music and the mind to do the same.

      Your Mind’s Vibe

      Your mind is made up of two parts—the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of your mind that you are aware of such as your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. The subconscious mind is the part of your mind that you aren’t aware of such as repressed memories.

      In this chapter, you will gain an overview of the subconscious mind, learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, discover how a simple suggestion can become your reality, and learn how to take a vision (an idea, a thought, and a dream) and begin manifesting it into your reality.

      The Hidden Vibe

      The subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It automatically takes care of regulating your breathing without you having to give thought to it. Your heart continues pulsating, your blood continues to circulate throughout your body, and your digestive system continues to digest food as a result of your subconscious mind at work. It is also the part of your mind that stores repressed memories and where bad habits form.

      In a nutshell, the subconscious mind holds all your past experiences and memories. As a result, if something triggers one of those stored away memories, you may react to the situation in an unexpected way. For instance, say you were constantly teased as a child because you were overweight. As an adult, if someone makes a negative comment about your weight, you most likely will feel the same hurt feelings you did when you were a child. You may react by withdrawing from people or even verbally attacking the person who made the comment. Your reaction will depend on how you reacted and felt as a child.

      Each of us reacts to certain situations differently as a result of our past experiences which are stored within our subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind where we can overcome bad habits, negative thoughts and negative behavior.

      The Negative Vibe

      If you think something bad will happen, then it will. It’s as simple as that. We all have negative thoughts such as, “I won’t get the job,” “I’m not good enough,” or “He doesn’t like me.” It’s these types of thoughts that prevent you from accomplishing your goals and achieving your potential.

      One technique that is used most often to change negative thought patterns is to replace them with positive ones. For instance, whenever you have a negative thought where you use the words “I can’t,” replace the thought with “I can.” You also can replace the negative thought with a visual. For instance, we all think about the possibility of getting into a car accident. When you think this thought, replace it with a vision of something more pleasant such as playing with a puppy, smelling a rose, or sitting having a beer at a baseball game. The end all objective is to replace a negative thought with a vision of a happier outcome which in return will assist you with creating a better future.

      There are times when a negative thought becomes part of your belief system because someone else mentions it to you. For instance, as a teenager, someone mentions that you look heavy in the color white. As an adult, you no longer wear the color white fearing that you still look heavy.

      The medical community can significantly impact people’s belief systems in a negative way. I am living proof. Prior to getting married, Michael, my now husband, and I had the discussion of children. It was a difficult discussion because I had to share with him the probability that I may not be able to conceive children. I shared that in 1989, after months of extensive picking and prodding, doctors at a prominent hospital in Boston, Massachusetts diagnosed me with premenopausal symptoms. As a result, they said that I most likely will not be able to have children even with fertility treatment. It was heartbreaking for me to hear those words come out of the mouths of well-educated, highly experienced professional doctors. I was only 21 years old. How could this be possible? I loved children and had always dreamt of having one or two. But that day, when I heard the doctor’s words, “You most likely will not be able to have children even with fertility drugs” a dagger shot through my heart. For a split second, the doctors took away my vision and hope.

      As the years passed, something inside of me questioned the doctor’s diagnosis. I still could see the vision of me giving birth to twins. When I shared the doctor’s diagnosis with Michael, I also shared my childhood vision of having twins. Michael for some unknown reason didn’t seem concerned with what the doctors diagnosed, nor my vision. It was like he knew something that I didn’t. At that time, it was important to Michael to put off the subject of having children until our first wedding anniversary. Well, to our surprise seven months after we got married I was pregnant.