#FakeLife. @Nigina_Ivy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: @Nigina_Ivy
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449861924
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took her electronic cigarette out of the red silk purse. “Oh, now I AM gonna be sick for real,” she whispered to me.

      “He’s looking at you now… “I whispered back. “I think he didn’t get it… that Vlad was actually joking.”

      “Fuck. I don’t even wanna smoke now.”

      “A good opportunity to quit. Let’s call it David Effect.” I could barely contain the laughter that was filling me up.

      “Still looking?”

      “Who? David… or the handsome billionaire?”

      “Oh, right. I forgot all about him because of these freaks.”

      “Well… the billionaire isn’t. He’s looking, but at our laughing guys now.”

      “Here we go. I’m so done. They’ve ruined it.”

      “What have they ruined? There was nothing to ruin in the first place.” I laughed.

      “But there could have been! They’re killing the game.”

      “What can I say: c’est la vie.” I shrugged my shoulders. “But if this will make you feel better, David is still looking at you like a big crazy-in-love cat.”

      “Shut up, will you?”

      “No way!” a wave of laughter was growing in me.

      “I’m begging you!” Elly herself was on the verge of laugher.

      She was sitting with her side to David and looked stunning her dress that reached all the way to the floor. The long slit revealed her incredible sexy legs. Of course, she had stroke a pose initially to attract the attention of the handsome billionaire, but the pose seemed to backfire having drawn David.

      “He’s eating you with his eyes…” I tried to be careful and not to look at David directly. “He’s drooling now.”

      “So disgusting,” Elly closed her eyes. “He’s horrid. You know his managed to talk his parents into buying his ex – that bag of bones – a used Bentley”.

      “I know who you mean… be quiet please.”

      “Well… I know, to each their own, but still… but how could anyone sleep with him for a used Bentley? No one could fall that low. She must have a zero self-love or respect. You know, one thing…. when you hook up with a friend, drunk. Then we’d be talking about poor taste. And everyone has different tastes anyway…”

      “So smart of you, I’m writing it down…” I giggled.

      “So, she conned this tub of lard, and dumped him. Left him crying into the pillow, drinking and feeling worthless…


      “So, what?”

      “What are you trying to say? If memory serves me correctly, I have seen it and heard all about it. It was actually me who told you all that.”

      “Are you sure?” asked Elly jokingly. “Relax, I’m just messing with you.”

      By then the restaurant was packed. On Friday evenings every table featured a company of very rich and influential men – much like the one Elly seemed to be obsessed about that evening. Most of them were accompanied by younger girls, however it was the kind of work that they engaged in that added a few extra years to their looks. Our table was good. It may have been not the best one, but considering the hierarchy of people who were present, we occupied a decent level.

      “Hey Google, Chunky wants your number. Your dress slit overloaded what’s left of his brain… take my advice…”


      “…go on a date with him, you have a chance he’ll stick around. He may even give you a beat up ‘Rolls’ He’s into non-conventional personalities, such as…”

      “Are you serious? Did you just compare me with that bag of bones of his?”

      It was then that Vlad realized he may have gone too far. He was raised by a good father and knew the difference between decent lady and a whore. He knew better not to mix one with another.

      “Sorry, boo. My bad. I’m really really very sorry. Don’t get mad, Elly babe.”

      “Vlad… how could I be mad with someone who’s clearly mentally challenged?”

      “You’re such a bitch, though. Poor, poor David,” Vlad rolled his eyes.

      “I think we’ll be on our way.”

      “What?” Vlad couldn’t hide his surprise. “What’s up? Eva, you too?”

      “Of course me too. You want me to stay here alone. You know all the things they’ll come up with to talk about tomorrow.”

      “But what happened? Anyone care to explain?”

      One of the Vlad’s flaw was that when something went not according to his plan he would turn into a small, spoiled boy.

      “I’ve been trying to ask you a question for the last fifteen minutes and you don’t give me a chance and interrupt!” fired Elly, clearly annoyed.

      “Ok, ok, I’m listening,” Vlad expression was now serious. He seemed to have transformed into one giant listening ear.

      “I wanted to ask you two very simple questions. First, how could you do it to us? Arrange for us to be sitting at the same table with those whores…” with her eyes she pointed at the opposite end of the table, “ – and the second question; for how long are you going to continue feeding those free-riders?” with that she looked up at the people who had approached our table.

      “Hey Vlad, what’s up man?”

      In front of us now stood the capital’s two most notorious slackers who we had nicknamed Chip and Dale. And don’t be fooled with their second-hand Ferrari with out-of-town license plates, and their expensive garments, which they wouldn’t mind wearing price labels on. This particular couple emitted a cold and detached arrogance which I found especially repulsive. I never wanted to be at the same tables with them as seeing them would always spoil my appetite. Those were true freeloaders. It was acceptable to invite and treat dinner to actual public figures, someone who’s really popular, such as an actor, a tv host, or an extravagant politician – the expenses are justified by having an insightful and mutually beneficial conversation and time spent. I agree it’s so wrong, but at least there’s an explanation. However, having those two at the table had zero benefits. It would have been fine, if they possessed a nice, friendly personality and sense of humor. The only thing that they had going for them were their cold, condescending, arrogant faces.

      They seemed to accidentally run into Vlad at various trendy places. With a look as if it was them who were paying for everyone, they would join the crowd at a table, looking down at everyone around them. I never did understand how come Vlad always allowed this to happen. I once confronted him about this, but all he said was: “Come on, why not be nice?”. It was how what was initially planned as dinner for three, turned out to be a crowded event with so many participants that a bigger table was often required which inevitable skyrocketed the check’s amount every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The fact that they brought along their friends didn’t help the matter. We were always bewildered by those who were able to date individuals like Chip and Dale – all of their chicks looked the same, most of them resembling pale jellyfish or grey mice. Little did we know…


      Vlad – a true leader – is an assertive and dominant alpha male, despite being younger than most people in our circle. Being born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, he was used to paying for everyone around him, traveled only private jets, and was always accompanied by his entourage of bodyguards. Everyone seemed to be weary of him, trying not to be a focus of his sharp sarcastic remarks.