“Besides, slaves are inculcated not only in poverty, but, as I was already saying, in fear too, due to which clever people make billions. I’ll give you a simple example of how leading pharmaceutical companies earn colossal sums on slavish conscience. They just create a little world ballyhoo around some disease. And that's all. It is the very initial investment that will return them a hundredfold profit.”
“For example, they created AIDS problem and ensured a stable financial profit for themselves by selling expensive medicine, which, if judged fairly, does not solve this problem for the patient,” said Ariman. “It didn't take much announcing throughout the world about a possible tuberculosis epidemic threat to make a mint of money on that for themselves. I won’t be surprised if they invent (by the time they run out of standard ideas) some kind of mutated flu virus, transmitted to humans from animals or birds.”
“How can they invent it if such a virus maybe does not exist in nature at all?” asked shocked Stas.
“You see, even you say ‘maybe’. And uncertainty is an indication of servile psychology. Add to it purchased opinions of several scientists of leading world virology laboratories and you’ll implicitly believe this information. The main thing for them is that you believed. Then your fear and reflexes of your self-defense instinct will do a lot more than all of the conventional medicine ads combined. And do not worry about the virus. If a blank cannon-shot isn’t impressive enough to stir the crowd, it will be replaced with a practice cartridge. So, if mother nature does not create such a virus, people will help it. And all for the sake of earning billions on the same vaccine from the virus.
“All in all, these chaps do well! I admire their brilliant inventions in advertising and arrangement of sizable capital influx. What’s important everything is relatively honest: you care about your health, they care about their purses. Although, by curing one illness with their preparations in return you gain three new illnesses free of charge. As a result you become their hostages, their perpetual sponsors. Is it not a brilliant idea of constant capital replenishment at the expense of your fear, impressionability, and servility?! It’s a big business. Whereas big business is power. All free people tend to rule over someone lest to become that someone to be ruled over.”
“What is well-spread among the masses is far from always being true,” – emphasized Ariman. “Because for the elite of mankind, which pays for all this myths-making, the masses are slaves. If real historical facts were revealed to people, for instance, about the life and the teaching of Jesus, Buddha, and so on, the mighty power of those who keep these facts in secret would collapse...”
“And look at it from a larger perspective, for example, on a national basis. People disdain to use any means, they go all lengths for the sake of power,” Ariman spoke didactically. “What do you think they need this power for? For supplying peoples’ needs?! Of course not! They endeavor solely for their own sake, for gratification of their megalomania and growth of their capital. They understand perfectly that they themselves are merely puppets of the mighty of this world. That is why they snatch whatever they can snatch from their power. Many commoners praise them to the ideal of philanthropy. While in fact they are the same people as everyone, no better than others. The difference between you and them is that they are more cunning, more agile, and more self-confident. There is no sense in expecting charity from them. They may give it only when in the first place they gain something from it. And they throw it to people as if throwing a bone to a hungry dog, so that it would drool all over at the sight of the ‘generous master’”.
“Many real wars, however, happened because of competition among serious people,” Ariman noted. “And other causes of war that were later explained to vast masses, that is to the servile crowd, are only tales for the herd, in order to rouse the spirit of nationalism in it, amuse megalomania of their herdsman as well as distract the herd’s attention from the vital problems. No more.”
“How can people be a herd?” objected Volodya. “They are humans.”
“Humans they are, of course. But they are foolish. They are slaves, who were governed by clever people. And they will be governed, whatsoever fine word this governance is called. For a person in the crowd has no more individuality, but only a part of the crowd. He is not capable of thinking on his own in the crowd, to evaluate soberly situation and ‘facts’, generously strewed by the orator. It is because a man in the crowd sees thousands of the like, and this union, this huge power, inspires him. It is a huge power indeed, but it is not of that man or any other taken separately out of that mass of bodies. It is the power of the orator! It is he who transforms it and channels it properly.
“And with this power he imprints in consciousness of everyone those tenets that are carefully camouflaged with tumid words. In other words the orator simply uses suggestion mechanisms. And nothing else. Therefore, a herd is a herd, all around, which with bleating takes its lead from a skilful shepherd. Although, nowadays controlling a herd is referred to in finer words, the meaning does not change because of that. I understand full well, guys, that there is little pleasant in these words, but it is true. And the truth always has bitter taste. I simply open your eyes to the world as it is.
“This is life, guys, where at the end of the day nobody needs anybody and nobody does anything without a particular reason. For one thing, take a look at how political elections are run. Take any country. They promise whole mountains of gold to people. And after elections? Riding on rams and donkeys the politician reaches his own paradise and then shuts its gates right after himself. People remain in poverty just as they have lived in poverty. Do you know, whom the newly elected politician is concerned about in the first place? At first, about himself, his incomings. Then about his family. And finally, about his own retinue, so that they would kiss hands of their master and lest they should forget his ‘benefactions’. Nobody cares about people and nobody will. Because in the grand scheme of things nobody cares about the commonage. If it is still able to keep on feet and work, then it’s alright. Where can it go? It would grumble and bridle a bit, and then survive somehow. You see, it is nothing but a workstock, which lives in a stable, feeds on rejects, and works from morning till night. It exists for the reason of bringing profits to the elite and breed, granting its masters inflow of fresh work force in the form of new slaves. I understand that it is unpleasant to hear this. But look around. This is reality. You will recall my words again, because it is the truth of life!
“Do you think something has changed since the time of slave-owning?! Nothing of the kind. Only methods of influence on the slaves have changed, but by no means people themselves. The system of controlling the slaves has changed, but slavery has never been abolished! Look at the present-day world, at the ruling elite exploiting the masses and using them for personal gain. It simply obtrudes its beneficial concepts on peoples. It models likes and behavior of the masses, intentionally controls and standardizes a man.”
How can the Elite Obtrude Something on Me?
“How can the elite obtrude something on me if I’m all by myself? I myself decide how to live,” Stat was surprised.
Ariman chuckled: “You suppose so, young man, because you did not perform a serious analysis of your life, of how you live, and what forces you to make various decisions in life. In truth you don’t even realize that your life, your liking, perception, and your choice is being skillfully manipulated. It is because the elite needs slaves, not free people! You see, in your perception, in order for you to be manipulated, there’s got to be some overseer with a whip that would stood over you. This is narrow-mindedness. In modern world with all of its leading-edge technologies, everything is much more simple and efficient. The elite artfully created that very overseer out of your