Cosmos – Great Deceiver. Aleksandr Khorev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aleksandr Khorev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788381898829
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between points along the perimeter of the ball or circle. That is, the distance exists only for an outside observer, but for the points themselves there is no distance. At the same distance from the central impulse between the points of energy not only there is no distance, but the time is the same, and therefore the time is also zero. Therefore, we can say that there is no space and time. It turns out that the energy itself has no space and time.

      From spatial measurements, a impulse has only an indefinite magnitude of the wavelength and the distance from the original pulse, the radius. Question:

      If there are no differences in the energy values of the three-dimensional, two-dimensional and one-dimensional worlds, may be such a momentum is one-dimensional? Isn’t any wave one-dimensional?.. or not having any measurements at all?.. maybe it is a one-dimensional one?

      No matter how many different factors – the components are not intended, the implementation of this plan is possible only through a single action, through a sequence of single actions. The movement itself is one-dimensional. This is a vector movement from point A to point B.

      I have long thought about the extent to which energy can bend space and came to the fundamental conclusions about the structure of our Universe. As we determined, our physical world can be graphically divided into two states. This is zero on the graph – the complete absence of space, movement and time, and the second – direct vectors emanating from zero – the complete opposite of zero, because this is exactly the space with dimensions, movement and, accordingly, time.

      Despite the fact that zero is the absence of space, it can contain enormous energy within it. It was this enormous energy that twisted the space around itself that the space simply closed itself on itself and turned into the first elementary particle – a proton.

      Although zero is the complete absence of space, but it is also not in itself, like a ruler, which embodies the dimension and lies, without touching anyone. By one side, zero is inextricably linked with our three-dimensional world.

      Yes, you can see it yourself on the chart: three lines come out of zero: length, width and height. So zero is another dimension in addition to length, width and height. Therefore, the space must be counted from zero. Zero, then length, width and everything else. Without zero, everything else simply will not exist. And zero without the rest does not exist either.

      What is the role of zero?

      For energy, spatial dimensions will be levels. The very first level will be the most powerful energy in the universe. It is so powerful that it simply collapses the space around it into a ball and thus forms the first brick of the Universe – a proton. Proton is not space yet. This is a scaffolding, with the help of which the coupling is connected with our physical world. This is a collapsed space. It is so curved space that it simply closed itself. In spite of the proton seems to block all energy inside, however, the presence of huge energy inside reflects on the outer surface around the proton forming the next energy level. And the next element that immediately occupies the next energy level is the next element of our Universe – the electron. Or even so. This outer energy level is also so strong that it is again tries to wind space into a ball. But it has no longer the strength for it. Moreover, the place in the center is already occupied by a proton. And this clot of energy nothing remains, only to spin around in the form of an electron. If there is a proton no space, because everything in it is closed on itself, then the electron already combines in itself the features of a spaceless particle and a spatial element – a wave. Well, the wave energy can no longer roll space into a ball, but only bends it – this is energy in its pure form, and it will shape the space. If the electron is still a closed orbit – a ring or a ball, then electromagnetic radiation is already sawing this ring and, rotating in a circular orbit, rushes forward, breaks out of the atom, leaving behind what looks like a sinusoid on the plane – and thus electromagnetic radiation forms space and time.

      Although the atom has certain specific dimensions, this is not yet space.

      And now, agree that you can offer another option for measuring space. This null space is a proton, pre-space is an electron and, finally, our three-dimensional space is electromagnetic radiation.

      It is we that live in three-dimensional space. But to be honest, energy levels are not limited to atoms. Looped all around. Our planet itself is a ball – another level. Then there is space with ring orbits of planets, stars, galaxies. Yes, and our Universe itself is most likely a ball. So the length, width and height of a rather narrow scope. And the amount of energy can be judged by the degree of curvature of space.

      From a point, a pulse of energy spreads in all directions and loses energy in proportion to the square of the radius. And what if we assume that with an increase in the radius, nothing changes. That is, when the radius increases, the inertial system changes too. That is, in each subsequent inertial system, time and distance change proportionally at the next level. And then the amount of energy remains the same?

      Chapter 3. Time

      We talked about straight lines and found out, firstly, that some lines are associated with movement – these are vectors and, secondly, that there is something difficult to measure, but a very important property of the object being measured, things, phenomena also associated with movement – this is what are the functions of a given object, thing, phenomenon, what is its essence. We also came to the conclusion that to assess this essence, one more component is necessarily needed – this is an observer. Energy is directly connected with the essence of the object, with the movement. It is energy in the form of a pulse that gives an initial impetus to movement. And, finally, time is also directly connected with these two phenomena, because movement from one point to another occurs over time.

      Now we talk about time.

      It would seem that what time is? It is a certain value independent of a person that is not paid special attention in everyday life. The main thing is not to be late somewhere. Previously, at least the wall clock was ticking, recalling that certain changes were taking place in our lives, independent of us. From time to time we suddenly discovered that we were older, that something had changed around us. Everything seems to be the same as before, but suddenly we find that certain changes have occurred.

      But it turns out time is not as simple as we think about it. Many paradoxes are associated with it, and these are paradoxes of a cosmic scale. For example, such a paradox. It turns out that precisely in space, time is measured not in hours, as on Earth, but in the same values in which length, width and height are usually measured – in kilometers.

      Another paradox of time.

      In our ordinary life, “yesterday” cannot be seen, but it turns out to be possible in space. We are looking into the sky now, this very minute, and we see cosmic objects as they were yesterday, the day before, several years ago, depending on the distance to them. For example, the closest star to us, Alpha Centauri, is located so far from us that the light from it comes to us for 4 years. If it suddenly goes out, then for us it will shine for another four years. In space, you can see any day, any year in the past, it is enough to point the telescope at stars located at an appropriate distance from the observer.

      But let’s start with simple things, as time is connected with movement. What is characteristic of movement is the starting point, the beginning of the movement and the ending point, which is located at some distance from the beginning of the movement. To overcome this distance between two points takes some time. In this case, time is directly related to the distance. Therefore, space is not only length, width and height, but necessarily time, because space is necessarily movement. Energy is also directly connected with movement except time.

      Everything moves in the Universe, starting with the expansion of the Universe itself and ending with the movement of photons or the speed of light. But what is interesting: if the speed light is measured and is itself a standard for measurement, then the expansion of the Universe is more difficult to fix.

      I will