Cosmos – Great Deceiver. Aleksandr Khorev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aleksandr Khorev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788381898829
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uncertainty. This creates emotional discomfort. Everywhere should be let not straight lines, but clear lines separating one phenomenon from another, so that everything is not randomly dumped in one pile. There must be some logic in the structure of the world. In such cases, I try to figure out what’s what, put everything on the shelves, find some logic and calm down. After all, when you understand the essence of things or events, a feeling of freedom appears in your soul. You seem to see not only with your eyes, but with your mind. You begin to understand what the consequences of one or another of your actions will be and you can choose. You get the freedom to choose. You get room to maneuver. Then comes peace of mind and confidence in your actions. But it often happens that you do not understand what is going on around you, but different circumstances, most often lack of time, prevent you from understanding the problems, and you have to live with this feeling of misunderstanding. But since all these absurdities of our physical world were somewhere far away, outside the Earth and our lives were not directly affected, it was possible simply not to think about them until some time. It was possible to postpone the solution of these cosmic problems until better times, especially since there was an urgent, almost insoluble problem of an acute shortage of this very time. From this point of view, it can be considered a blessing that there are moments of forced inaction in life. Cervantes, for example, wrote the fat novel Don Quixote while in prison. I, too it was not from a good life that I found myself in a situation where for a long time I couldn’t do anything, just think. I then worked as a security guard at the bank and, according to the instructions, did nothing, only analyzed the situation around. When the entrance doors were closing behind the last client, I could even think about everything. That’s when I decided to deal with the cosmic inconsistencies. By the way, I once worked in the police and worked there for no less than seven years, and this upcoming disassembly rather resembled the most real detective investigation. In general, I decided to deal, finally, with all this.

      Since I had to deal with a whole complex of interrelated problems, I decided to act according to a certain method: take one problem and deal with it until the investigation rests on another unresolved problem, then switch to solving the newly encountered problem and only deciding her to return to the previous one. Thus, it was supposed to repeatedly return to the same problem as new information was received. The next point: I decided to formulate the questions as soon as they arose, even if it was impossible to immediately answer them. I am sure that with a picket fence of questions it is possible to impose a problem on all sides of the problem like a wolf with flags, and thus pave the way for its solution. You cannot answer all the questions, but the ability to put the question correctly is no less significant than the answer, because this question suggests in which direction to look for the answer. Likewise, a multitude of “no” may, in the end, indicate where the “yes” is hiding. If there was no unambiguous answer to a question, I decided to give several answers, including obviously foolish answers. Since I am an amateur, my answers can cause laughter or irritation of professionals. I am not against laughter, I am looking for the truth and I am ready to listen to any opinion. When I talk about stupid answers, I mean such a problem-solving method, like brainstorming, when no ideas to solve a problem are rejected, no matter how stupid they look at first glance. In addition, I decided to operate with properties not of the real physical world, but to create a mental model of the Universe and, investigating its properties, to compare their results with the existing physical laws of the real world. The model will help focus on the essentials, omitting unnecessary details. I called this mental Universe – the Universe of Khorev. Mount Sinai in Izraile has a second name – Khorev. In the Israil city of Haifa, the central avenue is called Khorev, and the shopping and medical centers located on this avenue are also called Khorev (Khorev is the English version of the writing of the name Хорев). So why not call the model of the Universe of the same name. In this Universe, the same physical laws apply. Anyway, until I figured it out.

      Yes, I want to say that by this time, when I begin to describe my mental experiments in my mental Universe, I had already managed to make many dives in this paradoxical cosmic world and had time to experiment. I was shocked by what I discovered. Instead of quietly, step by step, knowing some new properties of the cosmos, searching for a logical explanation of this or that phenomenon, every time I found myself in a situation when I wanted to exclaim, “This cannot be! It’s incredible! “I got the general impression that the world of space is a natural lunatic asylum, which is literally around the corner of our usual ideas about it.

      The feeling that I am in a circus does not leave me, and an illusionist appears in front of me and shows amazing tricks, the clue of which I am trying to find. Cosmos makes a fool of us! Alice in Wonderland will seem like the most truthful narration after what I learned about space! What is it worth, for example, the fact that we, it turns out, are getting information from space backwards, like in a movie, which the projectionist for laughter scrolls from end to beginning. Imagine such a situation: a small traffic accident. Person goes on the road and a car knocks him. Well, let’s say the car manages to brake, and the person gets off with a slight fright, but, nevertheless, he still falls on the roadway. Here we can see a clear causal relationship. That is, the consequence of the unexpected appearance of a pedestrian in front of a car is that the car knocks him down and a person falls. The beginning of the event is the exit of a person on the road. End of the event – a man lying on the road, hit by a car. So the same picture we get from space in this form:

      1. We see that a person lies on the road.

      2. That he rises and a car drives off him.

      3. Man, backing away, leaves the passageway.

      This is what the cosmos shows us. Moreover, he does this in a continuous round-the-clock mode almost from the moment of the Big Bang, and more precisely, from the moment of the appearance of electromagnetic radiation, that is, light.

      Proving that space is deceiving us in the transfer of information is very simple, and I am surprised that none of the scientists have yet paid attention to it. I will talk more about this later. This is just an example of one of the paradoxes of the cosmos.

      I began my research, not knowing to what extent everything in space is different from our usual life. This is a completely different world. We have to accept the rules of the game, which are dictated by this “other world”. But every time when I return to the familiar space of my room after another visit to this paradoxical world, I come to my senses for a long time, and at night I dream that I run my own collider on my garden plot or, having met myself in a dream, I explain to myself that I was able to return to the past and now there will be two of us.

      With some things, I more or less figured out, in any case, I was able to isolate and mark the individual details of the space device. But still, as I went deeper into the cosmic problems, I didn’t leave the feeling that I didn’t grasp the overall picture that made up these details. There is only a feeling that this picture is very peculiar. It is fundamentally different from the understanding of the cosmos, not only ordinary people, but also scientists.

      Well, now, it seems, I said everything.

      Chapter 1. Length, width, height

      Let’s start with simple things – the usual spatial dimensions: length, width and height. On the graph, these are the so-called Cartesian coordinates, the x, y, and z axes.

      These are straight lines, which is very pleasing. But the joy ends there. It is alarming that all three dimensions do not exist by themselves, but come from a single point. For some reason, this point is called zero by mathematicians. Although from my point of view, zero is nothing. It turns out that these three lines come out of nothing. Imagine now that in your room “nothing” is hiding in a corner, and in every corner. How many corners so many “nothing” and all this calls “nothing”. If we are to be honest to the end, then zero must be designated so that these