The Practical Astronomer. Thomas Dick. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Thomas Dick
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664605795
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the water, and their appearance at such times is a representation of the course of the refracted rays. Again, fill a pretty deep jar with water, and you will observe the bottom of the jar considerably elevated, so that it appears much shallower than it did before the water was poured in, in the proportion of nearly a third of its depth, which is owing to the same cause as that which makes the end of a stick immersed in water appear more elevated than it would do if there were no refraction. Another experiment may be just mentioned. Put a sixpence in a wine-glass, and pour upon it a little water. When viewed in a certain position, two sixpences will appear in the glass—one image of the sixpence from below, which comes directly to the eye, and another which appears considerably raised above the other, in consequence of the rays of light rising through the water, and being refracted. In this experiment the wine-glass should not be more than half filled with water.

      The refraction of light explains the causes of many curious and interesting phenomena both in the heavens and on the earth. When we stand on the banks of a river, and look obliquely through the waters to its bottom, we are apt to think it is much shallower than it really is. If it be eight feet deep in reality, it will appear from the bank to be only six feet; if it be five feet and a half deep, it will appear only about four feet. This is owing to the effects of refraction, by which the bottom of the river is apparently raised by the refraction of the light passing through the water into air, so as to make the bottom appear higher than it really is, as in the experiment with the jar of water. This is a circumstance of some importance to be known and attended to in order to personal safety. For many school-boys and other young persons have lost their lives by attempting to ford a river, the bottom of which appeared to be within their reach, when they viewed it from its banks: and even adult travellers on horseback have sometimes fallen victims to this optical deception; and this is not the only case in which a knowledge of the laws of nature may be useful in guarding us against dangers and fatal accidents.

      It is likewise owing to this refractive power in water, that a skilful marksman who wishes to shoot fish under water, is obliged to take aim considerably below the fish as it appears, because it seems much nearer the top of the water than it really is. An acquaintance with this property of light is particularly useful to divers, for, in any of their movements or operations, should they aim directly at the object, they would arrive at a point considerably beyond it; whereas, by having some idea of the depth of the water, and the angle which a line drawn from the eye to the object makes with its surface, the point at the bottom of the water, between the eye and the object at which the aim is to be taken, may be easily determined. For the same reason, a person below water does not see objects distinctly. For, as the aqueous humour of the eye has the same refractive power as water, the rays of light from any object under water will undergo no refraction in passing through the cornea, and aqueous humour, and will therefore meet in a point far behind the retina. But if any person accustomed to go below water should use a pair of spectacles, consisting of two convex lenses, the radius of whose surface is three tenths of an inch—which is nearly the radius of the convexity of the cornea—he will see objects as distinctly below water as above it.

      It is owing to refraction, that we cannot judge so accurately of magnitudes and distances in water as in air. A fish looks considerably larger in water than when taken out of it. An object plunged vertically into water always appears contracted, and the more so as its upper extremity approaches nearer the surface of the water. Every thing remaining in the same situation, if we take the object gradually out of the water, and it be of a slender form, we shall see it become larger and larger, by a rapid developement, as it were, of all its parts. The distortion of objects, seen through a crooked pane of glass in a window, likewise arises from its unequal refraction of the rays that pass through it. It has been calculated that in looking through the common glass of a window, objects appear about the one thirtieth of an inch out of their real place, by means of the refraction.

      Refraction likewise produces an effect upon the heavenly bodies, so that their apparent positions are generally different from their real. By the refractive power of the atmosphere, the sun is seen before he comes to the horizon in the morning, and after he sinks beneath it in the evening; and hence this luminary is never seen in the place in which it really is, except when it passes the zenith at noon, to places within the torrid zone. The sun is visible, when actually thirty-two minutes of a degree below the horizon, and when the opake rotundity of the earth is interposed between our eye and that orb, just on the same principle as, in the experiment with the shilling and basin of water, the shilling was seen when the edge of the basin interposed between it and the sight. The refractive power of the atmosphere has been found to be much greater, in certain cases, than what has been now stated. In the year 1595 a company of Dutch sailors having been wrecked on the shores of Nova Zembla, and having been obliged to remain in that desolate region during a night of more than three months—beheld the sun make his appearance in the horizon about sixteen days before the time in which he should have risen according to calculation, and when his body was actually more than four degrees below the horizon; which circumstance has been attributed to the great refractive power of the atmosphere in those intensely cold regions. This refraction of the atmosphere, which renders the apparent rising and setting of the sun both earlier and later than the real, produces at least one important beneficial effect. It procures for us the benefit of a much longer day, at all seasons of the year, than we should enjoy, did not this property of the atmosphere produce this effect. It is owing to the same cause that the disks of the sun and moon appear elliptical or oval, when seen in the horizon, their horizontal diameters appearing longer than their vertical—which is caused by the greater refraction of the rays coming from the lower limb, which is immersed in the densest part of the atmosphere.

      The illumination of the heavens which precedes the rising of the sun, and continues sometime after he is set—or, what is commonly called the morning and evening twilight—is likewise produced by the atmospherical refraction—which circumstance forms a very pleasing and beneficial arrangement in the system of nature. It not only prolongs to us the influence of the solar light, and adds nearly two hours to the length of our day, but prevents us from being transported all at once from the darkness of midnight to the splendour of noon-day, and from the effulgence of day to the gloom and horrors of the night—which would bewilder the traveller and navigator in their journeys by sea or land, and strike the living world with terror and amazement.

      The following figure will illustrate the position now stated, and the manner in which the refraction of the atmosphere produces these effects. Let A a C, fig. 4, represent one half of our globe, and the dark space between that curve and B r D, the atmosphere. A person standing on the earth’s surface at a would see the sun rise at b, when that luminary was in reality only at c—more than half a degree below the horizon. When the rays of the sun, after having proceeded in a straight line through empty space, strike the upper part of the atmosphere at the point d, they are bent out of their right-lined course, by the refraction of the atmosphere, into the direction d a, so that the body of the sun, though actually intercepted by the curve of the earth’s convexity consisting of a dense mass of land or water, is actually beheld by the spectator at a. The refractive power of the atmosphere gradually diminishes from the horizon to the zenith, and increases from the zenith to the horizon, in proportion to the density of its different strata, being densest at its lower extremity next the earth, and more rare towards its higher regions. If a person at a had the sun, e, in his zenith, he would see him where he really is; for his rays coming perpendicularly through the atmosphere, would be equally attracted in all directions, and would therefore suffer no inflection. But, about two in the afternoon, he would see the sun at i, though, in reality, he was at k, thirty-three seconds lower than his apparent situation. At about four in the afternoon he would see him at m, when he is at n, one minute and thirty-eight seconds from his apparent situation. But at six o’clock, when we shall suppose he sets, he will be seen at o, though he is at that time at p, more than thirty-two minutes below the horizon. These phenomena arise from the different refractive powers of the atmosphere at different elevations, and from the obliquity with which the rays of light fall upon it; for we see every object along that line in which the rays from it are directed by the last medium through which they passed.

      figure 4.

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