The Practical Astronomer. Thomas Dick. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Thomas Dick
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664605795
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of this kind is what has been termed the Fata Morgana, or optical appearances of figures in the sea and the air, as seen in the Faro of Messina. The following account is translated from a work of Minasi, who witnessed the phenomenon, and wrote a dissertation on the subject. “When the rising sun shines from that point whence its incident ray forms an angle of about forty-five degrees to the sea of Riggio, and the bright surface of the water in the bay is not disturbed either by the wind or the current, the spectator being placed on an eminence of the city, with his back to the sun and his face to the sea;—on a sudden there appear on the water, as in a catoptric theatre, various multiplied objects, that is to say, numberless series of pilasters, arches, castles well delineated, regular columns, lofty towers, superb palaces, with balconies and windows, extended alleys of trees, delightful plains with herds and flocks, armies of men on foot and horseback, and many other strange images, in their natural colours and proper actions, passing rapidly in succession along the surface of the sea, during the whole of the short period of time, while the above mentioned causes remain.—But, if in addition to the circumstances now described, the atmosphere be highly impregnated with vapour and dense exhalations, not previously dispersed by the winds or the sun, it then happens that, in this vapour, as in a curtain extended along the channel, at the height of about thirty palms, and nearly down to the sea, the observer will behold the scene of the same objects, not only reflected from the surface of the sea, but likewise in the air, though not so distant or well defined, as the former objects from the sea.—Lastly, if the air be slightly hazy or opake, and at the same time dewy and adapted to form the iris, the then above-mentioned objects will appear only at the surface of the sea, as in the first case, but all vividly coloured or fringed with red, green, blue and other prismatic colours.”11

      It is somewhat difficult to account for all the appearances here described; but, in all probability, they are produced by a calm sea, and one or more strata of superincumbent air differing in refractive and consequently in reflective power. At any rate reflection and refraction are some of the essential causes which operate in the production of the phenomena.

      The Mirage, seen in the deserts of Africa, is a phenomenon, in all probability produced by a similar cause. M. Monge, who accompanied the French army to Egypt, relates that, when in the desert between Alexandria and Cairo, the mirage of the blue sky was inverted, and so mingled with the sand below, as to give to the desolate and arid wilderness an appearance of the most rich and beautiful country. They saw, in all directions, green islands, surrounded with extensive lakes of pure, transparent water. Nothing could be conceived more lovely and picturesque than the landscape. In the tranquil surface of the lakes, the trees and houses with which the islands were covered, were strongly reflected with vivid and varied hues, and the party hastened forward to enjoy the cool refreshments of shade and stream which these populous villages proffered to them. When they arrived, the lake on whose bosom they floated, the trees among whose foliage they were embowered, and the people who stood on the shore inviting their approach, had all vanished, and nothing remained but an uniform and irksome desert of sand and sky, with a few naked huts and ragged Arabs. Had they not been undeceived by their nearer approach, there was not a man in the French army who would not have sworn that the visionary trees and lakes had a real existence in the midst of the desert.

      Dr. Clark observed precisely the same appearances at Rosetta. The city seemed surrounded with a beautiful sheet of water; and so certain was his Greek interpreter—who was unacquainted with the country—of this fact, that he was quite indignant at an Arab who attempted to explain to him that it was a mere optical delusion. At length they reached Rosetta in about two hours, without meeting with any water; and on looking back on the sand they had just crossed, it seemed to them as if they had waded through a vast blue lake.

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