Austral English. Edward Ellis Morris. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Edward Ellis Morris
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664653857
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Hobart, who contributed much to enrich my proofs. But the friend who has given me most help of all has been Mr. J. Lake of St. John's College, Cambridge. When the Dictionary was being prepared for press, he worked with me for some months, very loyally putting my materials into shape. Birds, Animals, and Botany he sub-edited for me, and much of the value of this part of the Book, which is almost an Encyclopaedia rather than a Dictionary, is due to his ready knowledge, his varied attainments, and his willingness to undertake research.

      To all who have thus rendered me assistance I tender hearty thanks. It is not their fault if, as is sure to be the case, defects and mistakes are found in this Dictionarv. But should the Book be received with public favour, these shall be corrected in a later edition.


      The University, Melbourne,

       February 23, 1897

       Table of Contents

      Ait. … Aiton.

       Andr. … Andrews.

      B. and L. . Barere and L.

       Bail. … Baillon.

       Bechst … Bechstein.

       Benth … Bentham.

       Bl. … Bleeker.

       Bodd. … Boddaert

      Bp. )

       ) . Bonaparte.

       Bonap. )

      R. Br … Robert Brown

       Brong … Brongniart.

      Cab. … Cabanis.

       Carr. … Carriere.

       Castln … Castelnau.

       Cav. … Cavanilles.

       Corr. … Correa.

      Cunn. )

       ) . A. Cunningham

       A. Cunn. )

      Cuv. … Cuvier.

      De C. … De Candolle.

       Dec. … Decaisne.

       Desf. … Desfontaines.

       Desm. … Desmarest.

       Desv. … Desvaux.

       De Tarrag. . De Tarragon

       Diet. … Dietrich.

       Donov … Donovan.

       Drap. … Drapiez.

       Dryand … Dryander.

      Endl. … Endlicher.

      Fab. … Fabricius.

       Forsk … Forskael.

       Forst … Forster.

       F. v. M … Ferdinand von Mueller

      G. Forst. . G. Forster.

       Gaertn … Gaertner.

       Gaim. … Gaimard.

       Garn. … Garnot.

       Gaud … Gaudichaud.

       Geoff … Geoffroy.

       Germ … Germar.

       Gmel … Gmelin.

       Guich … Guichenot.

       Gunth … Guenther.

      Harv … Harvey.

       Hasselq … Hasselquin.

       Haw. … Haworth.

       Hens … Henslow.

       Herb … Herbert.

       Homb … Hombron.

       Hook … J. Hooker.

       Hook. f … Hooker fils.

       Horsf … Horsfield.

      Ill. … Illiger.

      Jacq. … Jacquinot.

       Jard. … Jardine.

      L. and S. . Liddell and Scott.

      Lab. )

       ) . Labillardiere.

       Labill. )

      Lacep … Lacepede.

       Lath. … Latham.

       Lehm … Lehmann.

       Less … Lesson.

       L'herit … L'Heritier.

       Licht … Lichtenstein.

       Lindl … Lindley.

       Linn. … Linnaeus.

      Macl. … Macleay.

       McC. … McCoy.

       Meissn … Meissner.

       Menz … Menzies.

       Milne-Ed. . Milne-Edwards.

       Miq. … Miquel.

      Parlat … Parlatore.

       Pers. … Persoon.

      Plan. )

       ) . Planchol.

       Planch. )

      Poir … Poiret.

      Q. … Quoy.

      Rafll … Raffles.

       Rein. … Reinwardt.

       Reiss … Reisseck.

      Rich. )

       ) . Richardson.


      Roxb … Roxburgh

      Sal. … Salvadori.

       Salisb … Salisbury.

       Schau … Schauer.

      Schl. )

       ) . Schlechten


      Selb. … Selby.

       Ser. … Seringe.

       Serv. … Serville.

       Sieb. … Sieber.

       Sm. … Smith.

       Sol. … Solander.

       Sow. … Sowerby.

       Sparrm … Sparrman.

       Steph … Stephan.

       Sundev … Sundevall.

      Sw. )

       ) . Swainson.

       Swains. )

      Temm … Temminck.

       Thunb … Thunberg.

       Tul. … Tulasne.

      V. and H. . Vigors and Horsfield.

       Val. … Valenciennes.

       Vent. … Ventenat.

       Vieill … Vieillot.

       Vig. … Vigors.

      Wagl. … Wagler.

       Water … Waterhouse.

       Wedd. … Weddell.

       Willd … Willdenow.

      Zimm. … Zimmermann.

       Table of Contents

      q.v. <i>quod vide</i>, which see.

      i.q. <i>idem quod</i>, the same as.

      ibid. <i>ibidem</i>, in the