THE PIRATES OF THE HIGH SEAS – Know Your Infamous Buccaneers, Their Exploits & Their Real Histories (9 Books in One Edition). Даниэль Дефо. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Даниэль Дефо
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230846
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44 Wales. John Walden 24 Somersetshire. Jo. Stephenson 40 Whitby. Jo. Mansfield 30 Orkneys. Israel Hynde 30 Bristol. Peter Lesley 21 Aberdeen. Charles Bunce 26 Excter Robert Birtson 30 Other St. Maries Devonshire. Richard Harris 45 Cornwall. Joseph Nosuter 26 Sadbury in Devonshire. William Williams 30 Speechless at Execution. Agge Jacobson 30 Holland. Benjamin Jefferys 21 Bristol. Cuthbert Goss 21 Topsham. John Jessup 20 Plymouth. Edward Watts 22 Dunmore. Thomas Giles 26 Mine-head. William Wood 27 York. Thomas Armstrong 34 London, executed on board the Weymouth. Robert Johnson 32 at Whydah. George Smith 25 Wales. William Watts 23 Ireland. James Philips 35 Antegoa. John Coleman 24 Wales. Robert Hays 20 Liverpool. William Davis 23 Wales.

      The Remainder of the Pyrates, whose Names are under mentioned, upon their humble Petition to the Court, had their Sentence changed from Death, to seven Years Servitude, conformable to our Sentence of Transportation; the Petition is as follows.

      To the Honourable the President and Judges of the Court of Admiralty, for trying of Pyrates, sitting at Cape Corso-Castle. the 20th Day of April, 1722.

      The humble Petition of Thomas How, Samuel Fletcher, &c.

      Humbly sheweth,

      THAT your Petitioners being unhappily, and unwarily drawn into that wretched and detestable Crime of Pyracy, for which they now stand justly condemned, they most humbly pray the Clemency of the Court, in the Mitigation of their Sentence, that they may be permitted to serve the Royal African Company of England, in this Country for seven Years, in such a Manner as the Court shall think proper; that by their just Punishment, being made sensible of the Error of their former Ways, they will for the future become faithful Subjects, good Servants, and useful in their Stations, if it please the Almighty to prolong their Lives.

      And your Petitioners, as in Duty, &c.

      The Resolution of the Court was,

      THAT the Petitioners have Leave by this Court of Admiralty, to interchange Indentures with the Captain General of the Gold Coast, for the Royal African Company, for seven Years Servitude, at any of the Royal African Company's Settlements in Africa, in such Manner as he the said Captain General shall think proper.

      On Thursday the 26th Day of April, the Indentures being all drawn out, according to the Grant made to the Petitioners, by the Court held on Friday the 20th of this Instant; each Prisoner was sent for up, signed, sealed and exchanged them in the Presence of

      Captain Mungo Herdman, President,

      James Phipps, Esq;

      Mr. Edward Hyde,

      Mr. Charles Fanshaw,

      And Mr. John Atkins, Register.

       A Copy of the Indenture.

      The Indenture of a Person condemned to serve abroad for Pyracy, which, upon the humble Petition of the Pyrates therein mentioned, was most mercifully granted by his Imperial Majesty's Commissioners and Judges appointed to hold a Court of Admiralty, for the Tryal of Pyrates at Cape Corso-Castle, in Africa, upon Condition of serving seven Years, and other Conditions, are as follows, viz.

      THIS Indenture made the twenty sixth Day of April, Anno Regni Regis Georgii magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Septimo, Domini, Millessimo, Sepcentessimo viginti duo, between Roger Scot, late of the City of Bristol Mariner, of the one Part, and the Royal African Company of England, their Captain General and Commander in Chief, for the Time being, on the other Part, Witnesseth, that the said Roger Scot, doth hereby covenant, and agree to, and with, the said Royal African Company, their Captain General, and Commander in chief for the Time being, to serve him, or his lawful Successors, in any of the Royal African Company's Settlements on the Coast of Africa, from the Day of the Date of these Presents, to the full Term of seven Years, from hence next ensuing, fully to be complete and ended; there to serve in such Employment, as the said Captain General, or his Successors shall employ him; according to the Custom of the Country in like