THE PIRATES OF THE HIGH SEAS – Know Your Infamous Buccaneers, Their Exploits & Their Real Histories (9 Books in One Edition). Даниэль Дефо. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Даниэль Дефо
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230846
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if he did not immediately sheer off he would fire a Broadside into him. He went off and lay a Fortnight out at Sea, so far as not to be descry'd from Shoar, with Resolution to have the Ship. The French Man being on his Guard, in the mean while raised a Battery on the Shoar, which commanded the Harbour. After a Fortnight, when he was thought to be gone off, he return'd, and took two of the fishing Shallops belonging to the French Man, and manning them with pyrates, they went in; one Shallop attack'd the Battery, the other surpriz'd, boarded, and carry'd the Ship, just as the Morning Star appear'd, for which Reason he gave her that Name. In the Engagement the Owner's Son was kill'd, who made the Voyage out of Curiosity only. The Ship being taken, 7 Guns were fired, which was the Signal, and the Sloop came down and lay a Long-side the Ship. The Captain told him, he suppos'd he only wanted his Liquor; but Lewis made Answer, he wanted his Ship, and accordingly hoisted all his Ammunition and Provision into her. When the French Man saw they would take away his Ship, he told her Trim, and Lewis gave him the Sloop; and, excepting what he took for Provision, all the Fish he had made. Several of the French took on with him, who, with others, English and French, had by Force or voluntarily, made him up 200 Men.

      From Newfoundland he steer'd for the Coast of Guiney, where he took a great many Ships, English, Dutch, and Portuguese; among these Ships was one belonging to Carolina, commanded by Captain Smith.

      While he was in Chace of this Vessel an Accident happen'd, which made his Men believe he dealt with the Devil; for he carried away his Fore and Main-Top Mast; and he, Lewis, running up the Shrouds to the Main-Top, tore off a Handful of Hair, and throwing it into the Air, used this Expression, Good Devil take this till I come: And, it was observed, that he came afterwards faster up with the Chace than before the Loss of his Top-Masts.

      Smith being taken, Lewis used him very civilly, and gave him as much, or more in Value, than he took from him, and let him go, saying, he would come to Carolina when he had made Money on the Coast, and would rely on his Friendship.

      They kept some Time on the Coast, when they quarrell'd among themselves, the French and English, of which the former was more numerous, and they resolved to part: The French therefore chose a large Sloop newly taken, thinking the Ship's Bottom, which was not Sheath'd, damaged by the Worms.

      According to this Agreement they took on board what Ammunition and Provision they thought fit out of the Ship, and put off, chusing one le Barre Captain. As it blew hard, and the Decks were encumbered, they came to an Anchor under the Coast, to stow away their Ammunition, Goods, &c. Lewis told his Men, they were a Parcel of Rogues, and he would make ’em refund; accordingly run a Long-side his Guns, being all loaded and new primed, and ordered him to cut away his Mast, or he would sink him. le Barre was obliged to obey. Then he ordered them all ashoar; they begged to have Liberty of carrying their Arms, Goods, &c. with ’em, but he allow'd ’em only their small Arms, and Cartridge Boxes. Then he brought the Sloop a Long-side, put every Thing on board the Ship, and sunk the Sloop.

      le Barre and the rest begg'd to be taken on board; however, though he denied ’em, he suffered le Barre and some few to come, with whom he and his Men drank plentifully. The Negroes on board Lewis told him, the French had a Plot against him. He answer'd, he could not withstand his Destiny; for the Devil told him in the great Cabin, he should be murdered that Night.

      In the dead of Night came the rest of the French on board in Canoes, got into the Cabbin and killed Lewis; they fell on the Crew, but, after an Hour and Half's Dispute, the French were beat off, and the Quarter-Master, John Cornelius, an Irish Man, succeeded Lewis.

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