A Treatise on the Diseases Produced By Onanism, Masturbation, Self-Pollution, and Other Excesses. L. Deslandes. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: L. Deslandes
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664633859
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of all kinds, and numerous organic affections result, as observation proves, sooner or later from anticipated pleasures: now as the susceptibility of the organs varies in individuals, and as in one, the heart, in another the lungs, the stomach &c. is most liable to be affected, we see why the list of diseases caused by onanism, comprises most of those which afflict the human body.

      Nor is this all; if the excitement of a sense, which affects all the other organs, and to which they respond, occurs at a time when their mode of action and of sensation, or their temperament is not formed, this latter varies from what it would be, if developed calmly and uninfluenced by this excited sense. Hence not only the health but the constitution suffers from the too precocious use of the genital organs. He who might have attained the age of manhood, with a robust temperament by which his body resists numerous bad influences by which it is constantly assailed, will after indulging in onanism, be exposed to all these influences. This vice then compromises both the present and future health of the body; the present by the diseases with which it is accompanied, and the future by those for which it prepares. Hence if the young man escapes with life, he is as it were loaded with a tribute of ills which he must pay before long and perhaps always. Thus the indirect influence of onanism in producing human suffering is enormous. I consider it even as greater in proportion than that of the most immediate consequences of this fatal habit. This is confirmed not only by daily observation, but it cannot be otherwise. How much then do those deceive themselves who seek for the diseases of masturbation without believing in their existence, and who continue to indulge because they do not see its abuses.

      If premature indulgence cause so much injury it should be one of the most interesting duties of humanity to prevent children and young persons from abusing themselves, and although the practice of onanism cannot be controlled by laws, legislators might however fix the age under which marriages could not legally take place. We must however admit that circumstances connected with the social state of different people, with the power of procuring the means of subsistence for a family and the necessity of having vigorous children have contributed not a little to fix this age. Thus the laws frequently present differences which can only be explained by taking into view the necessities under which they were passed. Females however are allowed to marry much younger than males: this depends on two facts, first because puberty takes place earlier in females than in males, and secondly because the latter require their organization to be more advanced to resist the fatigue of generation.

      The age at which the venereal power enters into full action, and when its exercise is attended with the least detriment has been generally determined on two distinct grounds: first, the physical aptitude for sexual intercourse: second, the general state of the organization. The marriageable age has been fixed at an earlier or later period according as legislators have assumed one or the other of these bases. The first served as foundations for the matrimonial laws of the Romans: and probably the second served as a guide to Lycurgus, who prohibited men from marrying before the age of thirty-seven, and to Plato who recommended that every child born of a female younger than twenty years old or begotten by a man less than thirty years, should be branded with infamy. J. J. Rousseau too reasons in the same manner: “until the age of twenty,” he says, “the body grows and has need of all its substance: continence is natural, and if not observed it is at the expense of the constitution.”

      Although the physical aptitude for coition comes at the age of puberty, this fact proves nothing except that the genital organs can then be used. It does not follow that the genital power is fully developed or that the body is in the state most favorable for its use. Who would venture to say; that because masturbation is practicable in early infancy that it is not more injurious than at a later period of life? Hence the cause and degree of the evils attendant on premature indulgence is to be sought for in the degree of perfection of the organism as we have already stated. We therefore think ourselves justified in saying that other things being equal the period of life when the act of venery is attended with the least trouble, is that which begins when the organization is completed, is perfected; and as a reverse of this formula, we may say, that other things being equal, venereal enjoyments anterior to this period, are more detrimental, the less perfect the system is.

      The perfect state then is the point to which the system must arrive, before the act of venery is permitted, and before marriage is allowable. There is then no longer any fear of disturbing the formative process. Look at animals, those at least which are not domesticated; they do not indulge in the act of reproduction, until they have attained their full vigor, and how often too do severe battles take place for a female. The domestic animals live in a manner which hastens the development of the venereal sense; and they often indulge in procreating at an early period, but suffer for it, and the genital faculties soon become extinct. It seems also to be proved by the researches of Hofalker of Inspruch and Girou of Buzaringues, that both in man and animals the age of the individuals has an influence on the sex and quality of the offspring. But why look to animals for proofs? Daily observation and the testimony of all authors, put beyond all doubt the danger of precocious indulgence. There are certainly numerous individuals of every age who indulge in venereal excesses; but those cases which come under our notice, or whose histories are related by authors, are generally those of young people. Different causes I know may contribute to this result; one of the principal is, that masturbation is the act of venery most frequently practised before the adult age, and that this is generally more pernicious than coition. We have already stated one reason for this difference; we may add that as onanism does not require the concurrence of the sexes, it is more liable on this account to excess. But do these causes alone explain why the immediate consequences of venereal excesses are not seen with but few exceptions except at an early period of life. The enormous disproportion arises from the precocity of these excesses, and also from the state of the economy before it is perfect.

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