The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: 150+ Titles in One Edition. Oscar Wilde. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Oscar Wilde
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027237197
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thank thee, my Lord Justice, heartily;

       I like your law.


      I like no law at all:

       Were there no law there’d be no law-breakers,

       So all men would be virtuous.


      So they would;

       ‘Tis a wise saying that, and brings you far.


      Ay! to the gallows, knave.


      Is this the law?


      It is the law most certainly, my liege.


      Show me the book: ‘tis written in blood-red.


      Look at the Duchess.


      Thou accursed law,

       I would that I could tear thee from the state

       As easy as I tear thee from this book.

       [Tears out the page.]

       Come here, Count Bardi: are you honourable?

       Get a horse ready for me at my house,

       For I must ride to Venice instantly.


      To Venice, Madam?


      Not a word of this,

       Go, go at once. [Exit COUNT BARDI.]

       A moment, my Lord Justice.

       If, as thou sayest it, this is the law -

       Nay, nay, I doubt not that thou sayest right,

       Though right be wrong in such a case as this -

       May I not by the virtue of mine office

       Adjourn this court until another day?


      Madam, you cannot stay a trial for blood.


      I will not tarry then to hear this man

       Rail with rude tongue against our sacred person.

       Come, gentlemen.


      My liege,

       You cannot leave this court until the prisoner

       Be purged or guilty of this dread offence.


      Cannot, Lord Justice? By what right do you

       Set barriers in my path where I should go?

       Am I not Duchess here in Padua,

       And the state’s regent?


      For that reason, Madam,

       Being the fountain-head of life and death

       Whence, like a mighty river, justice flows,

       Without thy presence justice is dried up

       And fails of purpose: thou must tarry here.


      What, wilt thou keep me here against my will?


      We pray thy will be not against the law.


      What if I force my way out of the court?


      Thou canst not force the Court to give thee way.


      I will not tarry. [Rises from her seat.]


      Is the usher here?

       Let him stand forth. [Usher comes forward.]

       Thou knowest thy business, sir.

       [The Usher closes the doors of the court, which are L., and when the DUCHESS and her retinue approach, kneels down.]


      In all humility I beseech your Grace

       Turn not my duty to discourtesy,

       Nor make my unwelcome office an offence.


      Is there no gentleman amongst you all

       To prick this prating fellow from our way?


      [drawing his sword]

       Ay! that will I.


      Count Maffio, have a care,

       And you, sir. [To JEPPO.]

       The first man who draws his sword

       Upon the meanest officer of this Court,

       Dies before nightfall.


      Sirs, put up your swords:

       It is most meet that I should hear this man.

       [Goes back to throne.]


      Now hast thou got thy enemy in thy hand.


      [taking the time-glass up]

       Guido Ferranti, while the crumbling sand

       Falls through this time-glass, thou hast leave to speak.

       This and no more.


      It is enough, my lord.


      Thou standest on the extreme verge of death;

       See that thou speakest nothing but the truth,

       Naught else will serve thee.


      If I speak it not,

       Then give my body to the headsman there.


      [turns the time-glass]

       Let there be silence while the prisoner speaks.


      Silence in the Court there.


      My Lords Justices,

       And reverent judges of this worthy court,

       I hardly know where to begin my tale,

       So strangely dreadful is this history.

       First, let me tell you of what birth I am.

       I am the son of that good Duke Lorenzo

       Who was with damned treachery done to death

       By a most wicked villain, lately Duke

       Of this good town of Padua.


      Have a care,

       It will avail thee nought to mock