Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Complete. Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664187635
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barbarism, all the prisoners taken from you shall be immediately

       made responsible for it with the most deplorable vengeance, for I

       entertain for the officers of your nation that esteem which is due

       to brave soldiers.

      The Executive Directory, to whom these letters were transmitted, approved of the arrest of M. Moulin; but ordered that he should be securely guarded, and not brought to trial, in consequence of the character with which he had been invested.

      About the middle of the year 1796 the Directory proposed to appoint General Kellerman, who commanded the army of the Alps, second in command of the army of Italy.

      On the 24th of May 1796 Bonaparte wrote to, Carnot respecting, this plan, which was far from being agreeable to him. He said, "Whether I shall be employed here or anywhere else is indifferent to me: to serve the country, and to merit from posterity a page in our history, is all my ambition. If you join Kellerman and me in command in Italy you will undo everything. General Kellerman has more experience than I, and knows how to make war better than I do; but both together, we shall make it badly. I will not willingly serve with a man who considers himself the first general in Europe."

      Numbers of letters from Bonaparte to his wife have been published. I cannot deny their authenticity, nor is it my wish to do so. I will, however, subjoin one which appears to me to differ a little from the rest. It is less remarkable for exaggerated expressions of love, and a singularly ambitious and affected style, than most of the correspondence here alluded to. Bonaparte is announcing the victory of Arcola to Josephine.

      VERONA, the 29th, noon.

       At length, my adored Josephine, I live again. Death is no longer

       before me, and glory and honour are still in my breast. The enemy

       is beaten at Arcola. To-morrow we will repair the blunder of

       Vaubois, who abandoned Rivoli. In eight days Mantua will be ours,

       and then thy husband will fold thee in his arms, and give thee a

       thousand proofs of his ardent affection. I shall proceed to Milan

       as soon as I can: I am a little fatigued. I have received letters

       from Eugène and Hortense. I am delighted with the children. I will

       send you their letters as soon as I am joined by my household, which

       is now somewhat dispersed.

       We have made five thousand prisoners, and killed at least six

       thousand of the enemy. Adieu, my adorable Josephine. Think of me

       often. When you cease to love your Achilles, when your heart grows

       cool towards him, you wilt be very cruel, very unjust. But I am

       sure you will always continue my faithful mistress, as I shall ever

       remain your fond lover ('tendre amie'). Death alone can break the

       union which sympathy, love, and sentiment have formed. Let me have

       news of your health. A thousand and a thousand kisses.

      It is impossible for me to avoid occasionally placing myself in the foreground in the course of these Memoirs. I owe it to myself to answer, though indirectly, to certain charges which, on various occasions, have been made against me. Some of the documents which I am about to insert belong, perhaps, less to the history of the General-in-Chief of the army of-Italy than to that of his secretary; but I must confess I wish to show that I was not an intruder, nor yet pursuing, as an obscure intriguer, the path of fortune. I was influenced much more by friendship than by ambition when I took a part on the scene where the rising-glory of the future Emperor already shed a lustre on all who were attached to his destiny. It will be seen by the following letters with what confidence I was then honoured; but these letters, dictated by friendship, and not written for history, speak also of our military achievements; and whatever brings to recollection the events of that heroic period must still be interesting to many.


       20th Prairial, year IV. (8th June 1796).

       The General-in-Chief has ordered me, my dear Bourrienne, to make

       known to you the pleasure he experienced on hearing of you, and his

       ardent desire that you should join us. Take your departure, then,

       my dear Bourrienne, and arrive quickly. You may be certain of

       obtaining the testimonies of affection which are your due from all

       who know you; and we much regret that you were not with us to have a

       share in our success. The campaign which we have just concluded

       will be celebrated in the records of history. With less than 30,000

       men, in a state of almost complete destitution, it is a fine thing

       to have, in the course of less than two months, beaten, eight

       different times, an army of from 65 to 70,000 men, obliged the King

       of Sardinia to make a humiliating peace, and driven the Austrians

       from Italy. The last victory, of which you have doubtless had an

       account, the passage of the Mincio, has closed our labours. There

       now remain for us the siege of Mantua and the castle of Milan; but

       these obstacles will not detain us long. Adieu, my dear Bourrienne:

       I repeat General Bonaparte's request that you should repair hither,

       and the testimony of his desire to see you.

       Receive, etc., (Signed) MARMONT.

       Chief of Brigade (Artillery) and Aide de camp to the


      I was obliged to remain at Sens, soliciting my erasure from the emigrant list, which I did not obtain, however, till 1797, and to put an end to a charge made against me of having fabricated a certificate of residence. Meanwhile I applied myself to study, and preferred repose to the agitation of camps. For these reasons I did not then accept his friendly invitation, notwithstanding that I was very desirous of seeing my young college friend in the midst of his astonishing triumphs. Ten months after, I received another letter from Marmont, in the following terms:—


       2d Germinal, year V. (22d March 1797).

       The General-in-Chief, my dear Bourrienne, has ordered me to express

       to you his wish for your prompt arrival here. We have all along

       anxiously desired to see you, and look forward with great pleasure

       to the moment when we shall meet. I join with the General, my dear

       Bourrienne, in urging you to join the army without loss of time.

       You will increase a united family, happy to receive you into its

       bosom. I enclose an order written by the General, which will serve

       you as a passport. Take the post route and arrive as soon as you

       can. We are on the point of penetrating into Germany. The language

       is changing already, and in four days we shall hear no more Italian.

       Prince Charles has been well beaten, and we are pursuing him. If

       this campaign be fortunate, we may sign a peace, which is so

       necessary for Europe, in Vienna. Adieu, my dear Bourrienne: reckon

       for something the zeal of one who is much attached to you.

       (Signed) MARMONT.


       Headquarters, Gorizia, 2d Germinal, year V.

       The citizen Bourrienne is to come