Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Complete. Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664187635
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set off for

       Vienna—Return to Paris, where I again meet Bonaparte—His singular

       plans for raising money—Louis XVI, with the red cap on his head—

       The 10th of August—My departure for Stuttgart—Bonaparte goes to

       Corsica—My name inscribed on the list of emigrants—Bonaparte at

       the siege of Toulon—Le Souper de Beaucaire—Napoleon's mission to

       Genoa—His arrest—His autographical justification

      —Duroc's first connection with Bonaparte.

      Bonaparte was fifteen years and two months old when he went to the Military College of Paris.

      —[Madame Junot relates some interesting particulars connected with

       Napoleon's first residence in Paris:

       "My mother's first care," says she, "on arriving in Paris was to

       inquire after Napoleon Bonaparte. He was at that time in the

       military school at Paris, having quitted Brienne in the September of

       the preceding year.

       "My uncle Demetrius had met him just after he alighted from the coach

       which brought him to town; 'And truly.' said my uncle, 'he had the

       appearance of a fresh importation. I met him in the Palms Royal,

       where he was gaping and staring with wonder at everything he saw.

       He would have been an excellent subject for sharpers, if, indeed, he

       had had anything worth taking!' My uncle invited him to dine at his

       house; for though my uncle was a bachelor, he did not choose to dine

       at a 'traiteur' (the name 'restaurateur' was not then introduced).

       He told my mother that Napoleon was very morose. 'I fear,' added

       he, 'that that young man has more self-conceit than is suitable to

       his condition. When he dined with me he began to declaim violently

       against the luxury of the young men of the military school. After a

       little he turned the conversation on Mania, and the present

       education of the young Maniotes, drawing a comparison between it and

       the ancient Spartan system of education. His observations on this

       head he told me he intended to embody in a memorial to be presented

       to the Minister of War. All this, depend upon it, will bring him

       under the displeasure of his comrades; and it will be lucky if he

       escape being run through.' A few days afterwards my mother saw

       Napoleon, and then his irritability was at its height. He would

       scarcely bear any observations, even if made in his favour, and I am

       convinced that it is to this uncontrollable irritability that he

       owed the reputation of having been ill-tempered in his boyhood, and

       splenetic in his youth. My father, who was acquainted with almost

       all the heads of the military school, obtained leave for him

       sometimes to come out for recreation. On account of an accident (a

       sprain, if I recollect rightly) Napoleon once spent a whole week at

       our house. To this day, whenever I pass the Quai Conti, I cannot

       help looking up at a 'mansarde' at the left angle of the house on

       the third floor. That was Napoleon's chamber when he paid us a

       visit, and a neat little room it was. My brother used to occupy the

       one next to it. The two young men were nearly of the same age: my

       brother perhaps had the advantage of a year or fifteen months. My

       mother had recommended him to cultivate the friendship of young

       Bonaparte; but my brother complained how unpleasant it was to find

       only cold politeness where he expected affection. This

       repulsiveness on the part of Napoleon was almost offensive, and must

       have been sensibly felt by my brother, who was not only remarkable

       for the mildness of his temper and the amenity and grace of his

       manner, but whose society was courted in the most distinguished

       circles of Paris on account of his accomplishments. He perceived in

       Bonaparte a kind of acerbity and bitter irony, of which he long

       endeavoured to discover the cause. 'I believe,' said Albert one day

       to my mother, 'that the poor young man feels keenly his dependent

       situation.'" ('Memoirs of the Duchesse d'Abrantes, vol. i. p. 18,

       edit. 1883).]—

      I accompanied him in a carriole as far as Nogent Sur Seine, whence the coach was to start. We parted with regret, and we did not meet again till the year 1792. During these eight years we maintained an active correspondence; but so little did I anticipate the high destiny which, after his elevation, it was affirmed the wonderful qualities of his boyhood plainly denoted, that I did not preserve one of the letters he wrote to me at that period, but tore them up as soon as they were answered.

      —[I remember, however, that in a letter which I received from him

       about a year after his arrival in Paris he urged me to keep my

       promise of entering the army with him. Like him, I had passed

       through the studies necessary for the artillery service; and in 1787

       I went for three months to Metz, in order to unite practice with

       theory. A strange Ordinance, which I believe was issued in 1778 by

       M. de Segur, required that a man should possess four quarterings of

       nobility before he could be qualified to serve his king and country

       as a military officer. My mother went to Paris, taking with her the

       letters patent of her husband, who died six weeks after my birth.

       She proved that in the year 1640 Louis XIII. had, by letters

       patent, restored the titles of one Fauvelet de Villemont, who in

       1586 had kept several provinces of Burgundy subject to the king's

       authority at the peril of his life and the loss of his property; and

       that his family had occupied the first places in the magistracy

       since the fourteenth century. All was correct, but it was observed

       that the letters of nobility had not been registered by the

       Parliament, and to repair this little omission, the sum of twelve

       thousand francs was demanded. This my mother refused to pay, and

       there the matter rested.]—

      On his arrival at the Military School of Paris, Bonaparte found the establishment on so brilliant and expensive a footing that he immediately addressed a memorial on the subject to the Vice-Principal Berton of Brienne.

      —[A second memoir prepared by him to the same effect was intended

       for the Minister of War, but Father Berton wisely advised silence to

       the young cadet (Iung, tome i. p. 122). Although believing in the

       necessity of show and of magnificence in public life, Napoleon

       remained true to these principles. While lavishing wealth on his