Информация о произведении:
A Baked Soup.
Chicken Scallop.
Green Peas.
New Potatoes.
Huckleberries, Cream, and Cake.
Potage aux Croûtons.
Devilled Crab.
Corned Beef and Turnips.
Lima Beans.
Plain Boiled Pudding.
Butter (or Lima) Bean Soup.
Breaded Veal Cutlets.
Mashed Potatoes.
Devilled Tomatoes.
Baked Huckleberry Pudding.
Bean and Tomato Soup.
Fricasseed Chicken.
Boiled Onions with Sauce.
Green Pea Cakes.
Potatoes à la Lyonnaise.
Baked Cup Custards.
Corn Soup.
Mayonnaise of Lobster.
Beefsteak au Maître D’Hôtel.
Stewed Lima Beans.
Fried Cucumbers.
Boiled Potatoes.
Blackberry Pie.
Iced Tea.
Kilkenny Soup.
Mutton Chops.
Ragoût of Vegetables.
Stewed Tomatoes.
Indian Pudding.
Macaroni Soup.
Stewed Ducks.
Boiled Corn.
Fried Egg-plant.
Potato Salad.
Almond Custard, with Cocoanut Frost.
Clam Soup.
Ragoût of Duck and Green Peas.
Potatoes, with Cheese Sauce.
Blackberries, Huckleberries, and Cream.
A Summer Soup.
Veal Collops.
Tomato Sauce.
Raw Cucumbers.
Apple Compote au Gratin.
Beef Noodle Soup.
Boiled Chickens and Tongue.
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