Jimgrim Series. Talbot Mundy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Talbot Mundy
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027248568
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an oven door behind us. There the animals went best foot forward, as if they smelled the dawn and hoped to meet it sooner by hurrying. We had quite a job to keep back for the loaded beasts, and three or four men, instead of one, brought up the rear to prevent straggling.

      Then, about an hour before dawn, in a hollow between sparsely vegetated sand-dunes, Grim ordered camp pitched, and in very few minutes there was a row of little cotton tents erected, with a small fire in front of each.

      Most of the camels were turned out at once to graze off the unappetizing- looking thorns, sparse and dusty, that peppered the field of view like scabs on a yellow skin. There was no fear of their wandering too far, for if the camel ever was wild, as many maintain that he never was, that was so long ago that the whole species has forgotten it, and he wouldn’t know what to do without his owner somewhere near.

      He has to be used at night, because he will not eat at night; on the other hand, he refuses to sleep in the daytime; so there is a limit to what you can do with a camel, in spite of his endurance, and once in so many days he has to be given a twenty-four hour rest so that he may catch up on both food and sleep.

      But on the dry plains such as where we were then they give less trouble than anywhere. For though they soon go sick on good corn, which a horse must have, they thrive and grow fat on desert gleanings; and whereas sweet water will make their bellies ache oftener than not, the brackish, dirty stuff from wells by the Dead Sea shore is nectar to them.

      Have you ever seen twenty camels rolling all at once with their legs in the air, preparatory to making breakfast off dry thorns that you wouldn’t dare handle with gloves on? If so, you’ll understand that they’re the perfect opposite of every other useful beast that lives.

      But not all the camels were turned out. Grim chose Mujrim—Ali Baba’s eldest son—a black-bearded, forty-year-old giant—two of the younger men, Narayan Singh and me; and with the lady Ayisha’s beast in tow with the empty shibriyah set off directly the sun was a span high over the nearest dune.

      We rode almost straight toward the sun, and in five minutes it appeared how close we were to the village whence danger might be expected. It was a straggling, thatched, squalid-looking cluster of huts, surrounded by a mud wall with high, arched gates. Only one minaret like a candle topped with an extinguisher pretended to anything like architecture, and even from where we were you could see the rubbish-heaps piled outside the wall to reek and fester. There was a vulture on top of the minaret, and kites and crows —those inevitable harbingers of man—were already busy with the day’s work.

      The village Arabs are perfunctory about prayer, unless unctuous strangers are in sight, who might criticize. So, although we approached at prayer-time, it was hardly a minute after we rose in view over a low dune before a good number of men were on the wall gazing in our direction. And before we had come within a mile of the place the west gate opened and a string of camel-men rode out.

      The man at their head was the sheikh by the look of him, for we could see his striped silk head-dress even at that distance, and he seemed to have a modern rifle as against the spears and long-barreled muskets of the others. There were about two-score of them, and they rode like the wind in a half circle, with the obvious intention of surrounding us. Grim led straight on.

      They rode around and around us once or twice before the man in the striped head-gear called a halt. He seemed disturbed by Grim’s nonchalance, and asked our business with not more than half a challenge in his voice.

      “Water,” Grim answered. “Did Allah make no wells in these parts?”

      It doesn’t pay to do as much as even to suggest your real reason for visiting an Arab village, for they won’t believe you in any case.

      “What have you in the shibriyah?”

      “Come and see.”

      The Sheikh Mahommed Abbas drew near alone, suspiciously, with his cocked rifle laid across his lap. His men began moving again, circling around us slowly—I suppose with the idea of annoying us; for that is an old trick, to irritate your intended victim until some ill-considered word or gesture gives excuse for an attack. But we all sat our camels stock-still, and, following Grim’s example, kept our rifles slung behind us.

      The sheikh was a rather fine-looking fellow, except for smallpox marks. He had a hard eye, and a nose like an eagle’s beak; and that sort of face is always wonderfully offset by a pointed black beard such as he wore. But there was something about the way he sat his camel that suggested laziness, and his lips were not thin and resolute enough to my mind, to match that beard and nose. I would have bet on three of a kind against him sky-high, even if he had passed the draw.

      He drew aside the curtain of the shibriyah gingerly, as if he expected a trick mechanism that might explode a bomb in his face.

      “Mashallah! Where is the woman?” he exclaimed.

      I found out then that I was right as to the way to play that supposititious poker hand. Grim had doped him out too, and answered promptly without changing a muscle of his face.

      “Wallahi! Should I bring my wife to this place?”

      “Allah! Thy wife?”

      “Whose else?”

      “It was Ali Higg’s wife according to the tale!”

      “Some fools swallow tales as the dogs eat the offal thrown to them! By the beard of God’s Prophet, whom do you take me for?”

      “Kif?* How should I know?”

      “Go and ask the kites, then, at Dat Ras!”

      “You are he? You are he who slew the—Shi ajib!* Now I think of it they did say he was beardless. Nay! Are you—Speak! Who are you?”

      “Does your wife wander abroad while you herd cattle?” Grim asked him.

      “Allah forbid! But—”

      “Is my honor likely less than yours?”

      “Then you are Ali Higg?”

      “Who else?”

      “And these?”

      “My servants.”

      “Your honor travels abroad with a scant escort!”

      “Let us see, then, whether it is not enough! A tale was told me of a black-faced liar on a Bishareen dromedary who fled hither from El-Kalil last night to persuade the dogs of this place to bark in some hunt of his. There was mention made of a woman. My men pursued him along the road, but fear gave him wings. Hand him over!”

      “Allah! He is my guest.”

      “Or let us see whether I cannot fire one shot and summon enough men to eat this place!”

      “That is loud talk. They tell me you travel with but twenty.”

      “Try me!”

      You didn’t have to be much of a thought-reader to know what was passing in that sheikh’s mind. Supposing that Grim were really the notorious Ali Higg, he might easily have left Hebron with twenty men and have been joined by fifty or a hundred others in the night. Or there might be others on the way to meet him now. It was a big risk, for Ali Higg’s vengeance was always the same; he simply turned a horde of men loose to work their will on the inhabitants of any village that defied him. The sheikh was not quite sure yet that he really sat face to face with the redoubtable robber, yet did not dare put that doubt to the test.

      “Is that all Your Honor wants?” he asked. “Just that messenger?”

      “Him and his camel—and another thing.”

      “What else, then? We are poor folk in this place. There has been a bad season. We have neither corn nor money.”

      “If I needed corn or money I would come and take them,” Grim answered. “I have no present need. I give an order.”

      “Allah! What then?”
