The Complete Works of John Keats: Poems, Plays & Personal Letters. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230198
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But if, as now it seems, your vision rests

       With any pleasure on me, do not bid Old Apollonius — from him keep me hid.”

       Lycius, perplex’d at words so blind and blank,

       Made close inquiry; from whose touch she shrank,

       Feigning a sleep; and he to the dull shade

       Of deep sleep in a moment was betray’d.

      It was the custom then to bring away

       The bride from home at blushing shut of day,

       Veil’d, in a chariot, heralded along

       By strewn flowers, torches, and a marriage song,

       With other pageants: but this fair unknown Had not a friend. So being left alone,

       (Lycius was gone to summon all his kin)

       And knowing surely she could never win

       His foolish heart from its mad pompousness,

       She set herself, high-thoughted, how to dress

       The misery in fit magnificence.

       She did so, but ’tis doubtful how and whence

       Came, and who were her subtle servitors.

       About the halls, and to and from the doors,

       There was a noise of wings, till in short space The glowing banquet-room shone with wide-arched grace.

       A haunting music, sole perhaps and lone

       Supportress of the faery-roof, made moan

       Throughout, as fearful the whole charm might fade.

       Fresh carved cedar, mimicking a glade

       Of palm and plantain, met from either side,

       High in the midst, in honour of the bride:

       Two palms and then two plantains, and so on,

       From either side their stems branch’d one to one

       All down the aisled place; and beneath all There ran a stream of lamps straight on from wall to wall.

       So canopied, lay an untasted feast

       Teeming with odours. Lamia, regal drest,

       Silently paced about, and as she went,

       In pale contented sort of discontent,

       Mission’d her viewless servants to enrich

       The fretted splendour of each nook and niche.

       Between the tree-stems, marbled plain at first,

       Came jasper pannels; then, anon, there burst

       Forth creeping imagery of slighter trees, And with the larger wove in small intricacies.

       Approving all, she faded at self-will,

       And shut the chamber up, close, hush’d and still,

       Complete and ready for the revels rude,

       When dreadful guests would come to spoil her solitude.

      The day appear’d, and all the gossip rout.

       O senseless Lycius! Madman! wherefore flout

       The silent-blessing fate, warm cloister’d hours,

       And show to common eyes these secret bowers?

       The herd approach’d; each guest, with busy brain, Arriving at the portal, gaz’d amain,

       And enter’d marveling: for they knew the street,

       Remember’d it from childhood all complete

       Without a gap, yet ne’er before had seen

       That royal porch, that high-built fair demesne;

       So in they hurried all, maz’d, curious and keen:

       Save one, who look’d thereon with eye severe,

       And with calm-planted steps walk’d in austere;

       ’Twas Apollonius: something too he laugh’d,

       As though some knotty problem, that had daft His patient thought, had now begun to thaw,

       And solve and melt:— ’twas just as he foresaw.

      He met within the murmurous vestibule

       His young disciple. “’Tis no common rule,

       Lycius,” said he, “for uninvited guest

       To force himself upon you, and infest

       With an unbidden presence the bright throng

       Of younger friends; yet must I do this wrong,

       And you forgive me.” Lycius blush’d, and led

       The old man through the inner doors broad-spread; With reconciling words and courteous mien

       Turning into sweet milk the sophist’s spleen.

      Of wealthy lustre was the banquet-room,

       Fill’d with pervading brilliance and perfume:

       Before each lucid pannel fuming stood

       A censer fed with myrrh and spiced wood,

       Each by a sacred tripod held aloft,

       Whose slender feet wide-swerv’d upon the soft

       Wool-woofed carpets: fifty wreaths of smoke

       From fifty censers their light voyage took To the high roof, still mimick’d as they rose

       Along the mirror’d walls by twin-clouds odorous.

       Twelve sphered tables, by silk seats insphered,

       High as the level of a man’s breast rear’d

       On libbard’s paws, upheld the heavy gold

       Of cups and goblets, and the store thrice told

       Of Ceres’ horn, and, in huge vessels, wine

       Come from the gloomy tun with merry shine.

       Thus loaded with a feast the tables stood,

       Each shrining in the midst the image of a God.

      When in an antichamber every guest

       Had felt the cold full sponge to pleasure press’d,

       By minist’ring slaves, upon his hands and feet,

       And fragrant oils with ceremony meet

       Pour’d on his hair, they all mov’d to the feast

       In white robes, and themselves in order placed

       Around the silken couches, wondering

       Whence all this mighty cost and blaze of wealth could spring.

      Soft went the music the soft air along,

       While fluent Greek a vowel’d undersong 0 Kept up among the guests, discoursing low

       At first, for scarcely was the wine at flow;

       But when the happy vintage touch’d their brains,

       Louder they talk, and louder come the strains

       Of powerful instruments: — the gorgeous dyes,

       The space, the splendour of the draperies,

       The roof of awful richness, nectarous cheer,

       Beautiful slaves, and Lamia’s self, appear,

       Now, when the wine has done its rosy deed,

       And every soul from human trammels freed, No more so strange; for merry wine, sweet wine,

       Will make Elysian shades not too fair, too divine.

       Soon was God Bacchus at meridian height;

       Flush’d were their cheeks, and bright eyes double bright:

       Garlands of every green, and every scent

       From vales deflower’d, or forest-trees branch-rent,