The Complete Works of John Keats: Poems, Plays & Personal Letters. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230198
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Where hung a silver lamp, whose phosphor glow Reflected in the slabbed steps below,

       Mild as a star in water; for so new,

       And so unsullied was the marble hue,

       So through the crystal polish, liquid fine,

       Ran the dark veins, that none but feet divine

       Could e’er have touch’d there. Sounds Æolian

       Breath’d from the hinges, as the ample span

       Of the wide doors disclos’d a place unknown

       Some time to any, but those two alone,

       And a few Persian mutes, who that same year Were seen about the markets: none knew where

       They could inhabit; the most curious

       Were foil’d, who watch’d to trace them to their house:

       And but the flitter-winged verse must tell,

       For truth’s sake, what woe afterwards befel,

       ’Twould humour many a heart to leave them thus,

       Shut from the busy world of more incredulous.

      Lamia Part II

       Table of Contents

      Love in a hut, with water and a crust,

       Is — Love, forgive us! — cinders, ashes, dust;

       Love in a palace is perhaps at last

       More grievous torment than a hermit’s fast: —

       That is a doubtful tale from faery land,

       Hard for the non-elect to understand.

       Had Lycius liv’d to hand his story down,

       He might have given the moral a fresh frown,

       Or clench’d it quite: but too short was their bliss

       To breed distrust and hate, that make the soft voice hiss. Besides, there, nightly, with terrific glare

       Love, jealous grown of so complete a pair,

       Hover’d and buzz’d his wings, with fearful roar,

       Above the lintel of their chamber door,

       And down the passage cast a glow upon the floor.

      For all this came a ruin: side by side

       They were enthroned, in the even tide,

       Upon a couch, near to a curtaining

       Whose airy texture, from a golden string,

       Floated into the room, and let appear Unveil’d the summer heaven, blue and clear,

       Betwixt two marble shafts: — there they reposed,

       Where use had made it sweet, with eyelids closed,

       Saving a tythe which love still open kept,

       That they might see each other while they almost slept;

       When from the slope side of a suburb hill,

       Deafening the swallow’s twitter, came a thrill

       Of trumpets — Lycius started — the sounds fled,

       But left a thought, a buzzing in his head.

       For the first time, since first he harbour’d in That purple-lined palace of sweet sin,

       His spirit pass’d beyond its golden bourn

       Into the noisy world almost forsworn.

       The lady, ever watchful, penetrant,

       Saw this with pain, so arguing a want

       Of something more, more than her empery

       Of joys; and she began to moan and sigh

       Because he mused beyond her, knowing well

       That but a moment’s thought is passion’s passing bell.

       “Why do you sigh, fair creature?” whisper’d he: “Why do you think?” return’d she tenderly:

       “You have deserted me; — where am I now?

       Not in your heart while care weighs on your brow:

       No, no, you have dismiss’d me; and I go

       From your breast houseless: ay, it must be so.”

       He answer’d, bending to her open eyes,

       Where he was mirror’d small in paradise,

       “My silver planet, both of eve and morn!

       Why will you plead yourself so sad forlorn,

       While I am striving how to fill my heart With deeper crimson, and a double smart?

       How to entangle, trammel up and snare

       Your soul in mine, and labyrinth you there

       Like the hid scent in an unbudded rose?

       Ay, a sweet kiss — you see your mighty woes.

       My thoughts! shall I unveil them? Listen then!

       What mortal hath a prize, that other men

       May be confounded and abash’d withal,

       But lets it sometimes pace abroad majestical,

       And triumph, as in thee I should rejoice Amid the hoarse alarm of Corinth’s voice.

       Let my foes choke, and my friends shout afar,

       While through the thronged streets your bridal car

       Wheels round its dazzling spokes.” — The lady’s cheek

       Trembled; she nothing said, but, pale and meek,

       Arose and knelt before him, wept a rain

       Of sorrows at his words; at last with pain

       Beseeching him, the while his hand she wrung,

       To change his purpose. He thereat was stung,

       Perverse, with stronger fancy to reclaim Her wild and timid nature to his aim:

       Besides, for all his love, in self despite,

       Against his better self, he took delight

       Luxurious in her sorrows, soft and new.

       His passion, cruel grown, took on a hue

       Fierce and sanguineous as ’twas possible

       In one whose brow had no dark veins to swell.

       Fine was the mitigated fury, like

       Apollo’s presence when in act to strike

       The serpent — Ha, the serpent! certes, she Was none. She burnt, she lov’d the tyranny,

       And, all subdued, consented to the hour

       When to the bridal he should lead his paramour.

       Whispering in midnight silence, said the youth,

       “Sure some sweet name thou hast, though, by my truth,

       I have not ask’d it, ever thinking thee

       Not mortal, but of heavenly progeny,

       As still I do. Hast any mortal name,

       Fit appellation for this dazzling frame?

       Or friends or kinsfolk on the citied earth, To share our marriage feast and nuptial mirth?”

       “I have no friends,” said Lamia, “no, not one;

       My presence in wide Corinth hardly known:

       My parents’ bones are in their dusty urns

       Sepulchred, where no kindled incense burns,

       Seeing all their luckless race are dead, save me,

       And I neglect the holy rite for thee.