SOVIET MUTANTS. Funny fantasy. СтаВл Зосимов Премудрословски. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: СтаВл Зосимов Премудрословски
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005077455
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is it, Zek? – asked Cerevic.

      – -But where to go? In what direction? – Con vylepil your eyes.

      All looked at each other and gaze stopped on the Sparrow. He felt incredulous interrogative glances.

      – -AAA?1 What are you looking at me like that? We can run anywhere: right, left, back, forward, up, down… wherever, you still come back here.

      – -Why? – I asked in unison.

      – -The earth is round. ‘said the Sparrow, and it suffered again. – I was flying, for ideas here.. I was flying. Can you hear me? I flew, rather than walked or ran… – Stasyan stood up and scratched his tailbone. – tail, or what is growing?

      – -Let you not par brains. – Cherepok growled and took a fighting stance. It was followed by the soldiers. Stasyan drew back.

      – -No, no, what are you?! I remember. This glowing Orb, the Sun, rolled out of there… – and pointed to the East. – and it shoots I was flying.. So we have to go on the turn where the sun hides behind the strip.

      – -The horizon.

      – -Yes. The wisest writer. – The bald stasyan he waved a wing in the sky as a poet. – Vooot… Uh.. Shorter on the back. Where it was hiding – I was flying, and now we need to go, where vylaziet it.

      – -What is it? – asked Kasule.

      – — There Chelyabinsk, or rather the River Tech. And there was once an explosion and so much delicious radioactive that everything just glows. And still there is a world trash radio waste. There is this good for eternal ages. – — And Stasyan arched his back, exposing his chest with a wheel.

      – — Well, so they ran that we stick around like chopsticks in a barrel? – jumped Casulia.

      – — Fighters, be built!! – ordered the skull and all fell swoop lined up. – Begoooo, for the sparrow, arsh!!!

      And all ran just the opposite, leaving behind tubers of country dust. And the sun leveled above their heads. They accelerated so quickly that the night no longer had time to come. And the Sun was slowly starting to fall behind and everything was faster and faster. And so the speed of the runners accelerated so much so that they already got up to meet them at sunset and went in the east. And day was replaced by night, and night by day in one second. At how quickly they ran through forests and fields, seas and oceans, not even having time to get wet, having circled the globe about five or a hundred times, I did not count and their strength began to be excised.

      – — Stand, stand shameful cats! – gasping, wheezing behind five, ten laps around the earth Rev. Cherevich Chmor Iko. – Stay!! – and fell to the ground. Botva stopped and also decided to wallow on the hill. Suddenly, a hole appeared from the hillock and Generalisiphilis climbed out.

      – -What is this? – he was indignant. “Have you still not left the place?” The parasites. Well quickly search! And then., And then.,?! – he in the nervous syndrome stomped and fell without feeling, clutching the left side of the chin, the heart type fell ill. And they didn’t have a heart, probably… But the travelers decided to quickly disappear out of sight from the anger of Golupyan.

      It was evening and everyone wanted to eat.

      – — Well, are you all tired? asked Zeka.

      – — Yeah!! – the others answered with difficulty.

      – — Then hold the sparrow. I’m still draining radik from him with my bottom. – suggested Casulia.

      – — Why, okay, I myself can lie under you, especially since I even sleep better after that. – suggested Stasyan. Of course, he lied that he was stoned after Kazulia’s suction, in fact he was sick after this morning… Or after beating?! In short, the next morning will show.

      But the shards were so starving that they did not hear the sparrow’s offers and pounced on him. Stasyan yelled, but it was too late. Everyone was sleepy blind and wanted to eat!!!…

      apulase fifth

      forced betrayal

      In the morning the travelers got up early, starved to hunger, quietly crept up to a sleeping sparrow, who in a dream flew sweetly and did not suspect that he himself stopped in terms of radiation. More precisely, he would never become non-radioactive. Moreover, he did not interfere with their refectory procedure, but they apparently liked to receive food with difficulty, and not for nothing. And now Casulia was creeping behind the shards, and since Stasyan was twice as many as the shards and superior to Kazulia, he could cripple his sleep, reflexively defending himself, which added color to the meal of mutants. Having woken up completely, the sparrow understood his role, which was harmful to him, and, seeing how galups were fanatically tuned, he simply played with them, pretending to be a victim. Well, the rush of these bones to win food.

      They jumped at once and crushed Stasian to the ground Zasratich and Chmor Iko together, oddly enough, crushed the sparrow’s shoulders, thereby allowing Kazulia to climb up and touch his irradiated body with his bottom.

      – — Ahhh!! Ahhh! – Sparrow yelled, not so much from pain as from inconvenience. All at once jumped. And Casulia apologized sweetly.

      – — Excuse me, please, but your content of radio nuclides, it is not strange, is constantly recovering itself and you will last us for a long time, maybe even the whole way.

      – — Exactly, but I myself can lie under you, without these leg-bone applications that cause me pain and humiliation with no confidence. – answered Stasyan, lying crushed under a pack of shards around the edges and in the center was sitting Casulia.

      – — You are captured and therefore it is better to be silent, you are our trophy, and what we want, we will do with you. – stated Cherevich.

      Stasyan changed his face. He would never have turned to the quirks of a thirst for violence at the Galups, but the statement of Chmor Iko touched his string of pride. But he cheated, as if he had reconciled to what Cherevich said, having concealed hatred and resentment in his soul. Revenge will judge everyone.

      As for the rest, waiting for food spitting, some simply obeyed the order, while others gave it. But the little bird didn’t think so, and he thought that everyone condemns him with their eyes and looks at him, but in fact he just stood first in front of Kazulia. But his doubtfulness of the correctness of what he said for all did not calm down.

      – — And do not stare at me like that. I am the main and that’s it! If you think different garbage about me again, then I will deprive him of food!! Is it clear to everyone?.

      – — See that you are not deprived. – escaped from Zasratich.

      – — Quiet, quiet. – reassured Casulia Zeka. – I spit … – they all stood at attention. Casulia lit up and harknily relished everyone straight aiming in the skull and got off the sparrow. – for this, let Stasyan himself say. Who is he in our tops and what place does he occupy.

      – — Yes, everything is oiled!! – said the sparrow, and he thought: “could protect me, if I schmoe trophy, then… we’ll see.” – Have you run?!

      And they ran to the same place as yesterday, but slowly. Even very slowly. It is simply impossible to imagine: well, sooooooo slowly. Slower than pacing. And only Stasyan walked, as always. I overtook them and constantly returned. He watched with mockery how the gallops move, and it seemed to him as if they were running on an idea like a slow-motion scrolling of a video player. Stasyan walked around with curiosity and peered into their poses and faces. But it seemed to them that he was in a hurry, since he was too fast for them. The paradox of time: yesterday they went faster than a day, and today they run slower than a minute. Apparently, radiation also affects the clarity of time… Or maybe it’s the desire of a sparrow or author?! In any case, it’s