SOVIET MUTANTS. Funny fantasy. СтаВл Зосимов Премудрословски. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: СтаВл Зосимов Премудрословски
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005077455
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Stasyan barely flew into the hole and got stuck on the floor of his belly…

      – — Oh, who are you? – asked Zulka.

      – -Beat him!! – Shouted the tenth crock, and future fighters took a not long-learned attack position called “anti-aircraft.” From the blows all the flies crumbled and fled, which ones died, the third ones flew away.

      – — Ay, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!! shouted the bald sparrow. – for whatooooooh????

      Stasyan did not understand their buzzing and therefore decided to defend himself and to dine. He was twice as much as a kazuli, and therefore with pleasure with his beak caught the eye of Shisha. She yelled.

      – — Aaayayay, he bites, and I, a fool, intercede for him. Beat him, lads. – and the shards again ran into a sparrow, beat him and a powerful kick-dap Zulka knocked him out of the hole out. His efforts helped with his paws, which he pushed off, being, having the back of the body from the outside of the hole.. Stasyan, not recovering himself, finding himself outside, ran away. He could no longer fly up, as before. From the blows of strangers all the manure flew along with the flies, but he quickly, quickly ran, ran fast, quickly ran, ran fast, quickly ran, ran fast, quickly ran, ran and got lost in the wormwood bushes, lay down on the ground and fell asleep…

      apulase third

      let’s hit the road

      Generalisiphilis himself soon learned about what happened at the end of the digestive system. All Galupii, His Presidency, Semisrak. This unexplored Council of the Cherepovichs in the Hole of Botva of the Supreme Parliament of the Great Galupia (NBVPVG) studied and learned this hole-know-how. (Nora is the premise; Botva is the collection of the colony’s minds).

      – — I ask everyone to get up!! – A report was made by the press secretary of His Presidency, Casulia Zack, – Sam, His Exalted Towerless Greatness, Generalisifilis All Galupov, His Presidency, Supreme Lord, Semisrak prt… OOOOTSTOOOOY!!!!

      Everyone stood on the dark, that is, on the horns.

      – — Haihai hylayek bir jules, bir bark.

      Sea Rocks, Sea Rocks,

      The feast of the gulemys was old … – by the welcome of the Cherevichs of their Head. Generalisyphilis took its place.

      – — I gathered you, hello, oh, reverends, one at a time, which reached my lips, sensation..

      – — Why are we going to stand on the horns? – during the speech of the Head, the young Cherevich of the neighbor interrupted or asked in a whisper. He came to the council for the first time.

      – -Quiet. They say they will dance – we will dance. – Snapped at the young neighbor, standing on the right. – So be patient and do not break off to listen to the legend of Galupiya.

      – — Here, the last time.. – added another neighbor from the left. – jumped higher than almost a day.

      – -What for? – asked the young one.

      – — There was nothing to say, so they thought that the meeting should not be in vain…

      – — And in order to think better, the Head ordered to jump…

      – — And I like to sleep and do not care how.. – said the third from the left and fell asleep.

      – -Sleep? So you don’t hear anything? – asked the young one.

      – — Not at all, young Cherevich, when you sleep better you understand what he says. Especially pauses…

      – — Quiet to you!! snapped one of the oldest Cherevichs.

      – -… And our teenagers entered into an equal battle with an unknown, unidentified inanimate creature, which, breaking the ceiling-floor, opened up a new world for us. So there are similar moving objects to us that, in order to move, feed on the same thing as we do…

      – — Or maybe, Lord, is this an invasion? – someone interrupted.

      – — Do not interrupt,.. What did I want to say? – Semisrak hesitated.

      – -… are the same as we are … – corrected Casulia Zack.

      – — Yeah… So… are the same as us… Since we move because of food. Vootoot.. And I want to offer, O my nasty ones, to choose and assemble a team or a gang of seekers and send them from where the invasion was, that is, to the inside of our Galupia. Am I making myself clear?

      – — Yeah!! – everyone answered.

      – -… And send to the Light in search of the New Earth. – continued Semisrak. – There is no point in delaying time; Galupiya has already decreased several times. Shards die and especially in their youth. And by sending a team, a gang or a group, there will be at least some kind of no-pain, hope. – and Semisrak snored…

      The silence was broken by the cry of a council member.

      – — Oh, Lord Generalisyphilis. They didn’t carry out executions, but they did conduct a speech. – interrupted Cherevich Chmoriko, one of the closest advisers to the Lord.

      – — Shut up, schmuck, I have not finished my speech!!! – Vladyka was indignant and waved his bones towards Chmoriko. – So… Uh… So, it makes no sense to pull. But sending a team, there will be at least some kind of at least a little hope… M-yeah.. Have I already seen this offer somewhere?! – He examined himself from all sides, changed his face, stood on his horns, jumped, then stood on his toes, kicked, his head and yelled. – Zaek, what a pig came up with this speech in my head with repeated sentences??

      – — III. I. – trembled Zack.

      – — Am I an idiot repeating the same thing? Spend your energy on repetition. You don’t know that Language takes more energy than… think?!

      – -Where?

      – -In Karaganda!! You will go for this disgrace of me, the Generalisiphilis Himself, the Lord of the Whole Galupia, the Mind of the Galupian dictatorship. Wow You’ll be the first volunteer to search for a team. And you will be the first hero in the history of our shobla or gang or colony.

      – — Oh Lord, have mercy!! Ahahahahahahahaaaaa!!! – sobbed Zack – I do not want to be a hero. Ahhhhh!!

      – — And dotaaa!!! (bull) – the Lord has drowned. “What do you have, Rev. Chmor Iko?.. And you, Zeka, go get ready.”

      – — Thank you, O Lord, I wanted to ask, And who else will go besides me? – Cherevich Chmor Iko inquired.

      – -You!

      – -I AM?

      – — You, of course, will be at the head of the trip. You want to be a hero of Galupia, like me? – asked Semisrak Chmor Iko. That would reveal everything from surprise if it were.

      – -I AM? I’m not ready? I don’t… And what is a “business trip”?

      – — A business trip is a team, and a team is a business trip. In general, Casulia Zack will explain, she knows, this is in her competence. – Vladyka rose on the leg-bone or in the common people – mosl.

      – -I’m not ready. Let someone else – dust fell out at Cherevich.

      – — No dust and no whimper, like Casulia. It’s my fault. the neighbor whispered and laughed sarcastically.

      – — I said, go, then go and that’s it. – Semisraq lifted his right leg bone and combed his bald skull between the deer horns. – The crochet said, the shard made and last. I don’t need to roll cotton wool. Security! take Cherevich Chmor Iko and Kazuliya Zeku, and to the place of invasion. – Here, the fighters ran up and grabbed casually Zeku and Chmor Iko.

      – —