Discarding a low card in a suit is a signal of disinterest so at Trick Six West switched to
3) then led 6. West beat declarer’s K with A, cashed 10, then 4. Declarer finally won a trick, the very last, with a club, but the contract was six down!What should have happened
North should remove 1NT to 2
. His partner would read it as a terminal bid, a so-called ‘Weakness Take-out’. Declarer would probably end up scoring two trump tricks and four clubs – that’s five more tricks than in a notrump contract!Tip 7
The responder to a 1NT opener can usually place the final contract immediately.
Deal 8
Last deal we noted that the responder to a 1NT opener can generally place the final contract immediately. Bids which invite or force the 1NT opener to speak again are 2NT (invitational) or jumps to three of a suit (forcing). Other bids are terminal.
The 2NT response is an invitation for the 1NT opener to bid 3NT with a maximum. Jumps to 3
/// if he is merely hoping his partner will bid 3NT. He should simply bid 3NT himself!What happened
(by North) stood little chance. The defence were bound to score a spade, a heart and a club. Down one.What should have happened
How would 3NT have fared? With eight top tricks, declarer needs to establish a spade trick. West leads
AK bring his total to nine. Game made.Tip 8
Do not respond 3
/ to partner’s 1NT opener without extreme shape (or strength).Deal 9
This deal we look at the understandable temptation to raise a 1NT opener to 2NT with a flat hand and a smattering of points, say, eight, nine or ten. The key point here is that you do not bid to improve the size of the part-score in any form of Bridge. All raises of partner show genuine game-interest. Take a raise of 1NT to 2NT: this should be a genuine invitation to game; given that he is facing 12–14 points, responder must have 11–12 points for this bid (with more he simply jumps to 3NT).
What happened
Declarer had no hope. He won
5 lead with Q and played ace and another club in the vain hope that an opponent held king-queen doubleton. West discarded on the second club so he ducked in dummy. East won the nine and played a second spade. Declarer won dummy’s king and, abandoning clubs, led a heart to his king. West won the ace and led a third spade. Winning in dummy, declarer could make no more than two more hearts and the ace of diamonds. Three spades, two hearts and the minor-suit aces made seven tricks. Down two.What should have happened
Left to declare a peaceful 1NT declarer would not even bother to broach clubs. With five top tricks, flushing out the
A is certain to give him two extra. Again, seven tricks, but this time contract made.