What happened
South’s four-card spade suit was so chunky that he decided to risk the overcall. Not a good idea! North naturally supported him to 2
, expecting his three cards to give a fit of eight. West chanced a penalty double and led 8, to 9, 10 and 3.At Tricks Two and Three, East cashed
8 with 9 and led a fourth heart. Declarer discarded 10. He exited with 3 and led out AKJ, losing Trick 13 to West’s Q. He was down five. +1100 to East-West on a part-score deal!What should have happened
Left to their own devices, East-West would have an awkward auction. East’s 2
is the best he can do.A 2
contract would make easily enough. Big deal – compared to an 1100 penalty.Tip 22
An overcall should contain at least FIVE cards.
Deal 23
The whole essence of an overcall is the suit, not the hand – a measly six or seven points are OK if the suit is good. The corollary is that the partner of an overcaller should be very keen to support but very cautious about bidding a different suit. And – note – only three cards are required to support an overcall (remember – partner must have at least five cards).
What happened
North tried 2
rather than 2, and neither South (fearing a misfit) or North (the three-level being rather high) saw fit to bid over 3.South led
7 to A and North returned 5, to 9, Q and 2. South cashed A, then switched toКонец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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