An Angel Saved My Life: And Other True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacky Newcomb
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007372164
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yet everything I have shared here is true.

      The second part of this book deals with amazing ‘angel experiences’ I have come across in my research. Angels come in all sorts of disguise. Angel stories fill my books An Angel Treasury and A Little Angel Love but in An Angel Saved My Life I have documented some of the more dramatic experiences I have encountered. Experiences which happened to different people in different parts of the world, and often many years apart, seem to have a similar theme. I am left in no doubt as to the existence of angels. But as always, I’ll let you choose for yourself.

      The third part of the book looks at the mysteries of the afterlife and at contact through the veils of heaven. Sometimes these experiences blend with the angel stories I have received. At times the stories will blur across the divide and merge between the chapters which I have created, but ultimately that does not matter. I have tried to create some order and ‘sort’ the stories for you. The natural world does not usually fall into such easy sections! Often when people send their afterlife communication stories to me they called them ‘angel stories’. These are, after all, ‘angel stories’ by another name…

      Be ready to be astounded, as I was and am.

      Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact Angels have no religion as we know it…Their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on Earth.

       Saint Thomas Aquinas

Part 1

       CHAPTER 1 My Own Psychic Story

      The power of Thought, the magic of the Mindl

       Lord Byron

      ‘Mummy, Mummy, there’s a man in my room!’

      Usually Dad would come in and search under the bed, open the wardrobe and pull back the curtains, as dads do when they are searching for ‘monsters in the bedroom’ – although of course he never found anyone or anything! Many years later I realized that I was seeing a spirit guardian or angel, and that I have always had this spirit with me, and still do.

      Kabam is my own guardian angel or spiritual guide and when I looked back I realized how, like most people, I had experienced psychic and paranormal activity in my ‘normal’ life. Like most people, this phenomenon was filed away in my mind under the ‘…that was weird wasn’t it…’ moment and I had completely forgotten about it. I truly feel that we are all psychic in one way or another and from time to time we tap into these other realms and alternative states.

      When our minds fall into a daydream, when we drop off to sleep, and when we meditate, our minds are in an altered state; a state different to our normal waking consciousness. It is during these times that we are most likely to have supernatural experiences of our own.

      I remember having several ‘paranormal’ experiences as a child. On a family holiday on the Isle of Wight I got into difficulties in the sea (I wrote about this in full in An Angel Treasury). A calm presence aided me back to shore; a presence unseen but heard and felt. Had an angel saved my life?

      Another day my family and I walked along the windy seaside pier and struggled to stand upright. The wind was so strong and pushed us along and it was enormous fun. My sister and I fantasized about being lifted up by the breeze and floating in the air. Later that night I had a dream so real that I thought I had really spent the evening flying down the pier. Years later I realized that this was called an ‘out-of-body experience’ (OBE) and after reminiscing with my sister over the holiday we had as children, I realized that the two of us had the same ‘dream’ memory! We actually had flown down the pier but we did so in our spiritual or astral bodies rather than physically. For me it was the first of many such experiences.

      I always read a lot as a child, and as a teenager I had piles of paperbacks stacked up by my bed. One of those books was the groundbreaking work by Dr Raymond Moody, Life After Life. It was piled up amongst the other books which my mum had recently bought from the local jumble sale. Those works included typical teenage reads of the time…things like Confessions of a Window Cleaner and pretty well anything by the English romance writer Barbara Cartland! My friends and I shared similar tastes.

      Dr Moody’s book was very different of course and was not a work of fiction. It had quite obviously been picked up ‘by mistake’ by my mother, and yet his work, about near death experiences (and the now well-known ‘white light and tunnel’ experiences that people have at the point of psychical death), was to change the course of my life.

      The near death experience is now part of our popular culture. Who hasn’t seen Ghost with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze? Patrick of course plays Sam who is murdered in the film, but when he is finally ready to pass over he is taken into the familiar ‘white light and tunnel’ to heaven.

      Millions have had this experience all over the world. With the advancement of medical techniques, many are now literally brought back from the very brink of death. Many have found themselves floating above their body and seeing the white light ahead of them – they know that this light is waiting to take them to the heavenly realms. Of course, not every out-of-body experience is related to near death. Many people have out-of-body experiences where, like me, they had a need to go somewhere or do something which physically they were unable to do at the time. This can cause the spiritual body to leave the physical. A severe shock or trauma can also do the same thing.

      But back to the real world…I remember as a teenager, waking up in the early hours of the morning as an ambulance arrived to take my dad to hospital. When my dad collapsed behind the bathroom door with a stomach ulcer he later swore that he had tried to help my mother open the door from his side, even though he was unconscious at the time. I remember my mum’s frustration when she tried to explain to my dad that he had passed out behind the door which basically trapped him inside. Later I understood that the experience he’d had was as an NDE or near death experience as explained by Dr Moody in his book. He too had left his body for just a few moments, and even though he was unconscious, he was still mentally aware.

      Oh how I wish that the internet had been around then. My local library didn’t really hold the information that I was seeking as a teenager, and I didn’t have the money to buy esoteric books, even if I had been able to locate them. It was a frustrating time.

      Later when my sister bought the books written by the medium Doris Stokes I devoured them all. There was a distinct lack of material to read on anything remotely ‘paranormal’, and her work found me very excited indeed.

      When my husband and I moved into our second house I often used to wake up at night worried that the next-door neighbour of our semi-detached house would be burgled. Night after night I woke up and would hang my head out of the bedroom window. I became paranoid about it happening. In my mind I could see that it would happen. Then one night my neighbour actually was burgled, and strangely I slept through the whole thing! I often wondered if this had been a premonition of some sort.

      When my husband John and I were first married I often used to see spirit people in my room at night, in the way that I had as a child. Sometimes it was one person and on other occasions there were whole crowds of people. My bedroom was fast becoming the local waiting room for spirits. The whole thing frightened me until I shared my experience with a more knowledgeable friend. ‘Ask them to go away,’ she suggested and I tried it. I was amazed that it worked and I began to get some sleep at last.

      All the time I was growing up, I longed to be psychic but of course I already was – we all are, in our own individual way. When my girls were small I used to work in a local pub on a Sunday. Much of the work was boring and as I cleaned tables my mind would wander and I would often pick up very unimportant premonitions of things that might happen later in the day or sometimes in just a few minutes’ time.

      One day I distinctly heard a question in my