An Angel Saved My Life: And Other True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacky Newcomb
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007372164
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hadn’t gone unnoticed! The ‘gift book’ eventually turned into my very large book, An Angel Treasury, and even after I had finally finished writing it I had to wait many months for it to reach the shelves.

      I lived on a fever pitch of excitement and could hardly believe that this ‘baby’ was mine. I’d finally done it – the book was complete and I’d like to say that it was the easiest thing I had ever done, but of course it wasn’t. The research in its entirety had taken me around seven years to pull together. I had achieved my dream and created the angel book I had always wanted to buy. But the book was so much more than sharing angel stories and suggesting ways that people could work with their own angels; it was a partner to my own spiritual growth. The book and the stories which came with them travelled hand in hand with my own story. It was the catalyst by which I opened up my own spiritual eyes. Life is not a destination, it’s a journey and my journey had involved many unusual things along the way. Nothing is ordinary. Every aspect of our lives is learning. Each and every experience is growth.

      The book’s publication was just the beginning of the journey. For the briefest time after I had finished the book I felt that I had written everything there was to know about angels. What I had written was in fact everything I had discovered so far, but as time went on I realized there was so much more to come! More angel stories poured in from all over the world. Amazing, life-changing and life-saving stories, which needed to be shared.

      What is an angel? The answer was different to each person and I felt the need to distribute this information by way of providing the opportunity to read. Being moved by other people’s amazing true-life experiences in the way that I had, and sharing those experiences, was part of my destiny.

      Hundreds of articles and features in magazines have taken the word into normal homes with normal people. But a second and now a third book were requested. Every day I realize with thanks that I am doing what I love.

      When you are ready, read on and be moved, as I was, by the thrilling thing called the afterlife, where angels and our guardian loved ones on the ‘other side’ watch over us with rapt attention. Love is a greater thing than we experience here in our every day world. We live and feel such a small part of the greater love that is part of the divine architect.

      Looking back on that night at my mother’s house I remember that feeling of being wrapped in the arms of our loving creator, and it helps me to understand that we are never totally alone. Our guardian angels are with us always, and never more than now have they made themselves known to us.

Part 2

       CHAPTER 4 An Angel Saved My Life

      Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an angel.

       Saint Augustine

      Amazing angel stories are being shared all over the world, right now. Our guardians and loved ones on the other-side are sending their love to us every day, and more and more folk are having divine intervention in their lives on a day-to-day basis.

      Many people believe that these experiences are ‘stepping up’ now because the angels are beginning to draw close to us, ready for massive spiritual changes in the world population. There is no doubt that the little pockets of people who are spiritually aware are growing at a massive rate. Even though wars still rage all over the world, there are people who bring hope to these negative spaces.

      A single torch in a dark space brings light and hope. Imagine the effect of two torches, or four? Angels are beginning to appear in many people’s lives. People who at one time had no belief or interest in these miraculous celestial beings are now beginning to open their hearts to them. Angels bring their messages of hope and affection, spreading the word as they go. Each astounding angel encounter now spreads around the world like ripples on a pond.

      Some of these fascinating stories are about our loved ones and angels helping us with simple tasks; sometimes the ‘angel’ appears to be human, and at other times these stories are extraordinary and even life saving. Most mesmerizing is when an angel experience happens and you are left wondering, ‘What was that?’ Sometimes if we are lucky, the ‘angels’ will leave a little symbol or calling card behind. A white feather is a common sign, but sometimes the sign might be a flower, a coin or even a little angel lapel pin!

      Angels let us know they are around in a thousand subtle and not so subtle ways. An angel is a majestic being sent from God for our protection and guidance. Angels are pure love and guardians of humankind. Angels don’t have their own free will in the way that humans do, and their role is God’s bidding. This they do with great devotion.

      But we sometimes call humans ‘angels’ too. When someone has ‘been there’ for us during our time of need, we say, ‘Thank you, you are an angel.’ Yet still a few people feel that angels are part of the paranormal or the occult (which simply means ‘the unknown’), which in a way they are but really this is because we know so little about them…at the moment. Do not be afraid of this wave of heavenly love! Embrace it!

      Angels can perform miraculous life-saving feats as well as bring us comfort and great joy. But angels come in a variety of disguises. Sometimes people write and ask me, ‘Can my grandma be my angel?’ We will see in a later chapter that although our loved ones in the afterlife are not actually guardian angels they can be there for us in a comforting and supportive role and CAN even save our life on occasion! So they can certainly act as guardians even if they are not actually angels in the traditional sense of the word.

      I wanted to explore ‘angels’ in every sense, including traditional angel experiences, our loved ones in the afterlife, our animals on the other side and even real-life human angels on this side of life. Life, and indeed the afterlife, is full of astonishing and uplifting experiences.

      Let’s begin our journey with Olivia’s story.

       Angels Saved a Drowning Man

      One summer when I was just fifteen years old, my youth group went to a church camp in Arkansas. On one particularly hot day, our leaders decided to take us to a nearby river to cool off. The first part of the river was very calm and placid, in fact it actually resembled more of a lake, and we spent several hours swimming around. As the afternoon wore on, we discovered that further on down the river was a small waterfall and a deeper area to swim in. It was beautiful and we decided to move down to this area to swim around.

      Although the water did not appear to be deep at all, the youngest of our leaders, a twenty-five-year-old man, decided to jump in and see how deep it was. He was a certified diver and we didn’t question his swimming ability at all. My best friend and I sat down beside another of our leaders to watch the others and to top up our suntans.

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