An Angel Saved My Life: And Other True Stories of the Afterlife. Jacky Newcomb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacky Newcomb
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007372164
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       An Angel saved my life

      And other true stories of the Afterlife

      Jacky Newcomb

       ‘The Angel Lady’

       To Anthony…safe in the arms of the angels.

      Table of Contents

       Cover Page

       Title Page


       CHAPTER 5 Answered Prayers

       CHAPTER 6 Mini Miracles and Brief Enconnters

       CHAPTER 7 Our Loving Animal ‘Angels’

       CHAPTER 8 Loving Angels on This Side

       CHAPTER 9 Children’s Angels

       Part 3

       CHAPTER 10 Love from the Other Side

       CHAPTER 11 Warnings from the Other Side

       CHAPTER 12 Knocking on Heaven’s Door




       About the Publisher


      We now live in a time when it’s totally acceptable be a ‘BELIEVER’ in Spirits and Angels. Be proud to be a member of this ever growing club and go forward with a twinkle in your eye knowing that you are always watched over and guided.

       Tony Stockwell

      When I first started investigating the angel phenomenon I was bowled over by the incredible stories I’d heard of angel intervention and life-saving experiences. For many people, an ‘angel experience’ begins a life-long interest in these beings of light. If you believe in angels then angel experiences are ‘proof’ of their existence. If you don’t believe in angels then it’s hard to ignore and write off these stories completely. They can’t all be coincidences, surely?

      Angel experiences have a certain something about them. People say, ‘I just knew it was an angel.’ There’s a feeling or a sense about it which is difficult to explain to anyone else. Usually there is no ‘proof’ and often the experiences happen when one is alone – perhaps that’s part of the magic!

      If you are interested in the spiritual side of life then you might not need ‘proof’ that angels exist at all; I know that I don’t. Science after all is limited. Parapsy-chologists who try to prove that some paranormal events or beings can be measured come up against several difficulties. First of all, we don’t really know where to look for angels and secondly, we don’t know how to look…even if we did, we don’t yet have equipment which could measure their existence. How could we provide such evidence of these celestial beings? Would we even know if we’d actually gathered the proof we were seeking? Science at least is at the point where scientists are saying that, in theory at least, it is possible that these other dimensions and our ability to perceive them are possible, so watch this space!

      When I was a young girl I used to wake up night after night and ‘see’ someone in my room, and I couldn’t understand why. My Dad would do the fatherly check and open the curtains, look under the bed and open the wardrobe door. Of course, he never did find anyone but I knew that someone was with me – always. The problem was that no one else could see my guardian and so, for everyone else, he did not exist. But for me he was there.

      As I got older I read more about the existence of angels and the afterlife and I realized that my own guardian had been communicating with me the whole time. Many other experiences over the years suddenly seemed to make sense. The warning voices in times of trouble, and the ‘gut instinct’ which got me out of difficulties and probably saved my life. This was my angel at work.

      Encountering an angel in your life is a fairly rare thing for most people. If you are lucky enough to experience an angel it is more likely to occur when you are in a life or death situation or at a time when there seems nowhere else to turn. Angels appear when we call out for them in extreme stress or grief – although this is not always the case. I do believe that we need to give angels permission to help us – at least on some conscious level. We feel them at a deep soul level and we let them know that we want them in our lives.

      I would like to share with you some of the hundreds of stories I have received from around the world. Some are bizarre, others are totally unexplainable. Some are comforting and some are…well, I’ll let you decide! No scientific experiments have been done here. I believe in the integrity of each and every person who has been kind enough to honour me with the permission to share their very personal and intimate stories here with you. Are these stories real? Absolutely!

      But first I must begin with my own psychic experiences. I shared some of these in my book An Angel Treasury and so here I continue the tale. Knowing about some of the experiences I have been through myself will give you a little understanding of what I see, and why I see it; and certainly why I think the way that I do.

      I am a normal mum of two teenage daughters and certainly not a spiritual guru of any kind, and yet I have experienced the most bizarre paranormal things in my life. Some of these things have just ‘happened’ to me and others I have sought out along the way to explore my own spirituality and boundaries. These things have been for my own research. You in turn must find your own way along the spiritual path. When I look at the things I have documented in Part 1 about my own path (and I have