I discovered the reasons for my weird and paranormal experiences as a child were because I was a medium myself. One day the pointer spelled out, ‘Jacky you are a medium.’ My sister Di was also a medium, and others in the family also had psychic and spiritual gifts like healing. It explained a lot!
Of course, it didn’t always work. I remember frustration in the early days when two of us would sit down together to work the board, and nothing would happen at all. If Eric was about then we were fine. It seems this was more as a result of Eric’s own advanced communication skills than our own. But we did get better. In time we began to hear messages or ‘feel them’ before they were spelt out on the board. But we realized that the rituals we used for protection before and after using the board were always the most important thing of all. We had to stay safe.
Many people warn of the dangers of inviting unknown and mischievous spirits into your home, and although we were careful and this had never happened to us, there came a point when we decided it was time to stop – at least using the board with the frequency we were using it. Every problem was met with a call of ‘Let’s contact the spirits and ask them what they think.’ We were living our lives through the board rather than trying to live our lives by our own judgment.
It was a great adventure but the point had been made. The afterlife is real. Our loved ones don’t die. We are supported by loving spirit guides and angels. We have to live our own lives and learn our own lessons, and although we have more help than we ever realize, ultimately we have to work things through for ourselves. It was that simple. We had to learn our own lessons through our own life experiences, both good and bad.
Would I recommend using a spirit board or angel board as a means of communication? I guess we all have to decide what is right or wrong for us, but for the shortest time, I felt we had a glimpse into another world. One that I still visit on occasions using this same ‘door’.
It was time to move on to something new. How did other people experience contact from their loved ones in the afterlife? Did people believe in angels, and if so, how did they know they were real? Did angels work with children and animals, for example? The answer is yes.
I want to open up my case files for you. Thousands of stories hit my desk and most of them are completely fascinating. I never tire of hearing stories of how an angel intervened in someone’s life or how an angel saved a life. Our unseen guidance can make a life and change a life. Their visits make us see the world differently. There have been times when I have lain awake at night wondering what on earth life is about. Then there have been other nights when I have stared into the darkness and wondered what life was throwing at me. Why had I explored some of the things that I had? Why did I experience the phenomenon that I had?
I’ve had out of body experiences, angel visits, contact from loved ones and spontaneous past life recall … amongst other things. But that’s a whole other book!
Let’s journey through some very personal and real life experiences and investigate the phenomenon a little deeper. These stories have made me laugh, and sometimes cry. But with each there is hope, joy and deep, deep love. The Beatles had it right when they sang, ‘All you need is love!’ Because love, as they say, is all there is …
The After Death Communication Phenomenon (ADC)
That life exists beyond death, to me there is no doubt … that science can explain the phenomenon, only time will tell.
If this sounds bizarre then I guess in a way it is. Can our loved ones contact us from a world after death? Can they communicate with us that they are alive and well, even though they are no longer part of this existence; no longer part of our world? My experience shows me that they can, and I’d like to share some amazing stories which back this up.
If you are just curious about the phenomenon, it might make you think, ‘Hang on, that happened to me once.’ You might be surprised! After a chat, people who originally said, ‘Well I’ve never heard of that’, often end up saying, ‘Actually, I had an experience like that once’, when they understand how the phenomenon works.
Some of what you are about to read is going to sound a little farfetched and unreal but trust me, everything in this book is true and every single experience is real. Your own beliefs may well have changed just a little bit by the end of the book, as mine did by the time I had read all the stories. What was once a hope and a dream is now complete reality for me.
Amazing experiences come to me from people of all religious backgrounds, and those with no religious belief at all. Old or young, it makes no difference. Do you believe in an afterlife or not? Your level of belief does not dictate how likely you are to have an afterlife communication experience. Children have some of the most memorable experiences of the lot. They have nothing to prove at all. Age and, indeed, disability are no barriers to love.
Does this story illustrate an afterlife? This lady emailed me a story relating to close family friends of hers.
Mum’s Still Here
‘A very dear female friend of mine died suddenly in 2001, leaving her distraught husband and two sons who were then aged eight and five. The older son, George, had a learning disability on the autistic spectrum of disorders and needed a lot of care. George doesn’t understand about road safety and other survival techniques we need in life, but even so, his communication skills are good. He was taught to “sign” before he could speak and so he actually “signs” whilst he is speaking.
‘Everyone who knew the family tried to pitch in and help after my friend passed. The younger boy, David, was tearful one night and was crying at bedtime and saying he missed his mum. His gran was hugging him and trying to comfort him when his older brother, George, amazed us by saying, “Mum hasn’t really gone anywhere, she talks to everyone but says they don’t ever listen, and you never listen to anyone, do you?”
‘Of course, David was even more upset by that! And he complained even more, “Why doesn’t she talk louder then … and why is she talking to you, and not me?”
‘George calmly explained, “All you have to do is say before you go to sleep, ‘Mum, I am listening and I miss you,’ and you will hear her.”
‘Their grandmother and I were astounded as their parents were not religious (their mother had even had a humanist burial service). As far as I know, neither child knew anything about the “afterlife” and had been taught to believe that this life was all there was. But the next day, David awoke with a big smile on his face and told his gran that during the night his mum had visited him. She had hugged him while he was asleep and had sung to him.
‘Well, Jacky, I have changed the names of these boys because their Dad doesn’t like the idea of an afterlife. He met a nice lady and remarried recently and is happy and the boys are too.
‘The boys are closer than most brothers. David says he will always look after George and make sure he crosses the road safely, and George says, “… not bloody likely!” But they do love each other and that much is clear. I think they are probably “soul mates” and destined to help each other throughout life.’
There are more amazing children’s stories later in the book.
This special story really touched my heart, and I share Freddie’s