Some research into how food and diet may be affecting our behaviour is almost impossible to do—either because the ‘uncontrolled experiments’ have been going on for so long that there is no control group left, or because ethical issues make some types of studies difficult or impossible. For example, in the Western world we have all been consuming ‘trans fats’ for many decades now. (You can read more about these in Chapter 8.) These artificially twisted fats are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils (used in many cheap margarines, fried foods and commercially baked goods of all kinds), and are now known to damage our physical health. Given that the brain is 60 per cent fat, might these artificial fats alter its structure or function, too? Very probably…but it would be extremely hard now to find a well-matched control group who have not been ingesting trans fats for most or all of their lives. What’s more, extracting brain tissue from living subjects to study how its fat composition may relate to psychological well-being or performance is just not an option!
Similarly, a huge number of different food additives have been permitted following individual ‘safety testing’ for potential toxic effects. Do these tests look at how these food additives might act in combination? Well, no, actually—that would be far too complicated. With the number of additives now in use, it’s just not feasible. In fact, it is only very recently that some careful studies have looked into how the growth of nerve cells may be affected by just two common food additives in combination. Even though more work is still needed, the first results (discussed in Chapter 6) will give every parent cause for concern.
Show Caution and Take Practical Steps
Although the scientific studies needed to answer some important questions simply can’t be done, in my view we would often do well to follow the ‘precautionary principle’, especially when it comes to ingredients that are used purely for cosmetic appeal and the convenience and profits of the manufacturers (as is the case with many artificial flavourings and colourings, or hydrogenated fats).
My aim is to give you a new way of thinking about your child’s health and performance as a whole, and provide you with a better understanding of the issues surrounding food and diet, and how these can affect your child’s well-being.
I’ll be giving you some facts that may well be new to you, but I will also do my best to provide a framework that allows you to integrate any new information with what you already know. I’ll encourage you to start thinking about the information you get from other sources, so that you don’t find yourself confused by the apparently conflicting advice you hear or read about elsewhere. Overall, I urge you to gather what reliable and relevant information you can, weigh up the likely risks and costs against the potential benefits, and then make your own informed choices.
‘When I told my doctor I thought my son (then 7) was intolerant to cows’ milk, he sneered at me and prescribed some drugs. Because it was a short appointment, I held my tongue, but binned the prescription, switched my son to goats’ milk and cheese, and his symptoms improved dramatically. You know, apart from the doctor’s arrogant belief that his way was the only way, I think the fact I was dressed as a “mum at home” had a lot to do with his not listening to me properly! I find if I’m dressed smartly, I get listened to much more than if I’m wearing jeans and trainers.’— Sarah
Ask Questions All the Time
Of course, anything you read here will inevitably be coloured by my views, ideas, beliefs and prejudices, along with the knowledge and experience I’ve gained over the years that I want to share with you. At the end of the day, you are the only one who can decide what—among all the information you gather—can actually be trusted. If you’re not sure, keep asking questions:
Is this information really independent, or just another piece of advertising?
What sources are the most reliable if I want a second opinion?
Is there any alternative explanation that would make sense?
Are there any approaches—however unusual—that mainstream practice has overlooked, but which could actually be important?
Are there any risks involved in trying these?
Are there good reasons to believe this approach could work for my child?
What are the chances (actual probabilities) that these approaches might help?
Throughout this book, I will try to help you through the minefields by doing my best distinguish between:
1 evidence that can reasonably be trusted to be ‘objective’ and reliable (based on independent research carried out according to established scientific principles and practice)
2 evidence that comes from research carried out or directly funded by those with a vested commercial interest in its outcome
3 theories and observations that make sense, but which have not yet been backed by much firm evidence, including some of my own personal opinions and beliefs.
Past, Present and Future
‘What have I been doing wrong?’ is a question I’ve heard from countless parents—parents who care deeply about their child, and who have tried every which way to solve their child’s problems, and still not succeeded. Things have not been turning out as they hoped—and, like most parents, they are prepared to take more than their fair share of the responsibility. They have ‘tried everything’, following all the best advice they could get—and still things don’t seem to be working out.
You, like some of them, may have had no idea of the effects of a poor diet (nor indeed what really constitutes a poor diet) before now. Or you may have read up a great deal on the subject already, and cried ‘If only I’d known this before…’ Whatever the case may be, you need to focus on where you are now. What’s past is past: you need to let go of any feelings of guilt or anger towards yourself or ‘the establishment’, and use today as the starting point.
The most important things for you to focus on are the ones that you can most easily influence, govern and control. Those things really should include what you put into your own and your child’s mouth.
Although many other factors are also important, good nutrition is simply crucial to your child’s health, well-being and functioning. Your child’s eating habits are affecting his or her behaviour, learning and mood now, and they will continue to do so in the future. Please remember it took a long time to get to where you are, so don’t expect things to improve instantly. In some cases (for example, after excluding additives to which your child reacts badly) improvements can happen almost ‘overnight’. In most cases, however, the benefits from improving your child’s diet are far more likely to happen gradually. It may take weeks, months—or even years in very severe cases—but with a diet that actually suits your child, happen it will.
What You Can Do to Improve Things
The advice I give to parents follows broadly the same three stages. These are the steps I’ll take you through in detail in this book. They are not difficult, and one or more of them will almost certainly apply to your child. I always emphasize that I am not officially qualified to give individuals advice on nutrition per se—and when parents need that kind of guidance, as many of them do, I always refer them to either a dietician or another suitably qualified practitioner who can advise on their child’s individual dietary needs.10
1. Your child may be consuming foods or other substances to which he reacts badly. To my mind, avoiding unnecessary additives that are suspected of causing behaviour problems is a ‘no-brainer’. You may be surprised at how many of these additives there are, but we’ll look at this issue in Chapter 6. When it comes to avoiding specific foods, then unless it’s patently obvious what’s causing the problem (and it’s not