They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning. Dr Richardson Alex. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr Richardson Alex
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Воспитание детей
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007369157
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dyslexia or specific reading difficulties (SRD), dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder (DCD) or autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). For children with behavioural problems, ‘conduct disorder’ and ‘oppositional defiant disorder’ are the terms commonly applied. Learning difficulties may attract diagnoses such as ‘speech and language disorder’.

      Unfortunately there is still a great deal of controversy over what these labels actually mean. They may do a good job of describing specific patterns of difficulties that are common to many children, but they do little or nothing when it comes to explaining them. If help is to be effective, then it really is important to know what’s actually causing these children’s problems, but this crucial information is not something that any of these ‘diagnoses’ actually provides.

      These so-called ‘developmental disorders’ also lack any clear boundaries. Not only do they overlap considerably with each other, but their core ‘symptoms’ also occur in milder forms in so many children in every classroom that it is a matter of opinion (and considerable controversy) where the dividing lines should be drawn. In the UK, around one child in every four or five would now meet the criteria for one or more of these ‘disorders’, leading many people to ask, ‘What on earth is really going on?’

      Diagnostic labels like ADHD or dyslexia can obviously be very useful in some respects—perhaps most importantly because they provide official recognition that a child is not ‘lazy’, ‘careless’, ‘stupid’, ‘selfish’ or something even worse.

      Sadly, these very negative labels are all too often applied by people who know no better. If left unchallenged—and particularly if your child starts to believe them—such labels could obviously do irreparable damage to his or her self-esteem and opportunities in life. Many children and adults have told me what a relief it was when someone finally identified their difficulties as being typical of dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD or ASD. A diagnosis may also be invaluable in opening the way to appropriate treatment. In school, it should allow your child access to whatever specialist assistance may be on offer, because the school can probably get extra funding to meet your child’s special needs.

      The help on offer doesn’t usually consider something very fundamental indeed: your child’s diet.

      Not every child with behavioural or learning problems will necessarily even qualify for any official diagnosis, of course. But even if they do, these officially recognized labels, which parents have often had to fight for years to obtain, don’t always lead to the kind of help that parents really want. For instance, if the diagnosis is ADHD, their child will usually be offered treatment with drugs. If the diagnosis is dyslexia, then some special teaching help may be available. If the diagnosis is dyspraxia or DCD, then behavioural therapies or physiotherapy might be offered. And if the diagnosis is an autistic spectrum disorder, parents may well be told that there is nothing anyone can do.

      There is always something that can be done. Don’t ever believe it if anyone tells you otherwise.

      One of the very real and fundamental issues that affects every child, and which every parent would benefit from knowing more about, is nutrition. The problem is that information and advice about food and diet currently feature absolutely nowhere in standard practice for either assessing or treating children’s behavioural and learning difficulties. In my view, this situation is simply indefensible.

      Over the years I have seen not just hundreds but thousands of children and their parents, as well as many adolescents and adults, all of whom have been struggling with difficulties in behaviour, learning and mood that neither they nor the experts they’ve turned to for help can really explain. I’ve also read and absorbed the findings from a huge and diverse range of the very best scientific research. In addition, I’ve attended and presented my work at many scientific and professional conferences in the UK and abroad, given hundreds of talks and lectures to both public and professional audiences, published numerous peer-reviewed research papers, contributed chapters to several books and written many articles for charities, support groups and the media.1

      As a result of the high profile my work has achieved, I receive thousands of enquiries and requests for advice from parents and professionals. These parents and professionals all have the same concerns and aims I have: to help the children they care for, and find some effective, practical ways that can help these children overcome the behavioural and learning difficulties preventing them from achieving their potential.

      In my view, all of these people are being badly let down. They are often being told things that aren’t true, and they are not being given the help that they need and deserve. I see huge sums of money being wasted in our health systems, our education systems, our social services and our criminal justice systems (let alone what happens within the worlds of employment and self-employment which generate the tax revenue that pays for most of these systems). It has also become very clear to me that a similarly large proportion of the resources devoted to research in the name of helping people is simply being wasted, because we continue to ignore some of the most basic facts that are staring us in the face.

      Nutrition matters!

      A Quite Extraordinary Denial

      Food and diet are important to all of us at the most fundamental level, because without the right nutrients it simply isn’t possible for our brains and bodies to develop properly, to grow properly and to function properly. It is also a fact that the diets of a huge number of children (and adults) in developed countries like the UK simply are not providing all the essential nutrients they need. Official figures from the latest National Diet and Nutrition Surveys bear this out—but oddly enough, the shocking findings have not been given any media coverage.2

      Results from the most recent official survey of the nutritional status of children in the UK, carried out in 1997 and published in 2000, are not even freely available on the Internet (like the results from the adult survey are), despite this research having been funded by UK taxpayers’ money. Perhaps the Government would rather we didn’t know? Later in the book, you’ll read about some of these findings, and I hope you will agree that they really don’t give us any cause for complacency.

      We keep being told that ‘a well-balanced diet can provide all the nutrients you need’. That may be true, but the truth is that many children’s diets are a very long way from being well-balanced…and the effects of this malnutrition on their behaviour and learning can be devastating. What I see going on in almost every sphere is a mixture of ignorance and a quite extraordinary denial of how food and diet can influence our brains and our behaviour.

      They Are What You Feed Them

      In recent years public concern has finally been mounting about the unhealthy nature of many children’s diets, but it took Jamie Oliver’s dramatic exposé about school dinners to put the shocking issues right in front of us. The British Medical Association, not usually known for its radical stance, has since joined in and demanded that something be done about children’s nutrition.

      The evidence is now undeniable that poor nutrition is putting children’s physical health at risk. Many children are now expected to die before their parents—as a direct result of their unhealthy diets and lifestyles.

      The epidemic of overweight and obesity in children is the most obvious sign that all is not well, and has become rather difficult to ignore. For years, the food industry and its supporters have always got away with blaming the expanding waistlines of our children purely on lack of exercise—but as anyone with half a brain can see, poor diets are equally, if not more, to blame.

      The physical health problems that accompany, and in most cases precede, such unhealthy weight gain are not usually so obvious to the naked eye. The underlying problems that are leading to Type II diabetes (in which the body stops responding normally to insulin), even in children, often go unnoticed until this has already caused major health problems. Type II diabetes used to be a rare disease that occurred mainly in old