The eldest son is in the east
The third important location to pay careful attention to is the east, where the ruling trigram is Chen, which embodies the spirit of the first male descendant. When this corner is afflicted the eldest son is at risk. When it is made auspicious he shines brightly, bringing honor to the family. If a toilet occupies this area, hang a windchime there. If the east is missing, place a large plant close to the missing area to encourage fortunate chi for the eldest son.
The eldest daughter is in the southeast
In the southeast resides the trigram Sun, which embodies the spirit of the eldest daughter. This is the corner that brings prosperity. Again, this corner should be protected and not missing.
Locations of younger children
The north (trigram Kan) represents the middle son of the family.
The south (trigram Li) signifies the middle daughter.
The northeast (trigram Ken) is the place of the youngest son.
The west (trigram Tui) is the place of the youngest daughter, who brings joy.
21 – the eight directions and the body
Feng shui orientations in the home and the smooth flow of chi in the various sectors also affect the wellbeing and health of residents.
Depending on how each of the home sectors are afflicted, specific problems can develop that affect the parts of the body symbolized by the different directions. These are based on the trigrams of the sector and their Elements.
Internal parts of the body are affected when the Elements of the home are weak and afflicted. So when the Fire sector (south) is negatively afflicted, either by physical disharmony caused by furniture placement, bad shapes, or wrong conflicting colors, or due to bad flying stars (formula feng shui), then the internal organ associated with the Fire Element will cause problems for the resident staying in the south. So understanding the relationship between the organs of the body and the Elements in accordance with the eight directions will add great breadth to your feng shui practice.
The heart and small intestine is of the Fire Element, the kidneys are of the Water Element, the lungs and colon are of the Metal Element, the liver is of the Wood Element, and the spleen and the stomach are of the Earth Element. This means that when the north is afflicted, residents sleeping there who are unwell may have kidney or bladder problems. When the east and southeast manifest health problems, those staying there may have liver or gall bladder-related ailments. Those staying in Earth sectors – the southwest and northeast – are vulnerable to stomach or spleen disorders.
The orientations within the home are also associated with body parts. Thus the northwest is associated with the head. So, for example, when the northwest is negatively affected, residents sleeping there may suffer from headaches and other disorders associated with the head. Using the same analysis, below is a summary of the body parts affected in accordance with afflicted sectors of the home.
Feng shui body language
The north (trigram Kan): Ears
The southwest (trigram K’un): Illness affects the older women, and the nose
The east (trigram Chen): Feet and the hair
The southeast (trigram Sun): Buttock and neck pain
The west (trigram Tui): Mouth
The northeast (trigram Ken): Hands and fingers
The south (trigram Li): Eyes
The northwest (trigram Ch’ien): Head
22 – the eight substances indicated by the trigrams
There is a close relationship between different feng shui formulae and the trigrams of the Pa Kua. Knowing the eight substances associated with each trigram fosters valuable insights into them.
The eight substances and their trigram origins and compass directions are summarized here.
Fire links to the trigram Li in the south. This substance is also one of the Five Elements. This trigram symbolizes the brightness of fire and the dazzle of the sun. It stands for glory; the applause of the masses. Li also suggests activity and heat. The symbolism of the Fire substance is that of a great man who perpetuates the light by rising to prominence. The color of Li is red, the bright red that suggests celebrations and happy occasions. To benefit from the chi of the south, activate Fire in this corner.
Heaven is associated with leadership, massive yang forces, and power. The trigram is Ch’ien and the direction is northwest, the place of the patriarch. To attract the luck of heaven, activate with gold energy simulated by metal objects. To produce good feng shui for the father, place a pile of polished decorative stones in the northwest corner. Spray gold paint on the stones to simulate gold. This is a good technique, as the Element of the northwest is Big Metal, and in feng shui terms, metal is like gold. The pile of stones represents the Earth Element in which gold is found. The energies created are in harmonious balance.
Earth and Mountain These down-to-earth, grounding substances are represented by the powerful K’un and Ken trigrams. These substances of the Earth Element stand for matriarchal wisdom forces that signifies real strength, sustenance, and family-related happiness. A pile of boulders here is excellent, but do not exhaust the Earth energy by spraying gold. A crystal cluster is also excellent. The directions are southwest and northeast.
Water is the substance of power and wealth. It is a substance that can bring great prosperity or hardship and suffering, so the water chi must be harnessed carefully. It has a double-edged effect: placed in the north, water brings luck, but differentiate between the flow of water and actual placement of water. It is easier to work with water features than to harness luck from water flow, so a fish tank in the north corner of the living room, for example, is always good and always beneficial.
The other three substances are symbolized by the lake, thunder, and wind. These align with the trigrams in the west, east, and southeast. Paintings and decorative objects give life to the energies of these substances.
Gold stones in the northwest create patriarch luck.
Fish in the north of the living room bring wealth luck.
23 – the yin and yang of the four cardinal directions
In feng shui practice, it is helpful to develop sensitivity to yin and yang energies. This understanding means the difference between success and failure when placing all your feng shui enhancers.
In a similar way to placing the final piece in the feng shui jigsaw, yin and yang energy makes the picture whole and complete. So understanding its manifestations is a crucial starting point in developing feng shui instincts.
The Chinese believe that yin and yang forces give existence to each other. So, yin is passive, darkness, night, cold, quiet, and stillness; yang, on the other hand, is positive, daylight,