Attila. Play. Yunus Oghuz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Yunus Oghuz
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449645814
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the shores of the Caspian Sea their own motherland?

      Atanarkh:-Like us they also consider the shores of the Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea to be their historical lands.

      Emperor:( stands up again nervously) -They… They… They… Who are they? What is the name ofthese unknown tribes? Why are you afraid of them in this way?

      Atanarkh:-Now they are called like the Huns, Your Excellency! Now they call themselves like the Huns.

      Emperor:-How do they call themselves?

      Atanarkh:-The Huns, Your Majesty! The Huns.

      Emperor:( sits on the throne) -What kind of the name is it? Who are they? Who is their leader?

      Atanarkh:-They called their first leader as Balamir. At present their leader is Oktar, Your Majesty! According to their words they consider themselves the leader of the lands among the three seas. And they think that to return to their historical land is their right.

      Emperor:-The king of Goths! I pay you too much money for to guard my north borders. But you remembered your kinsfolk, you want to relate your tribe with the Iskits and the Huns.

      Atanarkh:-Your Majesty! I serve to you. I have been guarding the north borders of the empire of Byzantine for seven years honestly. But now the situation has been changed too much. Once I

      could enter the territories of Byzantine with the army. As a result of the understanding between us my army never entered the territory of Byzantine. The people who didn’t enter your territory with the army, now are obliged to enter your

      territory like the refugees.

      Emperor:( as if relented) -Well, well, Atanarkh! I know that you served the empire of Byzantine honestly. I consider that we can solve with you the problem of the refugees. Well, Vasiliy, what do you think?

      Cardinal:-How you advise!

      Emperor:-You see, even Vasiliy, is in your side. (he turns and winks at Vasiliy) I have a question to the king of Goths.

      Atanarkh:-Please, ruler!

      Emperor:-You, Goths, really consider yourselves from the blood of Iskits and the Huns?

      Atanarkh:-Your Majesty! According to the legends, we are kinsfolk people. Since the old times we have been together, we lived together. I don’t know, from the reason of which problem our forefathers didn’t continue to live together, and afterwards our forefathers moved from the shores of the Caspian Sea to the West. See, now

      we are situated in the north part of your realm.

      Emperor Valent :( ironically) -Well, well, if your blood relatives oppress you a bit you are going to be situated not in the north of our realm but inside of our realm. Atanarkh, tell me the truth, really these tribesspread all over the world from the shores of the three seas?

      Atanarkh:-My ruler, from hearsay, we were created from the wolves. See, both in us, in Iskits and the Huns the legend of the wolf is the same.

      Emperor Valent: (shows himself as if he is nervous) -Well, now it isn’t time to remember your blood relatives. Tell me, what can we do for your people?

      Atanarkh:-I have come here for to discuss this problem. Your Majesty, if you allowed me, I would share my opinions with you.

      Emperor:-Please, I listen to you.

      Atanarkh:-I think that it would be better if you allowed my people enter your territory. You mustn’t agree for the Huns kill us.

      Vasiliy:( turns towards emperor) -Your Majesty, if you give me permission, I want to ask aquestion from the king of Goths.

      Emperor:-Please, Vasiliy!

      Cardinal:-How much is the number of the refugees?

      Atanarkh:-200 thousand together with women and children.

      Vasiliy:-But what about the number of the fighting men?

      Atanarkh:-Our fighting power is about 50 thousand.

      Emperor:-50 thousand fighters aren’t few power. Isn’t is, Atanarkh? But why don’t you fight against the Huns?

      Atanarkh:-They are more than us. And also their fighting tactics are different from ours.

      Emperor:-Yes, yes, I have heard about this. (he stands up. Vasiliy and Atanarkh also stand up) Well, but who will guarantee me if I let your people enter my territory?

      Atanarkh:-I don’t understand you, Your Majesty!

      Emperor:-You have power of 50 thousand fighters. Who guarantees that if your fighters enter our territory they won’t attack our people, they won’t plunder our villages and cities?

      Atanarkh:-I guarantee you, Your Majesty!


      Atanarkh: – I shall leave my child near you. I think, it is the trusted


      Emperor:-How is the warlord of the Huns?

      Atanarkh:-Well, my ruler, as I said before the chief of the Huns is called Oktar. And they say that he is too cruel man.

      Emperor:( walks thoughtfully to and fro in the palace, then he stands at Atanarkh:) -Well, I agree with you. I let your people enter our territory. But on two conditions.

      Atanarkh:-Please, Your Majesty!

      Emperor:-First, on the condition of your leaving your son near me I allow your people enter our territory. But they mustn’t go far from the distance of 150 kilometers. My second condition is that while passing our territory your fighters must surrender their guns to my soldiers. Do you agree with me?

      Atanarkh:( gives a puzzled look) -Your Majesty, we earn our living with the help of the guns.

      Emperor:-Atanarkh, if you think about the security of your people I think about the security of my empire. My two conditions are too important and it must be fulfilled without fail. What do you say?

      Atanarkh:( thinks a little) -Let it be how you want, Your Majesty!

      Emperor:( looks at Vasiliy) -If it is thus, go and prepare. (Vasiliy and Atanarkh go out. Emperor remains all by himself) I think, in guarding of our borders the Huns will replace the Goths.

      The curtain falls. Behind the curtain the voice of Prisk, who wrote the greatest work about the Huns, is heard. “So, starting from IV century the Huns began to be seen on the scene of the history. With the coming of them the historical map of Europe began to change. All the rulers of Europe wanted to be friends with them and paid them taxes. Just after they weakened Byzantine, the Goths entered Konstantinopol in 410 and with the help of the Huns they plundered the city.”
