Attila. Play. Yunus Oghuz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Yunus Oghuz
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449645814
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Do the Goths come to our territory like refugees? Who makes them to be refugees?

      Cardinal:-The problem is that he who runs is known, but who makes them run is unknown. Up present in these territories nobody heard the name of these tribes.

      Emperor:-I wonder, are they Godsend? Can there be such an event in the history?

      Cardinal:-I don’t know, Your Majesty!

      Emperor Valent: (stands up) -It appears that the king of Goths comes here like a refugee. (smiles) Seven years ago I invited him to Konstantinopol. Do you remember?

      Cardinal:-Yes, Your Majesty!

      Emperor Valent :( continues) -At that time we fought against the Goths, but we ouldn’tdefeat them. They moved off into the Danube forests and chose the tactics of mountainous fights. They hid themselves among the mountains, in the forests, attacked us. We had a lot of loss. I ollowed Atanarkh for three years. Though Atanarkh also had much loss I couldn’t defeat them. Because they didn’t fight in modern fighting way. For them, the tactics of open fight of the armies against each other, was strange. At last, in the next bank of DanubeI was obliged to recognize their authority. And Vasiliy, I sentyou to have a talk with Atanarkh, to invite him to Konstantinopol. Do you remember all these, Vasiliy?

      Cardinal:-Of course, I remember, Your Majesty! You gave me a letter to deliver Atanarkh. I did how you wanted and invited him here for to sign a treaty.

      Emperor:-But he didn’t come.

      Cardinal:– Yes, Your Majesty! He offered excuses, as if he promised his father not to step anymore on the Byzantine lands. I think that he didn’t come here for being afraid of falling into a trap. Simply, he found pretext as if he promised his father.

      Emperor:( raises the tone of his voice)

      – But he didn’t come! Instead he didn’t agree my passing to the other bank of Danube. In the middle of Danube, in the boat we signed a treaty for to recognize the authority of Goths. Me- Byzantine emperor Valent, for the first time in my life entered into negotiation with the barbarians and recognized their authority. I pay them 200 pounds gold every year. Now, instead of guarding the Byzantine borders, the king of the Goths comes here like a refugee. (silently) At any case, the king of the Goths come here with the problems. Vasiliy, what to do? Maybe not to receive him? Let the king of Goths think about his people himself. What do you think, Vasiliy?

      Cardinal:-Your Majesty! Let it be how you want. If you allow me I want to say some words.

      Emperor:– Please, for me it is interesting to know your opinion.

      Cardinal :( stands up) – Let the life of Your Majesty be long. In fact, I am not going to tell a new opinion. I want to continue the thoughts whatever you said a moment ago.

      Emperor:( breaks his word, a bit nervously) – Please, Vasiliy, quick, hurry up! Tell your opinions!

      Cardinal:-Our glorious ruler is right that in spite of guarding our northborders, the king of Goths is afraid of some tribes and wants to pass to the other bank of Danube. You are absolutely right. With your permission I can tell that if you allow I may receive the king of the Goths and listen to him.


      Cardinal :-Your Majesty! You said rightly that Atanarkh comes with problems. First, you must know with what problems the king of Goths is coming here. Second, Atanarkh knows much

      information about the tribe who attacked them. Third, (Cardinal thinks a little) if the Goths pass the borders without permission they may create chaos in the empire and we must

      solve this problem with the king of Goths.

      Emperor:-I think, you could be able to make me believe, Vasiliy! Well, what else did the herald learn about that strange tribe?

      Cardinal:– The herald could learn some news from the refugees.

      Emperor:-What news?

      Cardinal:-The herald says that they have strange way of fighting.

      Emperor:-What is their strangeness?

      Cardinal :-The herald says when they attack somewhere they don’t begin to the fight directly in the fighting area. When there remains 650—700 meters to the fighting area, within one moment each fighter throws to the enemy about 30 arrows with iron arrowhead. They say their arrows are different from ours, theirs

      fly to far distance. So, within some minutes their arrows even may cover the face of the sun too.

      Emperor:( with interest)

      – What else does the herald say? What is the oddities of these tribes? Is their strangeness is only in their arrows or they have another strangeness too?

      Cardinal:-No, Your Majesty! The refugees say that these tribes can throw arrows while being on the horses, without stopping them. Even they throw arrows while the horses go fast. It makes no difference for them in which direction the horse go. They can throw arrows both while the horses go forward and go back. At

      any case, they can throw arrows at the same direction.

      Emperor:-I don’t understand, Vasiliy, what does it mean they can throw arrows at any direction?

      Cardinal:-Your Majesty, I also didn’t understand anything. The herald told me that the refugees said all the above mentioned information.

      Emperor:– You want to say that they can throw arrows while the horses go back?

      Cardinal:-Yes, Your Majesty, they turn back and throw arrows, and throw arrows very fast, 30 arrows in a minute.

      Emperor:( ironically) -Surely, all the arrows hit the marks, is it thus, Vasiliy?

      Cardinal:( understands emperor’s irony) – Your Majesty! According to the words of the herald all of the arrows hit the mark and kill him.

      Emperor:-This is miracle. It can’t be. In the world there aren’t such people who are able to throw arrows while their horses are at a gallop, and all the arrows hit the mark. (the tone of his voice rises) There aren’t such people in the


      Cardinal:-Your Majesty, this is their strangeness. They say that their horses got accustomed so that while the legs of the horses are in the air, they can throw arrows to the enemies. They throw

      two arrows within a minute. Then they return back and from the distance of 600—700 meters they shoot out at the enemies in the same way.

      Emperor:( thinks) -Vasiliy, it appears that the king of the Goths can’t fight against them for not knowing their fighting tactics. But what about us, shall we be able to fight against them? What do you think?

      Cardinal:-Your Majesty! We have a fighting army.

      Emperor:-No, Vasiliy, here we don’t speak about fight. Still we don’t know against whom we are going to fight against. How many are they? Vasiliy, what do the refugees say, how many are

