Firstly DO write & say when you are coming. Everyone keeps asking. I will get you a room here when I know.
I didn’t expect to see the Führer, as he apparently hasn’t been to the Osteria for weeks. However today at last he came, it was wonderful, & he was tremendously surprised to see me. He immediately asked me, as he came in (himself, for the first time), to go & sit with him. A bit later Max Schmeling1 came with Hoffmann, & sat on the Führer’s other side. He remembered you & me from the Parteitag. The Führer was heavenly, in his best mood, & very gay. There was a choice of two soups & he tossed a coin to see which one he would have, & he was so sweet doing it. He asked after you, & I told him you were coming soon. He talked a lot about Jews, which was lovely. News from Abyssinia & Egypt kept on coming through on the telephone, which was rather exciting. The Führer stayed in the Osteria for two hours, wasn’t it lovely. After he went Werlin drove me to see his new shop, which is wonderful.
The most amazing piece of news of all is – Baum2 is out of the Partei! She was in the Osteria yesterday, & Rosa told me. According to Stadelmann she was discovered to be a half-Jüdin [Jewess]. Isn’t it amazing. She also hasn’t any work poor thing, as there was a big row in her Mütterheim at Starnberg & she was kicked out. I am really sorry for her, as the Partei & her hate for the Jews were really all she had.
This evening I went to the Christmas party in Hössl’s3 Clinic, it was terribly pathetic, with all the little lupus-faced children dressed up as angels. The grown-up patients were very pathetic too. I think you would have hated it. The head doctor rushed up to me & thanked me profusely for all my kindness to the children, I felt awful as all I have ever done is to club with Armida & Rosemary4 & send them a Prinz-Regenten-Kuchen [cake]. So I sent them another today. Hössl, of course, sends you best love. He walked all the way home with me this evening, & I must say he is sweet.
Luckily Stadelmann has got hols now, so he stays around most of the time as a sort of Adjutant. Erich comes to-morrow evening.
Come SOON.
With best love & Heil Hitler! Bobo
Darling Nard
Yesterday the Führer was in the Ost, he came about 3 & left at 5 & was in a wonderful mood, quite different from last week. He told me that Lord & Lady Londonderry & the youngest daughter1 had visited him in the Reichskanzlei last week. I felt bound to say that I was horrified that he should receive such people, and that he would soon find that practically all his English acquaintances were in concentration camps. He also admitted to having seen Beaverbrook, which horrified me even more. You know Nardy he must have a very bad adviser as to which English people he receives. I think this time it wasn’t Ribbentrop. After all, he isn’t like an ordinary politician, who has to receive anyone who is important. Visits to him should be reserved for those who have deserved it, by doing something for his cause or at any rate for really loving him, regardless of titles & money & importance, don’t you think. I mean, to my mind it would have been much better to receive your Mrs Newall,2 who really does adore him, than Lady Londonderry, who will simply go back & say just as nasty things as ever. If they want to get on the right side of some important person, they should take them to see Hess3 or Goebbels or Goering or anyone, but not the Führer. We talked about it quite a lot, and he seemed to understand. Of course it’s impossible for him to know whom to receive, but he should be better advised. However he said that to make up for it, whenever you & I are in Berlin, he will give an ‘Abend [evening]’ for us in the Reichskanzlei. So that is lovely, isn’t it. We must go. He said he had never seen such jewels as Lady L wore.
He talked a lot about England & Germany, & said that in 2 years time the German army will be the strongest, not only in Europe but in the WORLD. Isn’t it wonderful. And he said that with the German army & the English navy we could rule the world. Oh if we could have that, and what wouldn’t be worth doing to help the cause of friendship between the two countries even a little.
He is going to invite Mary4 & me to tea in the Wohnung [flat] tomorrow, isn’t it wonderful. To a ‘kleine Gesellschaft’.5 Herr & Frau Hoffmann were also at lunch yesterday, & he invited them too. I am thrilled. And Oh Nardy, what do you think, he mentioned his SISTER.6 Wasn’t it thrilling. He said he had wanted to send for her to come to Munich, but couldn’t get hold of her. I am so miserable, because if she had been in Munich PERHAPS she would have come to the kleine Gesellschaft.
The curse came today, & I have a pain, thank god it didn’t come tomorrow. Mary is in a quandary as she hasn’t anything to wear. I shall wear my white fur blouse & black skirt.
Tonight is the Osteria Faschings ball, it is wonderfully decorated. Hess & Frau are going to the 2nd one. Now I must scram. Do write soon, & we must go to Berlin.
With best love & Heil Hitler! Bobo
Darling Birdie
Thanks ever so much for the postcard.
I am here quite alone except at weekends which gets rather boring. My gov is quite nice and I haven’t done any arithmetic since she came (don’t tell Muv) I can’t imagine why.
I don’t think Decca is enjoying her season much but don’t tell Muv.
Are you excited for the Cruise thing we’re going on?2 I’m not because we’re probably going to Greece and there are going to be lectures on the Greek one which I’m not going to attend if I can help it. I hate lectures. Besides, I thought the whole point of a cruise was the romance on it, not lectures. I shall be having romance while you and the others go to the beastly lectures.
Love from Dawly
Deborah, 1936.
Dearest Cheerless,
Thank you for your letter dear, it was quite funny in parts. But poor young gelding what a dull time you must be having. When are you scramming to Scotland?
Everyone in our party has gone from here except us & the slavers.2 The male slaver has taken a terrific hate on me because I told him a lot of lies. Yesterday we went to an extraorder nightclub in a town near here, run by an ex-Folies Bergère lady called Popo (or Pot-pot perhaps).