The Mitfords: Letters between Six Sisters. Charlotte Mosley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Charlotte Mosley
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007369171
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& Micky3 there, I made them sit in the garden & I sat alone inside. He came about 2.30, & smiled wonderfully as he shook hands, but then I waited & waited & no-one came. I was in despair, I thought he wasn’t going to ask me. Rosa4 came & told me she had heard he wasn’t in at all a good mood, so then I thought he certainly wouldn’t invite me. However at last, at about 3, Brückner came & asked me to go to him. I feel sure the Führer had pains,5 which I know he sometimes does have. For one thing he didn’t stand up when I came to the table, which he always does. Also the skin round the outside corners of his eyes was yellow. And then he couldn’t seem to keep still, he moved backwards & forwards the whole time, with his hands on his knees, you know how he does. I was so unhappy about it, it is so terrible to think of him being in pain. However he was in the most divine mood imaginable, I think he was almost sweeter yesterday than I have ever known him. We talked a lot about the Parteitag, he was terribly pleased at the way it had all gone off. He said he felt terribly flat now that it’s all over, & that it was so depressing driving away from Nürnberg, a few people in the street for about 100 yards & then no-one. I explained to him why that was, that they all thought he was going to the Flughafen [airport] and I think that cheered him up, but he was sad that the people had waited so long & hadn’t seen him. He told me where we had sat at both the Congresses, and said he had seen me at the opera, but of course that was you. He put his hand on my shoulder twice & on my arm once. I told him about having to go to Paris, & he was sorry for me, but then he said ‘But in Paris you will see real Life, and then Munich will seem like a rocky island to you’. (He said the word ‘island’ in English.) I said no, Munich will always be my Paradise.

      Well Nardy this letter is already far too long, so now I will stop. But I thought you would like to hear some of the little details of my lunch with the Führer.

      I do hope your journey wasn’t too bad. Please give my love to all Kits.

      V Best love, German greetings & Heil Hitler!


      Darling Cord,

      I did mean to write ages ago but somehow time really flew.

      It is so lovely being in Paris again, we are all enjoying it terrifically, specially me. Do try & get the Boud not to come as I don’t think she’d like it, one doesn’t want a really huge wet blanket in such a small flat.

      Cordy it was kind of you to lend me that beautiful fur, it’s naturally made the whole difference to the coat.

      Are you coming to Paris soon? You did say so. Nancy’s coming on the 25th for a bit. Hm.

      Muv saw in the papers that the filthy old Boud has been putting posters in people’s cars saying ‘The Jews take everything, even our names’ (it didn’t actually say Boud, but of course we guessed).

      Much love from Decca


      Dee Droudled Boudle,

      Well here I am back again. What agony to leave Paris. You can’t think what a lovely time we had, but still I am thrilled for my dance which is fairly soon. I do think you might come back for it. I gave Diana a present for you, I am afraid it’s beastly & anyhow I hope you will throw it from you with disgust as it was made by enemies of Germany.

      I went down to St James’ infirmary

      I saw my Boudle there Stretched out on a long white table So cold so beastly so fair I went up to see the doctor ‘She’s very low’, he said; I went back to see my Boudle Good god!!! She’s lying there DEAD Let her go, let her go, God bless her; Wherever she may be She can search the whole world over And never find a sweet Boud like me.

      It has actions, too.

      We are going to see Womb [Pamela] today, & stay there a night. Diana has given me a HEAVENLY evening dress.

      Give her my love, & hate to Hitler
