Anything but Ordinary. Madelynne Ellis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Madelynne Ellis
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008148799
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every inch of his being. He radiated that warmth.

      He was heating her this very moment with it.

      His hand slid under the bottom edge of her bikini top and claimed her right breast. Kara sighed a welcome. The heat of his hand made a sharp contrast to the chill of the sea. It crinkled her already steepled nipple, which he rubbed with the centre of his palm, while he used his teeth to lift the other side of her bikini. That nipple he claimed with his mouth, sucking it deep, sending sharp pulses of pleasure down through her abdomen.

      Where she had been wet, now she was sopping. Zach wound a teasing pathway down to her pussy, pressing a kiss here, another there. He flipped up her skirt and teased the top of her thighs, tantalising her with his nearness, letting the tension inside her build until all she wanted was to grab hold of his hair and guide him into place. When he relented and sucked her, he did so through her panties, which only served to amplify her need. Kara softly moaned and pinched her own nipples, kindling further sparks of pleasure that connected and formed a circuit with her pussy each time Zach’s tongue flicked across her clit.

      And still the whirr of Ric’s camera melded with the birdsong and the noise of the ocean lapping at the shore. She didn’t mind him taking pictures. Ric could turn even her into a spectacular work of art, but she did fantasise about him discarding the camera on the sand and it being washed away by the tide. With his hands free, he’d then kneel by her head, jeans glued to his skin by the weight of the water, fly undone, and press his cock to her lips, and Kara would lose herself between the two men.

      ‘Put down the camera and come kiss me,’ she mouthed, vocal cords so tight from mewling in response to the tickle of Zach’s tongue that they didn’t seem to want to function.

      Ric pursed his lips. ‘And why would I want to do that?’

      Despite their commitment to one another, he still insisted on maintaining an air of detachment, as if by doing so he could deny he was as emotionally entangled as she and Zach had become. The truth was that he was every bit as devoted.

      ‘Don’t look at me to twist your arm,’ Zach muttered. He breathed hot air onto her skin, and traced his tongue along the lacy edge of her panties. ‘Less of you means all the more for me.’

      ‘As I see it, all you’re doing is toying with her. Why don’t you suck her properly? Rip that scrap of lace off and show me and that pussy some red-hot loving. Prove you’re not just a big fat tease.’

      Kara groaned her agreement. Yes, please. She relished the idea of Zach’s tongue running along the split of her sex, then making direct contact with her clit. He’d make her ache so good that when he sucked, she’d be so desperate with need, even an earthquake wouldn’t move her as much.

      Instead, Zach sucked her through the lace, driving her into a state of frenzied desire, where everything was overwrought and hypersensitive. She ached with the need to feel him get closer, push his tongue inside her, fuck her with it and then with his cock. She reached for him, tangling her fingers in the longer brown strands of hair that normally flopped over his brow. What she really wanted was for him to shimmy up over her again, drive his cock against her mound, push inside, and make them both so hot they cried out, demented and desperate, as they strained together, strove together, until they were right there, hanging on the brink of orgasm just a finger’s breadth away from total collapse.

      For some reason she opened her eyes at that moment, perhaps needing the connection to Ric that proved they were a threesome before dying in Zach’s arms.

      Ric was intently focused upon them, brows subtly furrowed, blond hair tickling the tops of his shoulders and that magic gleam still in his eyes.

      ‘Come,’ he mouthed to her, tracing his tongue over the tip of one canine. ‘Keep looking right at me and come. Let me see it all, Kara. Everything. Don’t hold anything back.’

      He might as well have asked her to give him her soul. Sex stripped away barriers. By its very nature it was up close and personal. You couldn’t hide when you were riding a tide of bliss towards orgasm. She knew everything she felt would be right there on her face, scored into every line, written into every millimetre of skin. Ric would capture that and print it for the world to see. Her agony and ecstasy all rolled into one.

      Perhaps she had become as enamoured as Zach of being immortalised, because she did look at Ric. Stared straight at him, and might even have come if it wasn’t for a shifting shadow that made her turn her head.

      Subconsciously, she’d been aware of the niggling sound that didn’t make sense for a minute or so. It was the gentle whirr of gears turning, and the repetitive ping of digital wizardry being made by something that wasn’t Ric’s stupidly expensive camera.

      Conclusion – there was a second photographer.

      ‘No!’ she shrieked in alarm, on glimpsing the figure. ‘Oh, God. Fuck, no. Get off me, Zach. Get off me now!’

      Obedient to the core, Zach raised his head. ‘What?’ His eyes had been closed, but they flickered open now. His pupils were widely dilated and riddled with confusion. ‘What is it?’

      He had his back to the intruder. In all honesty, that was probably a godsend, given the kid had to be all of eight. He was posed, mimicking Ric, right down to the angle at which he held his camera.

      Kara tugged her bikini top back into position, while Zach dragged his shorts up so they covered his arse.

      ‘Stop him, Ric.’

      ‘Hey, kid.’ Ric made a vague swatting motion, as if to chase the boy away, but the little blighter kept on staring at her and Zach through his camera lens. ‘Stop that. You can’t go taking photographs without permission. Where are your parents?’

      On seeing that his words weren’t evoking a response, Ric skipped in front of the lad, so as to block him from taking any more shots. The lad didn’t seem to notice, given his camera kept on whirring away, presumably capturing some epic shots of Ric’s abs.

      ‘Give me that.’ Ric snatched the camera from his grasp, and held it out of reach.


      Christ the kid had lungs.

      ‘Nana, the rude man’s taken my camera.’ The little dynamo aimed a kick at Ric’s shins, missed and targeted a punch towards his groin instead.

      ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake.’ Ric planted a hand on the boy’s head and held him at arm’s length, while he browsed through the illicit images with his thumb and repeatedly hit delete.

      Kara curled her hand around his bicep when she noticed the kid’s grandmother appear from around the curve of the bay. The old woman saw them huddled around her still flailing charge and hurried over, chiffon scarf waving in the breeze.

      ‘What on earth are you doing to my grandson? Get your hands off him.’ She inserted herself between Ric and the boy, whom she sent scuttling towards a line of young relatives who’d just appeared from the same direction she had come.

      ‘Nan?’ they enquired.

      ‘I’m fine, dears.’ She flapped them towards the shore. ‘Go…play…’

      Gentle with her charges, her gaze turned cold as she turned it upon Ric. ‘Who do you think you are, laying a finger on him? You’ve no right, none at all.’

      ‘He was taking pictures of things he shouldn’t have been.’

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ The woman’s sun-browned face scrunched into a web of lines. ‘Is that his camera? How dare you take it off him? Give that back.’ She snatched it out of Ric’s hand. ‘And you’ve been deleting his pictures. Oh, my God.’

      ‘Would you rather I’d left the topless shots on there?’


      Ric scratched the faint golden stubble around his jaw. ‘Or the ones of them shagging?’ He shot sidewards glances at both Zach and Kara, who had positioned themselves