Anything but Ordinary. Madelynne Ellis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Madelynne Ellis
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008148799
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maybe…maybe he’d allow the last one.

      Ric leaped off the bed. He vaguely recalled leaving his camera on the table in the kitchen, which was way too far away. Luckily, he’d spent enough nights here over the last nine months to have a tripod permanently set up in the bedroom. It took two seconds to snatch the Nikon off the base, whip off the lens cap and get up close and personal.

      ‘Go ahead now. Slide in slow.’

      He recorded every inch of their union, right up to the point where their pubic hair kissed and they were bound so closely that there wasn’t a space between them. Only then did he pan back a little, focus on the sun-bleached hair on Zach’s arms, and the hint of good old-fashioned sweat gathering across his back.

      Ric returned the camera to the stand and set the timer to take shots of them at regular intervals. He climbed onto the bed behind Zach and tasted his skin, but fucking him wasn’t what he wanted right now. There was something else eating up his thoughts. One image, neon-bright, of them all entwined in a way they’d never been before.

      He didn’t want to fuck Zach. He wanted to fuck with him.

      ‘Roll over.’ He urged their compliance by tugging on Zach’s hip. Soon Kara lay above, stretched out over Zach, her peachy arse pointed towards him again. ‘Where’s your lube?’ he asked Kara, knowing the answer but giving her just a little bit of a heads-up of what was coming.

      All right, perhaps not quite as much of a warning as she might imagine, since he’d lay money on her expecting him to slide into her arse. It wouldn’t be the first time. It wasn’t even the first time he’d have taken her like that with Zach already in her pussy.

      But that wasn’t what he intended.

      Ric slathered up his cock, but it was his fingers he slid inside her – into her pussy, alongside Zach’s cock.

      ‘Oh, God! What are you doing?’ Zach gasped. His line of sight was blocked, but Ric knew he could sure as hell feel what was going on. He moved his fingers back and forth in time with the thrusts of Zach’s cock, stroking him as much as he was stroking Kara.

      ‘I thought we might try something.’

      ‘Try what – shredding my sanity? Jeezus, Ric. Stop doing that.’

      ‘You don’t like me stroking your cock?’ he teased. ‘Kara doesn’t want me to stop, do you?’

      ‘I want to know what you’re up to.’ She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. ‘What are you up to?’

      Ric flashed her his wickedest grin. ‘What, you want me to tell you what the surprise is? Then it won’t be a surprise.’

      ‘Hm.’ She pursed her lips. ‘I know that if you squirt any more lube, I swear you’ll slip out before you even dive in.’

      ‘A physical impossibility, I think,’ he replied, continuing to fuck her with his fingers in perfect synch with Zach.

      It was true, he had slathered his dick up pretty good.

      ‘Fucking come on, Ric,’ Zach panted from below her. He lay on his back, his dark hair, damp at the front, curled over his forehead covering one eyebrow. ‘Whatever it is, get on with it, or I swear I’m going to steal your thunder.’

      ‘Do that and I’ll make you pay.’

      ‘Keep doing that and I’ll not be able to help it.’

      ‘OK, I was just looking out for Kara.’ Who seemed to twig at that moment just exactly what he had planned.

      ‘No,’ she said. ‘You’re crazy. You’ll never fit.’

      ‘Is that a statement or a challenge?’

      ‘Fuck!’ She dug her teeth into her lower lip, while he straddled Zach’s legs and cosied up closer to her back. ‘Ric, no.’ She gulped audibly, but she didn’t try to pull away from him. If anything her body language was welcoming. She even slowed the jig she was performing with Zach down to a super-gentle pace.

      ‘What’s going on?’ Zach demanded. ‘Why’s she saying no?’

      Ric ignored him in favour of answering Kara. ‘No. Really?’ he enquired. ‘Or, no, you’re fucking insane, but do it to me now, ’cause I’m every bit as delirious as you are?’

      He laughed when the only response she made consisted of a drawn out ‘mmm’ sound that vibrated through the whole of her body. He could feel it against his fingers that were still inside her cunt. ‘Care to clarify that?’

      ‘Yes,’ she said, exhaling sharply.

      ‘Um,’ Zach protested. His hands fastened upon the tops of Kara’s thighs, as he tried to motivate her to up the pace again. ‘What did you just agree to?’

      ‘Don’t worry, lover boy. It’s nothing to get to get riled about. She was just agreeing we could be fuck buddies.’

      Zach’s brows immediately knitted. Suggesting, even in the most offhand way, that they were something less than committed lovers always wound him up.

      ‘We might need to take this slow.’

      Ric pulled his fingers free and aligned his cock with Zach’s, at which point the other man finally seemed to twig what was going on.

      ‘Hang on. Do I not get a say in this? What makes you think I want my cock stroking yours?’

      ‘Because you always want your cock stroking mine.’

      ‘Kara?’ Zach peered up at her, his mouth opening around a sigh of bliss, despite the questions written into his gaze.

      Kara answered by sinking back slowly.

       Oh, fuck, that was tight!

      ‘Slowly…slowly.’ Zach gasped. ‘Oh, honey. Oh, living hell!’

      Yeah, that was right, slow and relaxed. No need to rush, not that he wanted to. Ric intended to savour this. It was about as close to paradise as he thought he could get, cosied up besides his two favourite people.

      Like seriously, heaven had nothing on this.

      Kara rocked her hips, which sent a dart of pure bliss through his cock, and tore a deep groan from his throat. ‘More,’ he thought he heard her gasp.

      She began to pick the pace up, apparently now eager for what they were giving her.

      Sheesh! If they didn’t slow down a little, he was going to go off like a rocket.

      So much for his supposed control. Right now, it was shot to pieces. All he could do was hold onto her and follow her lead. He wrapped his arms tight around her middle, and let his head rest against her shoulder as he fought the inevitable ride towards orgasm. He’d known this would be intense, just hadn’t banked on it shredding his self-discipline quite so swiftly.

      Ric’s gasps sounded loud in his own ears. They drowned out similar sighs and mewls made by both Kara and Zach. At least they weren’t any more immune to the sensations than he. Not that his reaction was purely physical. There was a vast mental component too. It was about the three of them being all tied together, completely and irrevocably entangled.

      His heart was on the line here.

      Hell, who was he kidding? He’d fallen for them both long before this moment. Their absence in his life over the last few weeks had proved that. He’d been mooning over them when they weren’t around or were too busy to be with him. He’d made out he was annoyed that Zach wasn’t around to pose, and that Kara seemed more interested in welcoming strangers into his world than welcoming him between her legs, but actually it was plain old-fashioned jealousy on his part. He wanted them to be his, as they’d somehow made him theirs.

      This act proved it as much as anything.

      ‘Can’t…hold…back…much…longer,’ Zach rasped.