Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Walter Hooper
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007332670
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It is known Joy Gresham left for the United States on 3 January 1953.




      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 1st January 1953.

      Dear Mr. Kyle,

      I wish the series every success, but am snowed under with work at present, and cannot assist: anyway, if the public does’nt by now know what I believe I should’nt enlighten them much in 3 1/2 minutes more!

      Yours sincerely,

      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. Jan 2nd 1953

      Dear Miss Pitter–

      The year, which I had not thought much of so far, begins to mend with a letter and a prime article from you. And then, as you say, the skies.

      It was beautiful, on two or three successive nights about the Holy Time, to see Venus and Jove blazing at one another, once with the Moon right between them: Majesty and Love linked by Virginity—what could be more appropriate?

      My brother joins me in best wishes for the year. How many—and how few—of these here years there seem to be!

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis

      Collegium Stae Mariae Magdalenae

      apud Oxonienses Vig. fest. Trium Regum MCMLIII [5 January 1953]

      Dilectissime Pater

      Grato animo, ut semper, paternas tuas benedictiones accepi. Sit tibi, precor, suavissima gustatio omnium hujus temporis gaudiorum et inter curas et Dolores consolatio. Tractatum Responsabilità apud Amicum (Dec.) invenire nequeo. Latet aliquis error. Orationes tuas peto de opera quod nunc in manibus est dum conor componere libellum de precibus privatis in usum laicorum praesertim eorum qui nuper in fidem Christianam conversi sunt et longo stabilitoque habitu orandi adhuc carent. Laborem aggressus sum quia videbam multos quidem pulcherrimosque libros de hac re scriptos esse in usum religiosorum, paucos tamen qui tirones et adhuc (ut ita dicam) infantes in fide instruunt. Multas difficultates invenio nee certe scio utrum Dominus velit me hoc opus perficere an non. Ora, mi pater, ne aut nimia audacitate in re mihi non concessâ persistam aut nimia timiditate a labore debito recedam: aeque enim damnati et ille qui Arcam sine mandato tetigit et ille qui manum semel aratro impositam abstrahit.

      Et tu et congregatio tua in diurnis orationibus meis. Haec sola, dum in via sumus, conversatio: liceat nobis, precor, olim in Patria facie ad faciem congredi. Vale.

      C. S. Lewis

      Adhuc spero tractatum Responsabilità accipere.


      The College of St Mary Magdalen, Oxford

      n Vigil of the Feast of the Three Kings, 1953 [5 January 1953]

      Dearest Father

      Thank you, as always, for your fatherly blessings.

      May you, I pray, have the sweetest relish of all the joys of this life and consolation amid cares and griefs.