The Lake. Sheena Lambert. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sheena Lambert
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Полицейские детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008134747
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‘They saw an actual body?’

      ‘Well, no. I don’t know exactly. The waterline’s so far back; the lake’s lower than it’s ever been. I think they saw the outline. Of the body. It might have been a coffin.’ Peggy could sense the shock-factor of her news diminishing. ‘I’m not really sure.’

      Carla’s shoulders slumped. ‘So it could have been there since the valley was flooded?’

      ‘Maybe. They don’t know.’

      Carla swigged from the bottle. Peggy noticed her fingernails were painted a deep pink. What was a schoolteacher doing painting her nails midweek? It was a nice colour though.

      ‘Sure it’s probably just one of the graves they moved before the dam went up,’ Carla said. ‘Or rather, one of the graves they should have moved.’

      ‘But the graveyard was on the other side of the valley. Close to where the new one is.’

      ‘Hmm.’ Carla considered this. She drained her bottle and handed it to Peggy. ‘Sure we might hear more if your referral appears looking for his dinner.’

      Exasperated. That’s a good word to describe how she makes me feel, thought Peggy, as she slid the Coke bottle into an empty crate on the floor next to her. Carla reached for Peggy’s magazine and sat looking at the pages, all the while pushing back her cuticles with a pink talon. Peggy tried to distract herself with thoughts about the Irish stew she had prepared that morning. She would need to get it back into the Aga by four. The phone on the wall rang again.

      ‘Angler’s Rest? Hello?’ If she had it in by four, it would ready for five. Half past at the latest. ‘Hello?’ she said again to the silence on the line.

      ‘Eh, hello. Would Miss Cas … eh Carla, be there please?’

      Peggy turned to Carla who had lifted her gaze and was questioning her sister with her stare. She shrugged and pointed to the receiver in her hand. ‘Who should I say is calling?’ She waited. Carla was shaking her head violently. Peggy noticed the colour of her cheeks change. ‘Eh, no Tom,’ she said. ‘Carla hasn’t arrived yet, although I am expecting her. I will of course. She has your number?’ By now Carla was making angry hang up gestures at her. ‘I will of course. Thank you, Tom.’ She hung the handset back in its cradle.

      ‘Jesus, I thought you were going to ask after his family,’ Carla spat. ‘Couldn’t you just have said, “she’s not here”?’

      Indignant. There’s another word for how she makes me feel, thought Peggy. ‘What’s your problem?’ she threw back at her. ‘Who is Tom anyway?’

      Carla looked at her, and retreated. ‘No one,’ she said.

      ‘Tom.’ Peggy wasn’t in the humour to give her sister any easy ride. ‘Not Tom Devereux? Your school principal?’ Carla said nothing. ‘Maybe I should have asked after his family.’ Peggy couldn’t help feeling shocked, and Carla’s reddening cheeks were doing little to allay her suspicions. ‘He is married, isn’t he?’

      Carla flicked a little too quickly through Peggy’s magazine. ‘And why are you assuming he wasn’t calling about work?’ She didn’t raise her eyes from the pages.

      Peggy reached out and rubbed her thumb over one of Carla’s painted nails. ‘I assumed you would take the call if it was just about work,’ she said. Carla pulled her hand away. Peggy drew the cloth from her shoulder and resumed polishing the glasses.

      ‘I’m not judging,’ she said, after some moments of silence.

      ‘Good,’ Carla replied, hopping off the stool and picking up her bag from the floor. She stood for a second, fiddling with the strap. ‘Thank you.’ The words were barely audible. She made her way towards a door in the back of the bar, leading to the main house. ‘I’m going inside,’ she said.

      ‘I’ll need you later,’ Peggy said. ‘Jerome’s staying in Dublin tonight.’ She waited for a tirade of complaints and bitching about her and her brother’s inability to manage the family business. It didn’t come.

      ‘Okay,’ Carla said. ‘That’s another Casey on a shady road to iniquity.’ Peggy looked up from her work to see if Carla’s face betrayed her true meaning, but all she saw was her sister’s back as she disappeared into the house.


      From the moment Garda O’Dowd tucked his long limbs into Frank’s car, he seemed to forget all about the body at the lake, and focus only on the Capri’s interior; staring in unabashed awe at the dashboard; tracing his fingers along the radio casing, only lifting his gaze once or twice to give Frank directions as they drove from the station towards the lake. When the boreen they were on finally came to an abrupt dead end, Garda O’Dowd seemed to remember what he was supposed to be doing, and pointed out Frank’s side window.

      ‘There. You can pull in there.’

      Frank drove slowly into a clearing, where grass was trying but largely failing in its effort to push through the sun-baked ground. With the engine off, they sat in eerie silence, staring out over the lake. They had stopped in what seemed to be a makeshift car park, where fishermen could conveniently leave their cars and trailers while they went off on the water. It was really just a small field, edged by tall evergreens to the back, and opening out to the lake at the front. Parked as they were, facing the lake, Frank could see how low the water level was. A person could easily walk twenty yards from the edge of the clearing before their feet would get wet, and it was apparent from the barrenness of the grey sand that those twenty yards were unaccustomed to being exposed to the air.

      Frank got out of the car and walked to the edge of the grass where the clearing met the lakeshore proper. A small drop, less than a foot in places, showed where the lake’s water habitually lapped. Now, Frank could step down onto the silty soil, littered with small rocks and pebbles, and walk on the lakebed with ease.

      Garda O’Dowd followed him. ‘It’s just over here.’ He pointed past Frank to his right. ‘A little way along. I left one of the O’Malley lads at the site.’ He glanced up at Frank with apparent unease. ‘I was reluctant to leave it unguarded. Not that I’d expect any interference. But you never know.’

      Frank said nothing, but walked in the direction the younger guard had indicated. He looked around him as he went, taking in the lake, the shoreline, the somehow unnatural layout of it all. He felt the ground beneath his feet soften as they ventured further. Garda O’Dowd hurried ahead, his hand up, shielding his eyes from the afternoon sun. Wetness oozed around Frank’s leather shoes as they got closer to the water’s edge. The shoreline jutted out a little just ahead of them, and the trunks of tall evergreens blocked the view somewhat; their long needles swinging and swishing high above. Frank began to feel the dampness in his feet, and was considering taking his shoes and socks off when he noticed a lad of no more than eighteen walking towards them. Garda O’Dowd spoke quietly to him, and the lad nodded his tight red curls in earnest, and pointed to a spot only yards from where they stood.

      Garda O’Dowd turned to Frank. ‘It’s just here, Detective Sergeant.’

      Unlike a sandy seaside beach, the silty ground between the water’s edge and the natural shoreline was grey and flat. The stones that littered the area closer to the shore were absent further out, and the area of ground Garda O’Dowd gestured towards seemed to Frank to be an unvarying expanse of plain, drying mud. But as they got closer, Frank could see that one part of the ground, a strip of about five feet by two, was a darker grey than the rest, and that the silt around this shape was uneven, sagging in places, and rounding at the edges.

      Despite the heat, Frank shivered. He looked up at the two men, only to see them looking back at him expectantly. Frank acknowledged the young lad with a nod.

      ‘Sir,’ the lad said.

      ‘You haven’t disturbed