Nectar for Your Soul. Vladimir Dubkovskiy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vladimir Dubkovskiy
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449389619
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of the genius inventions of Hero of Alexandria, who lived in Egypt during the first century B.C., were forgotten. Hero invented around 80 various mechanisms, which operated using the principles of hydraulics and pneumatics, “invented” a second time only in the eighteenth century.

      In the third century B.C. ancient physicians successfully performed craniotomies with a survival rate twice as high as, for example, in St George’s Hospital in London from 1870—1877.

      So many books have been written about the Egyptian pyramids that it would be possible to build an entire pyramid from them, but the ancient builders’ methods remain a mystery to this day and the information encoded in the construction of the pyramids continues to amaze us.

      It has already been established with absolute certainty that the basic dimensions of the earthly sphere, the length of an earthly year, the mathematical constant pi, the scale of the precession of the Earth’s axis and degree of longitude, and a number of other basic parameters and characteristics of the Earth and other planets in the Solar System are all encoded in the proportions of the Pyramid of Giza. Modern specialists, professionals in the area of construction, evaluating the pyramids as building projects from the point of view of the complexity of their construction, have announced more than once that even at the modern level of development of science and technology, the construction of such a complex would pose an enormous problem. The issue isn’t just the transportation of the multi-ton blocks. For example, it is a little known fact that the meridian line of the Great Pyramid deviates from the true line from north to south by a total of 3/60 of a degree, whereas the Greenwich Observatory deviates from the same parameters by 9/60 of a degree, i.e. three times more. And the exactness with which the stones in the pyramids are fitted is more than twice as precise as the fitting of ceramic tiles on the Space Shuttle.

      In 1978 a group of Japanese researchers attempted to construct an 11 meter high pyramid using the exact same methods that, according to the official version, were used in Ancient Egypt. The Japanese “pyramid builders” had at their disposal all the experience and knowledge of our civilization and had access to all our scientific discoveries. And yet their efforts were all for naught. It turns out that modern Japanese technology couldn’t even cut stone with the same precision as the builders of the pyramids.

      For this reason Egyptology’s official assertion that all this was done by underdeveloped slaves to satisfy their pharaoh’s megalomania fails to stand up under criticism. By the way, chronicles from the time of Pharaoh Khufu, in which are recorded all the major events of his reign, do not mention a single word about the building of a grand pyramid 6.5 million tons in weight and constructed from 2.6 million blocks, though the enormous difficulty of transporting just one stone for his sarcophagus is described in sufficient detail. It is sufficiently clear to any impartial researcher that the civilization which planned and constructed the complex of pyramids at Giza was not only out of place in the epoch of the pharaohs, but was also far more advanced than our modern society.

      Scholars point to the astounding achievements of ancient civilizations on the American continent as well. The Pyramids of the Sun at Teotihuacan and Cholula are twice as large as Khufu’s pyramid and no less puzzling. In many scientific fields, the Mayan Indians surpassed the science of the Greeks and Romans. Their advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy enabled them to bring their calendar system, and the science of chronology in general, to perfection. They built observatories with domes that are better oriented than the seventeenth century Parisian observatory. They established the exact length of the solar year as 365.2420 days, and we, after long calculation, arrived at almost the same exact number of 365.2422 days.

      During frequent instances of earthquakes in the Andes, the construction of these ancient cities didn’t suffer once, while many buildings constructed at a much later time using modern building technology were destroyed. It turns out that each block of these ancient structures interlock with its neighbors like pieces of a puzzle permanently fitted together. How this was constructed remains a mystery.

      In India to this day stands the Iron Pillar of Deli, which is made of pure iron. Since the time of its erection in the third century B.C., this column has not rusted. Modern metallurgists to this day do not know the secret to manufacturing rust-proof iron.

      In India is also preserved the Black Pagoda, also constructed in the first century B.C. Its roof is crowned by a monolithic stone weighing 2,000 tons. Even modern construction equipment is unable to lift such a load.

      The ancient Romans devoted extensive attention to the fields of architecture and city building. European architects achieved the same capacity for constructing domes only at the end of the eighteenth century.

      Archeologists have established that plumbing and sewage systems were used in the countries of the ancient world – Babylon, Sumer and Egypt. Sewer systems existed in Ancient Rome which were built in the sixth century B.C. Later they were forgotten. In the middle ages there was a full return to primitive simplicity. Neither sewer systems, nor normal water supply systems existed even in the castles of nobles. Waste was simply thrown into a chute, which deposited it outside. In Paris, in 1270, a special law was even passed forbidding, under threat of fine, the dumping of slop and waste from upper windows of houses. This was done to prevent waste from being dumped on passersby below. Leonardo da Vinci, the genius representative of the Italian Renaissance (1452—1519), having been invited to the palace of King Francis I, was so shocked by the stench of Paris that he designed a special toilet with a drain for the king.

      Sewer systems similar to those which existed in the ancient kingdoms thousands of years ago only began to appear in the countries of Europe during the nineteenth century.

      And so we see that there is extensive proof for assertions about the degradation of humanity and about its fall into an Epoch of Ignorance during the course of the last thousand years. Just a list of the inventions forgotten throughout the centuries could form an entire book. Precisely this was done by Russian author Alexander Belov in the book Anthropological Detective, from which we have taken many of the abovementioned examples of humanity’s degradation [12].

      Not only ancient technology, but also ancient technological knowledge, was steadily lost. Much knowledge regarding the energy of the planet and of human beings met the same fate.

      Knowledge of so-called bio-electromagnetic fields was expanded during the twentieth century. These fields are intersecting energy lines on the surface of the Earth; at the points of their intersection, there radiate outward streams of energy, which are harmful to humans. Such radiation also occurs above the majority of underground anomalies such as subterranean springs and their points of intersection, fault lines, subterranean caverns, etc. These zones that are harmful to people are called geopathogens, and the branch of science which studies the effects of natural energies on people is geobiology.

      The grid of energetic lines has been named the Hartman Grid after the German scientist Ernest Hartman (1915—1992), who made a major contribution to their study. He established that this grid encircles the entire Earth, and that the size of the cells in this grid is 2.0 x 2.5 m. There are other energetic grids as well with larger cell sizes, but no less harmful radiation.

      It turns out that the ancients knew of the existence of these energetic fields. In old monasteries in the Himalayas, cells of monks are situated and oriented in such a way that they are located entirely within cells of the energetic grids, where a neutral zone exists.

      Our ancestors took energetic lines and streams into account in the construction of any building, religious or residential. They also clearly understood the influence of the shape and material of things on the character of their radiation. Modern researchers are shocked by our ancestors’ fundamental understanding of the unusual properties of the natural environment and its elements, and of their effects on a person’s health, including on his or her psychology. It turns out, for example, that all the famous Roman roads of conquest were constructed to correspond exactly with the energetic grids and as such enabled the reduction of fear in soldiers