Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. Николай Конюхов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Николай Конюхов
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 2018
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57 p.).

      The most important points of changing trends in the socio-economic and spiritual changes, protests, revolutions are associated with changes in the density and direction of spin of the cosmic ether vortices. Points of bifurcation in the development of humanity are the points of changing in the direction of the spin. This is a purely physical phenomenon for all vortex phenomena. It is figuratively described by Viktor Schauberger in an example of movement of water in the river. (V. Schauberger. Water energy. Jauza, 2007– 320 p.).

      Here, economic laws are important for us.

      All the main indicators of economic development are linked and have cycles, reflecting the cyclical changes in the Earth's rotational velocity, i.e. the cycles of cosmic energies to the extent that the speed of rotation of Earth depends on the density of the cosmic ether. Part of the spectrum of energy directly affects our brain, psyche, our physiological, biological sense and effects on results of various activities. Hence, this energy can be called psycho-cosmic. The composition of this energy is twofold:

      – Non-electromagnetic cosmic energy of vortex character based on vortices of the cosmic ether.

      – Electromagnetic energy. First of all, it is the energy coming from Sun.

      Although, Sun emits non-electromagnetic energy too. It has been measured experimentally by G. Nikolsky. He has named this vortex energy as solitons – the fifth type of interactions known by physicists. So, cosmic energy includes also a vortex non-electromagnetic energy, not only well known electromagnetic. The vortices are connected with rotations of cosmic bodies, interactions of gravity-spin energy and energy of these rotations. This is the gravity-spin energy. Modifications, changes of the ether vortices under influence of rotating cosmic bodies are of the gravity-spin character.

      There are visual evidences that vortices penetrate human. Hair fall on our head is in the form of a vortex. Yes, and all our fingers are in vortices. From head to hands and feet we see evidences of our exposure to vortex effects.

      G. Nikolsky shows pictures of changes of substance under the influence of the vortex energy.

      What is the similarity with the fingerprint! Note, that the configuration of vortices is associated with the Fibonacci number (on the top of the human head).

      Energy solitons are extremely powerful. Their speed near the Earth surface is close to the calculated speed of the cosmic ether.

      Vortex non-electromagnetic energies are now measurable. A. Pugach has been measuring them for six months continuously. Comparison of the data with EEG has showed that this energy directly affects our mind, our psyche.

      Hundred books about this energy are written, thousands of experiments have been performed. We will only give a link to where these works are combined and analyzed: N. Koltovoy. Non-electromagnetic fields. Psycho-physics. Volume 6. Internet:

      And we will also refer to the carefully collected bibliography on the part of the problem: spin, torsion fields This literature is published in our country, there are more than 500 titles.

      Concepts have been developed so far, open facts in one way or another point at the existence of the cosmic ether. There are hundreds and thousands works dedicated to this phenomenon our days. The leader in fundamental investigations in this field is V. Atsukovsky.

      Some scientists link non-electromagnetic vortex energy with the ether, the other with dark matter and energy, and others give it a self-sufficient value. But it is clear, that it exists, and our brain reacts to it better than any physical device in the present time.

      And when we talk about the justification of these scientific fields we don’t mean few charlatans, and not even a group of scientists, including brilliant representatives of the Academy of Sciences and of the whole layer of researchers and just thinking and experimenting people. These scientific ideas are born in the minds of talented doctors and candidates of science, and simply outrageous researchers. Some people call new received scientific concepts as the new physics, or the new paradigm. There are articles on the subject from representatives of sectoral institutions, most of the Siberian Branch of RAS.

      Let’s clarify the concept and turn to economic issues.

      Psycho-cosmic energies are the part of the cosmic energies that affect the psyche of people. It includes both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic cosmic energies.

      Non-electromagnetic cosmic energy may or may not be vortex. It is connected both with the vortex motion (spin, torsion energy) and gravitational forces. It is called gravity-spin. (V. Dyatlov). There are a lot of terms of physics to describe these phenomena. We use the most common.

      Now, let us turn to the analysis of the impact of these energies on economic development, on economic cycles. Let’s make a link between the angular velocity of Earth (through its change reflects the change in the spin, the torsional energy of Earth) with Kondratieff cycles. There is a stable relationship: the higher the speed of rotation of Earth is (probabilistic sign of the low density of the cosmic ether) – the slower is pace of economic development. Graphs are shifted by 30 years. That is, the first cosmic energies change, then we, people, and the dynamics of our changes is manifested in economic cycles. Change of generations of people is needed to change the so-called dynamic behaviors, work habits (Psycho-economics: 2012, 88 -104 pp.). As nowadays the rapid spread of computer technology is first of all through the emergence of computer literacy especially among young people.

      Each cycle of N. Kondratieff was associated with the transition to a new type of energy, new technologies. It takes a long time, there is needed a change of generations, because each generation carries the structure of its psyche, brain imprint of those cosmic energies, dynamic stereotypes, in which it appeared. This will be shown in later experimental data. But our brain responds to changes in the cosmic energies directly. Therefore, to match the dynamics of the Earth's rotational velocity with changes in different human activities, we need a different shift schedules.

      Financial indicators are quicker than real, natural, react to changes in the psycho-cosmic energies.

      Cycles of N. Kondratieff reflect the cyclical, dynamic changes in the cosmic energies in the past time. Changed, lost the cosmic energy cycles form in which they were about 100 – 200 years ago – N. Kondratieff cycles are gone. But to see it, we require hundreds, tens of years.

      Under change of the measurement scale, the transition to the analysis of individual countries, the usage of different criteria and indicators, the relationship between the rotational speed with the pace of economic development is eroded, it becomes less obvious. This is due to many factors: the quality of the population in various countries, the cyclical changes of the quality (the law of three generations), economics development, technological level, level of social division of labor, and others.

      The larger is the scale of the country's economy, the more time is required for the cosmic energy in its pace of development.

      With this approach, some questions remained. Why do we choose certain indicators? Which are principal? What is a connection between them? How does time of the shift of the intensity of the cosmic energies change in comparison to changes in economic indicators for the development of a society. To answer these questions, we take the basic economic indicators of the US for a long time, relations between which have already been found, and combine them with the Earth's rotational velocity.

      Foreign economic statistics provides various graphs and charts. One of them is special. It is known as "The One Chart to Rule Them All".

      CPI – Consumer Price Index – is one of the types of price indexes created to measure the average level of prices for certain goods and services (market basket) over a certain period of time. Consumer Price Index measures changes in the level of prices for a variety of "fixed basket" of goods and services.