Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. Николай Конюхов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Николай Конюхов
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 2018
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Earth was at perihelion, which is during January 2-5, approximately 15 days after the winter solstice, the average frequency of the EEG in examinees was 13.78 Hz. At aphelion – 3-7 July, about 15 days after the summer solstice – 11.36 Hz. The difference is almost 2.5 Hz, i.e. around 20%, which is a lot for a qualitative analysis.

      Here is the data.

      But the question arises: why do we need these figures, these techniques, when we talk about economic issues? The fact that what is in people’s head reflects the economic pattern.

      Let’s take the data on the frequency of EEG and values of the coefficient of intelligence, depending on the position of Earth in orbit, and time of a year. There is obvious coincidence with the dynamics of growth of S&P 500 stocks.

      Note, that this chart combined different Earth's rotational velocities. But there is also the velocity of movement of Earth on its orbit. EEG reflects their non-simple combination.

      This is the data for many years. If we take a particular year, then neither the S&P500 index, nor the EEG frequency of the examinees will not have such an appearance. But for 10 – 20 years, the dependence appears. And what is the root cause? Earth's speed on the solar orbit, ceteris paribus. That is, provided relatively constant density of the cosmic ether in the solar system, the basic ability of people will occur depending on the speed of movement of Earth on its orbit. That is, form the amount of the cosmic ether available, which Earth absorbs during its movement. People accidentally get a larger portion of ether. But if the cosmic ether density changes in the solar system and the Earth runs into these vortices, they start determine intelligence and other abilities of people. And on them the economy depends.

      There are calculations of economists and psychologists for GDP growth obtained from the IQ of people surveyed. Correlation is the highest. The correlation coefficient between the IQ of the population and the value of GDP per capita for 81 countries was 0.76.

      Мс.: Lynn R., Vanhanen T. Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations, 2010. (The Results of Regression Analysis of Real GDP Per Capita 1998 on IQ for 58 Countries)

      If we use the coefficient of determination (0.58), we can conclude that 58% of all the factors that ensure the growth of GDP per capita are related to their IQ.

      We have presented the data that the GDP and other economic indicators depend on the density of the cosmic ether. So maybe IQ does also depend on it? There is an evidence of change in Norwegian psychologists’ IQ in recruits from 1962 to 2002, i.e. for 20 years. There is a direct connection with the change of the Earth's rotation.

      This similarity of graphs shows that the Earth's rotation affects IQ of Norwegian conscripts. But this is clearly not the only one factor. The growth of the level of education is also important. Norway is one of the most educated countries. At the beginning of the XXI century, the level of education of the population took the 5th place in the ranking of all countries of the world. With the fall of the cosmic energies, growth of the Earth's rotational velocity, their influence on the change in IQ recruits dropped, and other factors, including education, increased. But at a sharp drop of the cosmic energies, there is a small IQ drop for even Norwegians with their education system. Other factors the decline does not compensate this decline.

      Do not forget, that Norway is in a zone of high pressure of the cosmic ether. And at the present time we do not know whether it is possible to extend these dependencies on populations of countries from zone of the low pressure cosmic ether.

      Nor it is clear, why such a difference in the results has been obtained. Is it due to the fact that the brain work has changed dramatically in the time of entering dense layers of the cosmic ether, or due to the fact that children raise in the cosmic ether of different density? Perhaps, an education in the denser cosmic ether medium gives the best results? This conclusion is consistent with studies of E. Vinogradova on the growth of talented, genius people when they were born in the period of denser etheric vortices. This is consistent with investigations of A. Kholmanskiy on the birth of a greater number of talents and geniuses after explosions of supernovae stars, which are associated with an increase in the density of the ether streams in the solar system. Both IQ changes in the Norwegian recruits, and the Earth's rotational speed are better converge, coincide with the shift in 7 years. Early age includes the sensitive period of development, when the information is digested by imprinting and other highly effective methods of socialization, acquisition of knowledge, social experience.

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