Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frederic Boase
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
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d. 14 Aug. 1833 aged 74). b. Weston near Bath 29 April 1815; ed. at Bath and Tiverton; lived with John Constable the painter as tutor to his sons 1831–37; lived with Prince Thurn und Taxis at St. Emeran, Ratisbon as tutor 1840–60; settled at Munich, March 1860; corresponded with Mary Russell Mitford 1845–55; special correspondent to Daily News at Vienna Aug. 1865 to Aug. 1866; author of Chamois hunting 1853, new ed. 1860; The new dance of death and other poems 1857; Transylvania its products and its people 1865 and other books. d. 5 Louisen Strasse, Munich 7 April 1870. Memoirs and letters of C. Boner, edited by R. M. Kettle 2 vols. 1871.

      BONHAM, Edward Walter (2 son of Henry Bonham of Titness park, Berkshire, M.P. for Rye who d. 9 April 1830). b. 24 Nov. 1809; consul at Tabreez, Persia 11 May 1837; transferred to Calais 2 Feb. 1846, and to Naples 14 Jany. 1859; consul general at Naples 5 May 1862 to 5 April 1872 when he retired on a compensation allowance; C.B. 13 Oct. 1865. d. the British consulate Boulogne 15 March 1886.

      BONHAM, Henry Frederic (brother of the preceding). b. 2 June 1808; ed. at the Charterhouse; Cornet 10 Hussars 22 May 1829, lieut. col. 28 April 1846 to 27 Feb. 1852 when placed on h.p.; appointed to the Brighton and Canterbury cavalry depôt June 1854. d. 28 Brunswick sq. Hove, Brighton 16 Feb. 1856.

      BONHAM, Pinson (eld. son of Samuel Bonham of Great Warley place, Essex who d. 25 Jany. 1821). Clerk in Court of Chancery 10 years; ensign 60 Foot 24 April 1789; served in West Indies 22 years; deputy quartermaster general 10 years; governor of Surinam or Dutch Guiana to 1814 when colony was surrendered to the Dutch; major 69 Foot 30 March 1797 to 1814, general 10 Jany. 1837. d. Great Warley, Essex 19 April 1855 aged 92.

      BONHAM, Sir Samuel George, 1 Baronet (only son of George Bonham, captain H.E.I. Co.’s navy who d. 1810). b. Faversham, Kent 7 Sep. 1803; governor of Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca 1837–47; chief superintendent of British trade in China, and governor and commander in chief of Hong Kong 27 Nov. 1847 to 24 Dec. 1853; C.B. 27 April 1848, K.C.B. 22 Nov. 1850; created baronet 27 Nov. 1852. d. Paddington, London 8 Oct. 1863. The Chinese Repository vols. xvii-xx.

      BONHAM-CARTER John (son of John Carter of Petersfield, M.P. for Portsmouth who assumed additional name of Bonham). b. 13 Oct. 1817; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; M.P. for Winchester 1847–74; a lord of the Treasury 1866–68; chairman of committees of House of Commons 1872–74. d. Adhurst St. Mary’s, Petersfield 26 Nov. 1884. I.L.N. lx, 601, 607 (1872), portrait.

      BONNAR, William (son of Mr. Bonnar of Edinburgh, house-painter). b. Edin. June 1800; foreman at a leading decorative painters; member of Royal Scottish Academy; painted many pictures which became popular when engraved; very successful in rural scenes and pictures of child life; painted portraits latterly, many of which were engraved by his sons. d. London st. Edin. 27 Jany. 1853.

      BONNER, John George. Major Madras artillery 9 June 1825 to 4 July 1829; M.G. 4 July 1829; inspector general of military stores for India; F.R.S. 18 June 1840. d. 17a Great Cumberland st. Hyde park, London 3 March 1867 aged 79.

      BONNEY, Francis Augustus Burdett (son of John Augustus Bonney of London, solicitor who d. 30 Dec. 1813). b. 1804; ed. at Ealing; made many contributions chiefly in verse to literary journals especially European Magazine; studied medicine in Edin. and Paris; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1829, L.S.A. 1833; practised at Brentford 1833, Chichester and London; author of Nugæ or poetic trifles 1821, and of some valuable papers in medical journals. (m. Miss Elliott, proprietress of Elm house lunatic asylum, Queen’s Elm, Brompton, London). d. Elm house 13 Oct. 1877. Medical Circular i, 303 (1852).

      BONNEY, Venerable Henry Kaye (son of Rev. Henry Kaye Bonney, R. of King’s Cliffe, Northamptonshire who d. 20 March 1810). b. Tansor, Northamptonshire 22 May 1780; ed. at the Charterhouse and Em. coll. Cam.; migrated to Christ’s coll., B.A. 1802, M.A. 1805, D.D. 1824; Preb. of Lincoln cathedral 8 Jany. 1807; R. of King’s Cliffe March 1810 to death; V. of Nassington 1810–29; archdeacon of Bedford 10 Dec. 1821, installed 2 Feb. 1822; archdeacon of Lincoln 22 Feb. 1845 to death; canon residentiary of Lincoln 1845 to death; author of The life of the Right Rev. Father in God, Jeremy Taylor 1815; Historic notices in reference to Fotheringay 1821; The life and remains of Bishop Middleton 1824. d. King’s Cliffe rectory 24 Dec. 1862.

      BONNEY, Venerable Thomas Kaye (brother of the preceding). b. Tansor, Northamptonshire 20 June 1782; ed. at Clare coll. Cam., B.A. 1803, M.A. 1806; R. of Coningsby Lincs. 1814 to death; R. of Normanton, Rutland 1814 to death; Preb. of Lincoln 17 Oct. 1823 to death; archdeacon of Leicester 22 Jany. 1831 to death. d. Normanton rectory 7 April 1863.

      BONOMI, Joseph (son of Giuseppe Bonomi of London, architect 1739–1808). b. 76 Great Titchfield st. London 9 Oct. 1796; ed. at Carshalton, Surrey; studied drawing at Royal Academy and sculpture under Nollekens; fellow Student with John Gibson in Rome; lived in Egypt and Syria 1824–32 and 1842–44; went to the Holy Land 1833; illustrated the Egyptological works of Wilkinson and Birch and nearly all those of Samuel Sharpe; curator of Sir John Soane’s Museum, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London 1861 to death; F.R.A.S, 8 Feb. 1861; author of Nineveh and its palaces 1852, new ed. 1869. d. The Camels, Wimbledon park, Surrey 3 March 1878. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxx, 216–19 (1879); The Proportions of the human figure by J. Bonomi, 5 ed. 1880, portrait; I.L.N. lxxii, 245 (1878), portrait.

      BONTEIN, James (younger son of John Pitt Bontein, captain 1 Life guards). Groom of the privy chamber 1874 to death. d. Ambassadors’ court, St. James’s palace 16 Oct. 1884 aged 63.

      BOOKER, Thomas (son of Thomas Booker of 56 New Bond st. London, publisher who d. 26 Feb. 1826). Printer at 37 Ranelagh st. Liverpool 1840; printer and publisher at 9 Rupert st. Leicester sq. London 1848, and at 75 Great Queen st. to death; published The weekly register 4 Aug. 1849 to 26 Jany. 1850; The Catholic register and magazine 1850; Booker’s Pocket-Book directory. d. Richmond 9 Nov. 1859 aged 37.

      BOOKER-BLAKEMORE, Thomas William (son of Rev. Luke Booker 1762–1836, V. of Dudley). b. Dudley 28 Sep. 1801; ed. at Hartlebury, Worcs.; tin plate manufacturer; took out patents for tin plate making 1837 and for manufacturing iron 1841; sheriff of Glamorganshire 1848; M.P. for Herefordshire 18 Oct. 1850 to death; took an active part on protectionist side in free trade controversy; A.I.C.E. 1850; assumed by r.l. additional name of Blakemore Sep. 1855; author of Treatise on the mineral basin of South Wales 1848. d. Kingston-upon-Thames 7 Nov. 1858.

      BOOLE, George (son of Mr. Boole of Lincoln, tradesman). b. Lincoln 2 Nov. 1815; opened a school at Lincoln 1835; professor of mathematics in Queen’s college Cork 1849 to death; public examiner for degrees in Queen’s University of Ireland; LLD. Dublin 1852; Keith medallist of Royal Society of Edinburgh 1857; F.R.S. June 1857, Royal medallist 1844; hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1859; author of Mathematical analysis of logic 1847; Investigation of the laws of thought 1854, a work of astonishing originality and power; Treatise on differential equations 1859, 3 ed. 1872; Treatise on the calculus of finite differences 1860, new ed. 1880. (m. 1855 Mary dau. of Rev. Thomas Roupell Everest, R. of Wickwar, Gloucs., she was granted a civil list pension of £100, 19 June 1865). d. Blackrock near Cork 8 Dec. 1864. There are memorial windows to him in Lincoln cathedral and the college hall at Cork. Proc. of Royal Society xv, 6–11 (1867); Athenæum 23 Aug. 1884 pp. 237–39; G.M. xviii, 247–49 (1865); I.L.N. xlvi, 59, 61 (1865), portrait.

      BOONE, Rev. James Shergold (son of Thomas Boone of Sunbury, Middlesex). b. 30 June 1799; ed. at Charterhouse 1812–16; student at Ch. Ch. Ox. 1816; Craven scholar 1817; won Chancellor’s prize for Latin verse, and Newdigate prize for English verse 1817; published anonymously a satire on Oxford University life called The Oxford Spy 2 parts 1818–19, which created a great sensation; chancellor’s prizeman 1820; B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; edited The Council of Ten a monthly periodical June 1822 to May 1823, wrote nearly all of it; Incumbent of St. John’s church Paddington June 1832 to death; edited The British Critic from Jany. 1827; author of An essay on the study of modern history 1821; Men and things in 1823, a