Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frederic Boase
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
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and ballets. (m. about 1849 Emma dau. of Thomas Davie of Hoddesdon, Herts. maltster, she was b. 27 Jany. 1832 and d. 18 Oct. 1867, as a columbine she has never been excelled). d. The Swan tavern, Windsor 25 Jany. 1875. The Players ii, 287 (1860), portrait; Illust. Sp. and Dr. News ii, 268 (1874), portrait.

      BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, 4 Viscount. b. 6 March 1786; succeeded 18 Dec. 1824. d. North college, Elgin 1 Oct. 1851. I.L.N. xix, 450, 663 (1851).

      BOLINGBROKE, Henry (son of Nathaniel Bolingbroke of Norwich). b. Norwich 25 Feb. 1785; sailed for Demerara 28 Nov. 1798, returned to England 21 Oct. 1805; deputy vendue master at Surinam in Guiana 1807–13; in business at Norwich; published A voyage to the Demerary 1807. d. Norwich 11 Feb. 1855.

      BOLLAERT, William. b. 1807; chemical assistant at Royal Institution, London; assayer and chemist in survey of silver mines in Peru; made a survey of province of Tarapaca 1827; one of the first white men who crossed the desert of Atacama; served as a volunteer under Sir J. M. Doyle in Portugese war 1832–33; created a knight of Order of the Tower and Sword of Portugal; explored Texas, New Granada, Ecuador, Peru and Chili; author of Antiquarian and other researches in New Granada 1860; Wars of succession of Portugal and Spain 2 vols. 1870. d. 15 Nov. 1876 in 69 year. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xlvii, 148–50 (1877).

      BOLLAND, William Proctor (2 son of Sir Wm. Bolland 1772–1840, Baron of Court of Exchequer). Educ. at Eton; barrister I.T. 6 May 1842; the original of Fred. Bayham in Thackeray’s The Newcomes, and of Wm. Bowker in Yates’s Land at last. d. Clifton 10 June 1863 aged 47.

      BOLOGNA, Sir Nichola, Count Delle Catene (son of Baron Paolo Sceberras). C.M.G. 1833, K.C.M.G. 4 Dec. 1868. d. Valetta, Malta 1875.

      BOLTON, Daniel. Second lieut. R.E. 14 Dec. 1811, colonel 13 Dec. 1854 to 20 June 1859; M.G. 20 June 1859. d. Capetown, Cape of Good Hope 16 May 1860 aged 66.

      BOLTON, George (son of Mr. Bolton of Piccadilly, London, tailor). b. 9 May 1824; Manager of Olympic theatre 1846–47, of Marylebone and Queen’s theatres, and of Drury Lane theatre 1852; brought out about 1846 a comic weekly paper called Nonsuch a farrago of something, nothing, everything and many things besides; author of Nothing, in rhyme and prose 1845; All about love and jealousy, an original comedy in 5 acts produced at Olympic theatre 13 April 1846. d. 13 Philadelphia terrace, Mount gardens, Lambeth 25 May 1868.

      BOLTON, Rev. James Jay (5 son of Rev. Robert Bolton of Henley on Thames, dissenting minister). b. Southdown college near Weymouth 11 Feb. 1824; went to the United States 1836; ed. at College Point New York and C. C. coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1848; C. of Saffron Walden, Essex 1849–51; C. of St. Michael’s, Chester sq. Pimlico, London 1851–52; Minister of St. Paul’s chapel, Kilburn 1852 to death; chaplain to Earl Ducie 1852; has never been surpassed as a childrens’ preacher; author of Fragments of the great diamond set for young people, being a variety of addresses for children 1856, 3 ed. 1861; Life lessons, scripture truths for the young 1862. d. Kilburn parsonage 8 April 1863. Selected sermons of Rev. James Bolton 1863, portrait.

      BOLTON, Jasper. b. Ballykisteen, co. Tipperary; land agent to Earl of Derby’s estates in Ireland 1862 to death. d. Limerick 19 Nov. 1871 aged 30. Quickly ripened or recollections of the late Jasper Bolton (1872), portrait.

      BOLTON, John Henry. b. Dec. 1795; in the commissariat department; solicitor at 1 New sq. Lincoln’s Inn, London 1828 to death; president of Incorporated law society 1868–69. d. Lee terrace, Blackheath, Kent 13 Oct. 1873.

      BOLTON, Rev. William Jay. Educ. at Caius coll. Cam., Hulsean prizeman 1852, B.A. 1853, M. A. 1857; V. of St. John’s Stratford, Essex 1866–81; V. of St. James’s, Bath 1881 to death; author of Evidences of Christianity from the early Fathers 1853; Fireside preaching 1856; Footsteps of the flock 1860; The great Anti-Christ 1870. d. Pelham, Oldfield park, Bath 28 May 1884 in 68 year.

      BONAPARTE, Jerome Napoleon (elder son of Jerome Bonaparte 1784–1860, king of Westphalia). b. Camberwell, London 7 July 1805. d. Baltimore 17 June 1870. Bingham’s Marriages of the Bonapartes ii, 191–94 (1881).

      BONAPARTE, Napoleon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph (only child of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1808–73, Napoleon iii Emperor of France). b. Palace of the Tuileries, Paris 16 March 1856; went with his father to the seat of war 1870, present at capture of Saarbrück 2 Aug. 1870; landed at Dover 8 Sep. 1870; lived at Camden house, Chislehurst, Kent 10 Dec. 1870 to 12 Oct. 1871 and 1874–79; a cadet at Royal military college Woolwich 12 Oct. 1871 to 1874 where a statue of him by Count Gleichen was unveiled 13 Jany 1883; left Southampton 27 Feb. 1879; killed by Zulus in valley of Ityolyozi, Zululand 1 June 1879, buried in St. Mary’s church Chislehurst 12 July 1879. Life of the Prince Imperial of France by Ellen Barlee 1880, portrait; Graphic xix, 633, 637, 644 (1879), 3 portraits, xxvii, 53 (1883); I.L.N. 16 July 1879, portrait; The life of Napoleon iii by Blanchard Jerrold iv, 427 (1882), 2 portraits.

      BONAR, Rev. John (son of Rev. Archibald Bonar of Cramond, Midlothian). b. Cramond; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; licensed by presbytery of Edin. 30 April 1823; ordained 11 July 1826; minister of Larbert and Dunipace March 1826 to 24 May 1843 when he joined in the free secession; Convener of committee for colonial and continental missions in the Free church 1846; minister at Aberdeen Dec. 1846 and at the Renfield st. church, Glasgow 1848–54; D.D. Edin. 1857; author of The established church of Scotland as it was and as it is 1845. d. Edinburgh 20 Dec. 1863 in 63 year. Our Scottish Clergy, second series (1849) 149–55.

      BONAR, William (3 son of Andrew Bonar of Edinburgh, banker). b. Edin. 3 Jany. 1798; ed. at high school and Univ. Edin.; a partner in bank of Ramsay, Bonar and Co. 1817 to date when bank was merged in Bank of Scotland; employed a missionary to look after the ignorant and neglected poor in Edin.; F.R.S. Edin. 1822; author of several religious tracts. d. Chatsworth house, Malvern 9 Nov. 1866.

      BOND, Henry John Hayles (son of Rev. Wm. Bond, R. of Whitacre, Norfolk). b. Whitacre Dec. 1801; ed. at Norwich gr. sch.; studied medicine at Cambridge, London, Edinburgh and Paris; M.B. Cam. 1825, M.D. 1831; F.R.C.P. 1835; practised at Cam.; Regius professor of physic in Univ. of Cam. 27 Jany. 1851 to Jany. 1872; a member of General medical council 29 Oct. 1858 to 29 Oct. 1863; author of Analysis of an elementary course of lectures on Pathology 1866. d. Regent st. Cambridge 3 Sep. 1883.

      BOND, John James (son of Andrew Bond of Ashford, Kent). b. 9 Dec. 1819; Clerk in public record office at Royal riding school, Carlton House 1841, senior assistant keeper to death; author of Handy book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian Era 1866, new ed. 1874. d. 96 Philbeach gardens, Earl’s Court, London 9 Dec. 1883.

      BOND, R. Sebastian. b. Liverpool 1808; landscape painter; exhibited 7 pictures at Royal Academy, 13 at British Institution, and 5 at Suffolk st. gallery 1846–72. d. Jany. 1886.

      BOND, Stephen. b. St. Columb, Cornwall 24 March 1826; ed. at Stonyhurst; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 7 Sep. 1843; Matric. at Univ. of London July 1846, B.A. 1848; superior of the seminary adjoining Stonyhurst college Aug. 1861; professed of the four vows 2 Feb. 1862; vicar general to Bishop Etheridge in Demerara 1864–69. d. Wigan 10 Jany. 1871.

      BONE, Henry Pierce (eld. son of Henry Bone of London, enamellist 1755–1834). b. Islington, London 6 Nov. 1779; exhibited 210 pictures, miniatures and enamels at the R.A. 1799–1855; painted classical subjects 1806–33, and enamels 1833–55; enamel painter to Duchess of Kent 1831, to Queen Victoria 1837, to Prince Albert 1841; his collection of 172 enamels was sold at Christies 13–14 March 1856. d. 22 Percy st. Bedford sq. London 21 Oct. 1855. Notice of H. Bone R.A. and his works together with those of his son H. P. Bone by J. Jope Rogers 1880.

      BONE, Hugh. b. Ayrshire 1777; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow, M.D. 26 April 1815; L.R.C.P. London 26 June 1815; inspector general of hospitals 2 Oct. 1843 to 24 Nov. 1845 when placed on h.p. d. Picardy place, Edin. 13 Feb. 1858.
