What teaches dysgraphia. Elena Rybakova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Rybakova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449088819
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training plan, as well as the object of cultural and projective research of schoolchildren, a model for parody and imitation.

      The updated edition is being prepared with the development of illustrative and didactic material that meets modern requirements, including – intriguing, distanced from the usual format.

      Selection of text for reading in difficult cases violation of the letter from schoolchildren at speech therapy and in the family

      Letters violations observed in both children with dysgraphia as a separate problem, and at the school Cove suffering from inadequate STI educational organization de yourself, exhaustion of neuro- psychological proce ssov with significant characterological features – and many other options diskompetentions.

      An important circumstance here is not always available, especially correctional with overdoing, so parents and teachers need simple and distinctive guidelines both for determining the nature of the student’s difficulties and for supporting effective, efficient, coherent social and educational support.

      Another category of schoolchildren who may not receive correctional help due to a number of subjective and objective circumstances are gifted children, highly motivated pupils and schoolchildren with unequal object success (in this case we mean children who have difficulty on subjects related to literate writing. Gifted children can, for example, be tightly engaged in olympiads, additional occupations on priorities and profiles, extra-curricular and social activities-and at the same time accumulate gaps, problems, difficulties for quite some time, effectively masking them or depleting the operational resources of compensation.

      Many of them are in primary school too quickly passed the stage of development of literacy is not enough mastered the delicate operations n avykov, analytical and with and ntetichesky component and process s comprehension of written language, h then the complication of textual material and other components of the lexical, graphic work, these shortcomings manifest themselves with growing on tensions. The more neglected the situation, the greater the subsequent difficulties, the more complex the organization and the provision of diagnostic and corrective support.

      The organization of their educational status by the schoolchildren, as well as his environment, the objective conditions do not always contribute to the provision of a corrective-development process.

      The more pronounced is the shock of students and adults, when a complex survey reveals, for example, that the problems in the development of written speech are more significant than anticipated – but the reading is not so favorably shaped to neglect the system of special accompaniment of dyslexia.

      Students especially have secondary school level, actively protesting at depth diagnosis of reading processes, their ambitious expectations you expressions discord with lowering their educational status – and then stunned the state must be reoriented in productive actualization not only p adi saving their psihoemotsiona ceiling elements of well-being, but also due to the high resource availability of such affective readiness.

      Correctional and developmental studies at school age are mainly associated with the educational process, therefore their content is correlated with the training program both in the strategic aspect and in the operational mode. However, the principle of correlation of individual achievements and perspectives of pupil development prevails when selecting texts for correctional work. If the productive speed and the level of text complexity are significantly behind at the moment from the parameters of the main program, the work of the class, then the teacher’s ability to adjust to the productivity of the child is more limited than for the speech therapist in individual lessons or for the prepared parent.

      Speech therapist at the introductory stage of the remedial work, as a rule, is combined with the primary diagnosis in the school, often simplifies text Materia ly read / important first – read it without errors / even on current student opportunities with a view to ensuring psihoemotsiona ceiling elements of comfort, improve individually significant motivation, didactic employment attractiveness and also for positioning correcting process, the need for perspective model tion and often contributes independently appl ennomu schoolboy desire to increase the degree of difficulty and pace of work.

      Experience shows that the student can be favorably motivates in an to a operation an adult in a sufficiently hardly hydrochloric Allocation to independently mu complicates work in a more responsible Nome relation with respect to th free participation, and also expressed in the possibility of selecting the degree of tension work. The effect of such conditions is significant both in terms of motivating regulation and productivity of cooperation with an adult and, in the form of purposeful acceleration, complication of work initiated by the student himself.

      Further, the gradually increasing complexity of texts for reading and, in part, for writing, is organized with the maximally accessible, expedient and reasoned participation of the student.

      Once the age, software complexity level of text availability is reached, presentation of texts of higher complexity should be envisaged..

      – taking into account the remaining level of discompensation, which can provoke violations of recurrent, recurrent nature or operational difficulties of non-specific orientation;

      – in connection with a high probability of spine th hidden abilities and competencies, koto rye thanks to the work done and the enrichment of the motivational component could ut receive the impulse to spontaneously moo sa morazvitiyu, as well as the possibility of th escalation of overall development as a result of the release of the resources of cognitive activity STI, reflection, positioning;

      – in accordance with other hidden educational needs, which can be met simultaneously, thanks to the presence of specialists in the correctional profile and the achieved level of social and educational dialogue.

      with reference to perspective-oriented diagnostics, so that more subtle, complex features of development and self-positioning of the child, its priorities and individual style are manifested;

      – with the purpose of studying and correcting didactic expectations of students, initiating their impulse to self-development, forming an enabling didactic culture in the school environment.

      Complicated texts from fiction, scientific, technical, medical, can become a complicating reserve for the continuation of text work.

      A separate content component of the text correctional work is the material content of the materials:

      – for general and inter-subject provision;

      – to enrich the subject- developing environment;

      – for distraction from negative experiences and expectations;

      – to maintain and regulate attention, interest in occupations and overall performance.

      It is also desirable to provide cultural, social, moral, personal relatedness text mother als, which again is not indifferent about and for the general development of pupils in, and their psihoemotsiona ceiling elements status, and for optimal efficiency of cooperation.

      Advance development of children’s vocabulary

      in the modern information society and the problems of the development of written communication

      The organic unity of man’s thinking and speech exists in a mobile interaction, and the moments of mismatch in the rates, volumes and levels of complexity in this dynamic, with weighted address support, create an additional anti-entropic, synergistic effect that can and must be actualized in the interests of the developing personality of the child, his social educational status and reflexive state of health.

      Observing the verbal aspects of thinking and communication of modern schoolchildren shows that the development of the dictionary by modern schoolchildren, especially in the passive aspect, is not limited temporally or systemically only to actual or purposefully terminological processes. Verbally, grammatically, logistically, children show readiness for a broader knowledge of the