The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne. López de Gómara Francisco. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: López de Gómara Francisco
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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the whole relatiō of the iourney. Yet the gouernour feared the returne of his kinsman, bycause some of his companye that came sicke and diseased from those parties, saide that Grijalua meaned not to inhabite there, and that the people and land was great, and also how the same people were warlike: likewise the gouernour feared the wisedome and courage of his kinsman. Wherevppon he determined to send thyther certaine shippes, with souldiers and armor and other trifling things, thinking chiefly to enrich himself by barter, and also to inhabite by force. He requested one Baltazer Vermudez to take that voyage in hand, who accepted the offer, but he demaunded thrée thousand duckets for his furniture and prouision. Their gouernour hearing this demaund, answered, that in such sorte the charges would be more than the profite: And so for that tyme lefte off the matter, bycause he was couetous, and loth to spend, thinking to prouide an army at other mēs cost, as he had done before, when Grijalua went firste on that voyage, for at that time one Francisco de Montezo did furnish one shippe. And also certaine gentlemen called Alaunso Fernādez, Porto Carero, Alaunso de Auila & Iames de Ordas with manye others, wente with Grijalua at theyr proper costes and charges. It followed that the gouernour brake the matter to Cortez, & required that the voyage shoulde be set forth betwixte them, knowing that Cortez had two thousand Castlyns of gold in the power of one Andres de Duero, a merchaunt, and also that Cortez was a man diligent, wise, and of stoute courage. Cortez being of haughtye stomacke, accepted both the voyage and the charges, thinking the cost would not be much .&c. So that the voyage and agréemente was concluded, whervpon they sent one Iohn de Sanzedo to the kings coūsel and chauncery, resident in the Iland of Santo Domingo, who were then religyous persons to haue and obtain of them licence, fréelye to goe and traffike into those parties of newe discouerie, and also to séeke for Iohn de Grijalua, for they imagyned that wythout hym small trafficke woulde bee hadde, whyche was, to exchaunge trifles of Haberdashe for golde and syluer. The chiefe rulers of gouernemente at that tyme in ye kings counsell there, were these following, Segniour Aloūso de Sāto Domingo, Segniour Luys de Figueroa, & Segniour Barnardo de Munsanedo, who graunted the licence, and appointed Hernando Cortez for captaine Generall of the voyage, and setter forth in company of Iames Velasques. They also appointed a Treasurer, and Surueyour to procure for the kings portion or parte, whych was according to custome one fifte parte. In thys meane season Cortez prepared hymselfe for the Iourney, and communed wyth hys especiall friendes to sée who woulde beare hym companye: And hee founde thrée hundred men that agréed to his request. He then bought a Caruell and Vergantine, and another Caruell that Pedro de Aluarado brought home. An other Vergantine he had of Iames Valesques: he prouided for them armour, artillery, and other Munition: hee brought also wyne Oyle, Beanes, Pease, and other victuals necessarye: he toke vp also vppon hys credite, of one Iames Sauzedo muche Haberdashe, to the value of seauen hundred Castlyns in golde. The gouernour Velasques deliuered vnto hym a thousande Castlyns whyche he possessed of the goods of one Pamfilo de Naruaiz in hys absence, alleaging that he had no other money of hys owne proper. And beeyng in thys manner agréed, the Articles and Couenauntes were drawen and set downe in wryting, before a Notary, called Alounso de Escalantes, the thrée and twenty day of October Anno .1518.

The cōming home of GrijaluaThe gouernour an old enemyCourage of Cortez

      In this meane time arriued at Cuba, Iohn de Grijalua, vpon whose arriuall, the gouernour chaunged his purpose and pretence, for hee refused to disburse any more money, nor yet would consent that Cortez should furnish his Nauie. For the onely cause was, that he ment to dispatch backe againe his kinseman and his army. But to behold the stoute courage of Cortez, his charges, and liberalitie in expences, it was straunge, and to sée how hee was deceiued. And also to cōsider, the flatterie and deceite of his aduersarie, yea what complaints were made to the Lord Admiral, saying that Cortez was subtil, high minded, and a louer of honor, which were tokēs that he wold rebel, being in place conuenient, and that he woulde reuenge olde griefes. Also it grieued Vermudez that he had not accepted yt voyage, vnto whō it was once offered, seing the great treasure that Grijalua had brought, & what a rich land the countrey newely discouered was. Also he pretended that ye gouernor would be chieftain of ye fléet, although his kinesman were not fit for ye roome. The gouernor also thought yt he being slacke, Cortez would also be slacke. But yet he séeing Cortez earnestly procéed, he sent one Amador de Larez a principal mā, to intreate him to leaue off ye voyage (cōsidering yt Grijalua was returned) and yt he would pay him al ye costs & charges yt he had layd out. Cortez vnderstāding the gouernors minde, made answere vnto Larez, yt he wold not leaue of the Iorney, for very shame, nor yet breake the agréement made. And also if Valasques would send a Nauy for his owne account, he woulde be contente, for (quoth he) I haue alreadie my licence and dispatch of the fathers & gouernours. And thē he conferred with his friendes, to knowe their mindes if that they would fauour and beare him cōpany, at whose handes he found both ready helpe and friendshippe. Hee sought then for money, and toke vp vpon his credit foure M. Castlyns in gold, of his friend Andreas de Duero, & of Pedro de Xerez & others. With ye which money he bought two ships, 6. horses, & much apparel, & began to furnish a house & kepe a good table for cōmers & goers: he went also armed like a captaine, & many wayting & attēding vpon him, whereat diuerse murmured, saying that hee was a Lord without rente. In thys meane whyle came Grijalua to the Cittie of Sainte Iames de Cuba: but hys kinseman the gouernour woulde not loke vppon hym bycause he had lefte and forsaken so riche a lande. Also it grieued him inwardlye that Cortez procéeded thitherward so strong and mightye, and coulde by no meanes disturbe or lette hym, and to sée the greate traine that wayted vppon hym wyth manye of them that had byn the other voyage with Grijalua: yea if that he should disturbe him, bloud shedde would follow in the Citie. So that he was forced to dissemble his sorow. Yet (as many affyrme) hee commaunded that hee shoulde haue no victuals solde vnto hym. Nowe Cortez departed from thence, proclayming himselfe for General, and that the gouernour Valasques had nothing to doe wyth hys Nauie, requesting his soldiers to enbarke themselues wyth such victuals as they had. He also bargayned wyth one Fernando Alfonso for certaine Hogges and Shéepe that were prepared for the shambles, and gaue vnto hym a chayne of golde and brouches for payment, and also moneye, to pay the penaltie that the butcher fel into for not prouiding the Cittie. And so he departed frō Saint Iames de Baracoa the eightéenth of Nouember, with about thrée hundred Spaniardes in sixe shippes.

      The nauie and men that Cortez caried with him to the Conquest

      Cortez departed from Saint Iames de Barocoa with small prouision of victuals for suche a number of men, and also for the nauigation whyche as yet was vncertaine. And beeyng out of that parte, he sent Pedro Xuarez Gallinato with a Caruell to Iaymaica for vittailes, commaunding him, that those things which he should there buy, to goe therwith to Cape de Corrientes, or to S. Anthonies point, which is the farthest part of that Iland Westward. And he himselfe wente with his companye to Macaca, and boughte there greate quantitie of bread, and some Hogges, of one Taymaio. Then he procéeded to the Trinitie Ilande, and there boughte an other Shippe of one Alonso Guillen. And of perticulare persons he bought thrée Horses, and fiue hundred bushels of Corne. And being there at roade, he had aduice, that Iohn Nonez Sedenio passed that way with a Shippe laden with victuals, for to make sale thereof at the Mynes. Wherevppon he sente Iames de Ordas, with a Caruel well armed, for to take him, and to bring him vnto S. Anthonies point. Ordas went and tooke him at the Channell de Iardines, and brought him to the place appointed. Sedenio broughte the register of his marchandise, whiche was greate store of bread, Bacon, and Hennes: Cortez gaue him chaynes of golde, and other pieces for payment, and a bil for the rest. In consideration whereof, Sedenio wente with him to the Conquest. In the Trinitie Ilande Cortez gathered togyther two hundred men more, who had bin in Grijalua hys company, and were dwellers in that Iland, and in Matancas, Carenias, and other Villages, and sending his ships forward, he went with his men by land to Hauana, which was then inhabited