The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne. López de Gómara Francisco. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: López de Gómara Francisco
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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he tooke out of the stocke, these things followyng.


      Firste the twoo whéeles of Golde and siluer, whiche Heudilli presented vnto him on the behalfe of Mutezuma.A coller of golde of eight péeces, whereat hanged a hūdreth and four score and thrée little Emeraldes, and twoo and thirtie little redde stones, lyke vnto Rubies, of small value: there hanged at the same coller seauen and twentie little belles of Golde, and certayne heads of pearle.Another coller of foure doubled twiste, with a hundreth and twoo Rubies, and a hundreth and seuentie and twoo Emeraldes, and tenne good pearles well sette, and for border or fringe sixe and twentie belles of golde: both those collers were beautifull to beholde, and had many other fine thyngs wrought in them, than is here declared.Many graynes of golde of the bignesse of a pease, euen as they were founde.A Casket of graynes of golde of the same sorte.A Helmet of woodde champed with golde and besette with stones, and at the beuier fiue and twentie belles of golde, and vpon the toppe a gréene birde, with his eyes, beake, and féete of golde.A sallet of planches of golde, and belles rounde aboute it, decked with stone.A bracelet of golde of small weight.A rodde lyke vnto a roiall Scepter, with twoo rings of golde hangyng thereat, garnished with pearle.Foure forkes with thrée shepehookes at ech, couered with feathers of sundry colours.Many payres of shoes made of Déere skinnes, sowed with golde thréede, and in the soales were sette certayne stones of colour white and blewe whiche shyned fayre.Sixe payre of letherne shoes of diuers colours, garnished with golde, siluer, and pearle.A Targatte of woodde couered with leather, beset round about with belles of Latton, and the bosse in the midst was planched with gold, and there was engraued vpon the same Vitsilopucthli, God of the warres, and also foure heads set crossewise, whiche heades were of a Lion, a Tigre, an Eagle, and an Owle, verye liuely made with feathers.Many skinnes of beast and foule, curried and dressed in their feathers and in haire.Foure and twenty targets of gold feathers, and set with pearle both curious and gallant to behold.Fiue Targets of feathers and siluer.Foure fishes of gold wel wrought.Two birdes called Auades, and other birdes of gold.Certaine Hatchets and a rod of latten.Diuerse loking glasses garnished with gold.Many Myters and crownes of gold & feathers wrought of many colours beset with pearle and stone.Many faire feathers of sundry colours.Many tuffes of feathers adorned with siluer and gold.A garment like a coape of cotten, wouen of sundry coulours, and in the middest a blacke whele made of feathers.Many surplices, vestments, palles, frontals and ornaments of Idols alters and temples.Many couerlets of cotten of diuerse colours, whyche shewed like vnto vnshorne veluet.Manye shirtes, Iackettes, headclothes and other naperie.Many Carpets and hangings of cotten.

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