Cortez welcommed them friendly and ioyfully, and also lodged them in Cotages néere vnto the water side, and sent forthwith for the Lorde of Chiautztlan, that had rebelled, who came at his commandement. Cortez sayd vnto him, lo sée what troth I haue vsed with thée, for Mutezuma dareth not to send any army, no nor yet displease anye person where I am. Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed. He requested to set at libertie the prisoners, and to restore thē to the Ambassadors of Mutezuma. Thys Cazike wylled Cortez to doe what pleased him, for sayde he, euen as wée haue chosen you for oure Captayne, we will not excéede one iote of youre commaundemente: wherevppon hée returned home to his towne, and the Ambassadors toward Mexico, all well pleased and content.
Nowe fame flew abroade, blasing that Mutezuma feared the Christians, wherevpon all the Totonaques prepared themselues for the warres, taking cleane awaye from Mexico their tribute and obedience.
The Ambassadors departed from Cortez with theyr prisoners, and manye other things that were giuen thē, of linnen, wollen, skynnes, glasse, and yron, being greately amazed at the things which they had séene.
Hovv Cortez tooke by force of armes Tizapansinca
Not long after that these things had happened, the Indians of Zempoallan sente vnto Cortes, to desire him of succour against the garrisō of Culhua, which Mutezuma mainteyned in Tizapansinca, who did greately anoy them, in spoyling, burning, and destroying theyr corne in the fieldes, and slew their husbandmen, and toke many prisoners. The Towne of Tizapansinca doth confine with the Totonaquez, and with the grounde of Zempoallan, and is a good strong Towne, scituated néere the Riuer, and hath a fort standing vpon a high rocke. And bycause this Towne was strong, and planted among them who were alwayes seditious and Rebelles, Mutezuma placed there his garrison, who séeyng the officers of receyuers and auditors come flying thyther for helpe, béeyng persecuted of the Rebels, they wente out to pacifie the Rebellion, and for to chasten them, they burned and destroyed whatsoeuer they found, and also had taken many prisoners.
Cortez hearing this newes, departed towarde Zempoallan, and from thence in two dayes iourney with a greate armye of Indians to Tizapansinca, which stoode eyghte leagues and more from that Citie.
The garrison of Culhua came into the fielde, thinkyng to haue hadde battayle onely with those of Zempoallan, but when they saw the Horsemen and the bearded men, they lost theyr courage, and beganne to flye as fast as they myghte possible: theyr succoure béeyng néere, they were soone in holde: they woulde haue entred into theyr Castell, but for ye swiftnesse of the Horses which stopped theyr way.
And when the Horses coulde not ascende vp vnto the forte, Cortes alighted with other foure of hys men, and among the preasse of the Townesmen gote into the forte, and béeyng within, they kept the dore tyll theyr companye came wyth manye friendes, vnto whome hée delyuered the forte and Towne, desiring to do no hurte to the inhabitantes, but to suffer them to depart fréely without weapon and standerde. It was a newe worlde to those Indians, who did fulfyll Cortes hys commaundemente in all poyntes. Thys done, Cortez returned agayne to the Sea coast, by the same way whiche hée hadde come.
This was the firste victory that Cortes had among the subiectes of Mutezuma, whereby all the Mountaynes remayned frée from the vexations of the Mexicans, and all our men with great fame and reputation, as well among their friendes, as among their enimies, in so much that afterwardes when any neede did happen among the Indians, they would immediately sende vnto Cortes for one of his men, saying, that one man alone of the Chrystians, was sufficient to be their Captayne and securitie.
Thys was a good begynnyng for the pretence of Cortes. Now when he came to Vera Crux wyth hys company triumphantly, he founde there Francisco de Salzeda, who was come with his caruell which he had boughte of Alonso Cauallero, a dweller in Saint Iames de Cuba, and was left there to be grounded and dressed at his departure from thence. He brought with him .70. Spanyardes, and nine Horses and Mares, wherewith they all maruellously reioyced.
The presents that Cortez sent to the Emperour for his fifte
Cortez made greate hast in building vp the new town and the Castell, bycause the Citizens and souldiers mighte haue succoure againste winde and rayne, and commoditie of householde, and lykewise to bée assured of defence against enimies if néede shoulde happen, pretending lykewise with all expedition, to enter within the land toward Mexico, to visit Mutezuma, and to leaue in that newe worke all thing in good order, he finished many thinges, touching as well the peace as the warre.
He commaunded to be brought a lande out of his shippes all the armour & other furniture for the warres, with the Merchandise, victuall and other prouision, and to deliuer it to the rulers of the newe Cittie, accordyng to his promisse. He also signified vnto all his company that it was méete and conuenient, to sende relation to the Kyng of all theyr proceedings and dealings in that countrey, with demonstration of Golde and Siluer there founde.
And (quoth he) to deale vprightly in this case, it is necessary to deuide equally our treasure to euery man his portion, accordyng to the vse of the warres, the deuision beyng made, then firste and principally lette vs deduct the Kings fifte parte. And for the better performance therof, I doe name and appoynt Alounso de Auila Treasurer for the King, and also I doe elect Gonsalo Mexia Treasurer of the armie.
All the newe Magistrates ratified his sayings, and allowed his discretion and wisedome, praysing the election of the newe officers as men moste méete for suche an office, and besought them to accept theyr charge.
This diligence done, he commaunded to bring foorth into the markette place all the goodes and treasure which they had gotten, as well cloth of Cotten, Feathers, Golde, and Plate, whiche mought amount vnto in valew the summe of .27000. Ducates: The same he caused to be delyuered vnto the newe elected treasorers by account, requestyng the whole counsell of the Cittie that they shoulde make deuision thereof. The counsellours and communaltie replyed, saying: Sir here is nothing to deuide, for deductyng the fifte parte whiche appertayneth to the King, all the reste shall be to make payment for the furniture whiche you prepared for this voyage, and you beyng satisfied, then the shippes, munition and furniture shall serue in common for vs all, beséeching him with one assent to take all the treasure, and to sende vnto the kings maiestie his portion or fifte parte, euen as shoulde séeme most conuenient vnto him.
Cortes replied and sayde, that time hereafter shoulde serue to pay him according to their gentle offer: But for this present time my louyng felowes (quoth he) I will receyue no more than the share or portion that appertayneth vnto my office of generall Captayne, and all the residue shal be for the Gentlemen of my company, wherewith yée may beginne to make payment of your debtes, whiche ye ought when ye made your prouision to come with me on this voyage.
And where I haue appoynted certayne things to send to the King,