The Mystery at Dark Cedars. Lavell Edith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lavell Edith
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Классические детективы
Год издания: 0
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Pearson – middle-aged.

      “Harry Grant – about thirty.

      “Corinne Pearson – about nineteen…”

      “But you forgot me!” Elsie reminded her.

      “No, we didn’t forget you, either,” replied Mary Louise, with a smile. “We’ve got something for you – in that package.”

      “Something to make you forget your troubles,” added Jane. “Some new clothes.”

      The girl’s eyes lighted up with joy.

      “Honestly? Oh, that’s wonderful! Let me see them!”

      Mary Louise untied the package and held the things up for Elsie to look at. The girl’s expression was one of positive rapture. A silk dress! In the latest style! And the kind of soft wooly coat she had always dreamed of possessing! A hat that was a real hat – not one of those outlandish sunbonnets her aunt Mattie made her wear! Dainty lingerie – and a pair of white shoes!

      “Oh, it’s too much!” she cried. “I couldn’t take them! They’re your best things – I know they are.” And once again her eyes filled with tears.

      “We have other nice clothes,” Mary Louise assured her. “And our mothers said it was all right. So you must take them: we’d be hurt if you didn’t.”

      “Honestly?” The girl looked as if she could not believe there was so much goodness in the world.

      “Absolutely! Now – don’t you want to go in and try them on?”

      “I’ll do it right here,” said Elsie. “These cedars are so thick that nobody can see me. And if I went into the house they might not let me out again to show you.”

      With trembling fingers she pulled off her shoes and stockings, and the old calico dress she was wearing, and put on the silk slip and the green flowered dress. Then the white stockings and the slippers, which fitted beautifully. And last of all, the coat.

      Her eyes were sparkling now, and her feet were taking little dancing steps of delight. Elsie Grant looked like a different person!

      “Wonderful!” cried Mary Louise and Jane in the same breath.

      “Only – let me fix your hair,” suggested the former. “It’s naturally curly, isn’t it? But you have it drawn back so tightly you can scarcely see any wave.”

      “I’d like to wear it like yours, Mary Louise,” replied the orphan wistfully. “But it’s too long, and I have no money for barbers or beauty parlors.”

      “We’ll see what we can do next time we come,” answered Mary Louise. “But let’s loosen it up a bit now and put your knot down low on your neck so that the hat will fit.”

      Deftly she fluffed it out a little at the sides and pinned it in a modish style. Then she put the little white felt hat on Elsie’s head at just the correct angle and stepped back to survey the transformed girl with pride.

      “You’re positively a knockout, Elsie!” she exclaimed in delight. “Take my word for it, you’re going to be a big hit in Riverside.” She chuckled to herself. “We’ll all lose our boy-friends when they see you!”

      “Oh no!” protested Elsie seriously. “You are really beautiful, Mary Louise! And so clever and good. And so is Jane.”

      Both girls smiled at Elsie’s extravagant praise. Then Mary Louise turned back to her notebook.

      “I’d like to hear more about yesterday,” she said: “whether you think any of these five relatives had a chance to steal that money.”

      “They all had a chance,” answered Elsie. “They were all here – and all up in Aunt Mattie’s room at some time or other during the day or evening!”



      “Let’s sit down again while you tell me every single thing that happened here yesterday,” suggested Mary Louise.

      Elsie took off the white coat and folded it carefully. Then she removed her hat.

      “But I can’t sit down in this silk dress,” she objected. “I might get it dirty, and I don’t want to take it off till I see myself in a mirror. I might not have another chance to put it on all day long!”

      “You can sit on the paper,” advised Jane. “That will protect it. Besides, the ground is dry, and these needles are a covering.”

      Very cautiously Elsie seated herself, and turned to Mary Louise, who had dropped down beside her on the ground.

      “Begin when you got up in the morning,” she said.

      “That was about seven o’clock,” replied Elsie. “But really, that doesn’t matter, because I’m sure Aunt Mattie counted her money after you girls brought the kitten back. I heard her. And she stayed in her room until after lunch.”

      “Does this safe have a combination lock?” inquired Mary Louise.

      “No, it doesn’t. Just a key. John Grant suggested to Aunt Mattie that she have one put on, and she refused. She said people can guess at combinations of figures by twisting the handle around, but if she kept the key with her day and night, nobody could open the safe… But she got fooled!”

      “The lock was broken?”

      “Yes. But the door of the safe was closed, so she hadn’t noticed it until she went to count her money this morning.”

      “Do you know how much was taken?”

      “No, I don’t. Plenty, I guess. Only, there was one queer thing about it: the thief didn’t take the bonds she kept in a special drawer.”

      “Overlooked them, probably,” remarked Mary Louise.

      “Maybe. I don’t know. Well, as I said, Aunt Mattie was in her room until lunch time, and then she went out on the front porch. About two o’clock in the afternoon Aunt Grace and her son John drove over.”

      “John – Grant,” repeated Mary Louise, consulting the list in her notebook. “He’s your aunt Grace’s oldest son?”

      “Yes. He’s about forty, as I said. Fat and a little bit bald. An old bachelor. Probably you’d recognize him if you saw him, because he’s on the School Board. Aunt Mattie likes him because he does little repair jobs for her around the house that save her spending money for a carpenter.

      “Yesterday he went upstairs and fixed a window sash in her bedroom.” Elsie paused thoughtfully. “So you see John had a good chance to open the safe and steal the money.”

      “Why, he’s the guilty one, of course!” cried Jane instantly. “It’s just too plain. I should think your aunt would see that.”

      Elsie shook her head.

      “No, it would never occur to Aunt Mattie to accuse John. He’s the one person in the family she trusts. She always says she is leaving him all her money in her will – so why would he bother to steal it?”

      “He might need it now, for some particular purpose,” replied Jane. “He is handy with tools, you say – and had such a good opportunity.”

      “We better get on with the story,” urged Mary Louise. “Any minute Elsie may be called in.”

      The girl shuddered, as if she dreaded the ordeal of meeting her aunt again.

      “Was your aunt Grace in the bedroom at all during the afternoon?” questioned Mary Louise. “By herself, I mean?”

      “I don’t know. She and Aunt Mattie went up together to look at the window after John finished fixing it, but whether or not Aunt Grace was there alone, I couldn’t say. Anyhow, there’s no use worrying about that. Aunt Grace just couldn’t steal anything.”

      “According to the detective stories,” put in Jane, “it’s the person who just couldn’t commit the crime who always is the guilty one. The one you suspect least.”
