The Mystery at Dark Cedars. Lavell Edith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lavell Edith
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Классические детективы
Год издания: 0
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in at the window!”

      “What did you do?” demanded Mary Louise breathlessly. “Scream?”

      “No, I didn’t. Once before I screamed, and Aunt Mattie had William investigate everything, and when he found nobody I was punished for my foolishness. I had to eat bread and water for two days. And it taught me a lesson. I never screamed again.”

      “Then what happened?”

      “I think whoever it was climbed from the tree into the attic storeroom window and went through an old trunk in there. I heard a little noise, but I couldn’t tell whether it was only the wind or not. Anyway, nothing was known about it till yesterday, when Aunt Mattie went up to look for something in her trunk.”

      “Did you tell her then?”

      “I tried to. But she wouldn’t listen. She accused me of going through her trunk. But I wasn’t punished, because nothing was stolen.”

      “Then it couldn’t have been a robber,” said Mary Louise. “Or something would have been taken. Wasn’t there anything else in the house missing?”

      “Not a thing! Hannah even counted the silver and found it was all there.”

      “How does Hannah account for it? Or does she think, like your aunt, that you did it?” questioned Mary Louise.

      “Hannah says it was ‘spirits.’ She says the spirits can’t rest as long as their old things are around. She wants Aunt Mattie to burn or give away all the old clothing in the house. She says dead people’s clothes are possessed.”

      Jane let out a peal of laughter, but Mary Louise warned her to be quiet. “We mustn’t get Elsie into trouble,” she explained.

      “Was that the only time anything like that ever happened?” asked Jane.

      “No. Once, earlier in the spring, when Hannah and William were away at some lodge supper, their room was entered and searched. I was blamed and punished then, though nothing was missing that time, either. But the awful part of it is: I expect it to happen again every night. Every time the wind howls or a branch beats against a windowpane, I’m sure they’re coming again – whoever they are. And – I’m afraid!”

      “Something’s got to be done!” announced Mary Louise, with determination. “I’m not my father’s daughter if I allow a mysterious outrage like this to go on.” She pressed Elsie’s hand. “You can count on us,” she concluded. “We’ll be back to see you tomorrow!”


      The Robbery

      The house in which Mary Louise’s family lived was as different from the Grants’ as day is from night. It was painted white, and its smooth green lawn was dotted here and there with bright flower beds. Modern, airy, and filled with sunshine, the house itself looked like the home of a happy family, which the Gays were – as their name implied.

      Mary Louise’s young brother – always called “Freckles” – was setting the breakfast table when she came downstairs the morning after her visit to Dark Cedars. It was Mary Louise’s task to put the bedding to air while her mother cooked breakfast. Mrs. Gay did not keep a maid, and both children did their share of the work.

      As they sat down to breakfast Mary Louise could not help contrasting her life with poor Elsie Grant’s. Thinking how different, how cheerful everything was here – though of course it was never quite the same when her father was away on a case, as so happened at the present time. Mary Louise wanted to do something to help Elsie, besides just visiting her. She had a sudden inspiration.

      “I have a lot of clothes, haven’t I, Mother?” she inquired as she spread marmalade on her toast.

      Mrs. Gay smiled. She was a pretty woman, with the same dark hair and dark eyes as her daughter.

      “I wouldn’t say that, dear,” she replied. “I think you have enough. But if there is something you specially want, I guess you can have it. Is that why you ask?”

      “No,” replied Mary Louise laughingly. “It’s just the other way around. Instead of buying more, what I want to do is to give some away. A couple of dresses, perhaps, and some lingerie. And a pair of slippers.”

      Mrs. Gay nodded approvingly. Being both a neat housekeeper and a charitable woman, she loved to clear things out and, if possible, give them to someone who could use them.

      “Yes,” she said. “I was thinking of making up a package to send to the Salvation Army today. That old blue sweater of yours could go, and the red woolen dress – ”

      “No! No!” interrupted Mary Louise. “I didn’t mean things like that, Mother. I want to give away a couple of nice dresses. Like my green flowered silk, for instance, and my pink linen. May I?”

      “Why, Mary Louise! I thought you especially liked those dresses. What’s the matter with them?”

      “Nothing. I do like them a lot. That’s why I chose them. I want to give them to a girl who hasn’t had a new dress for over two years.”

      “Who is she?” asked Mrs. Gay sympathetically.

      “A niece of old Miss Grant. You know – that queer old maid who lives at Dark Cedars. About a mile out of town.”

      Her mother nodded.

      “Yes, I know where you mean, dear. But that woman is reputed to be rich – much better off than we are. I can’t understand – ”

      “Of course you can’t, Mother, unless you see poor Elsie Grant. She’s about my age – a year younger, to be exact – and she’s an orphan. Two years ago, when her mother died, she came to live with Miss Grant because she hadn’t anywhere to go and no money. And the old lady treats her shamefully. Dresses her in those old calico dresses that servants used to wear years ago. So Elsie can’t go anywhere, not even to school.”

      Mrs. Gay’s lips closed tightly, and her eyes narrowed.

      “So that’s the kind of woman Miss Grant is!” she muttered. “I always knew she was queer, but I never thought she was cruel… Yes, of course you can give the girl some clothing, dear. Go pick out anything you want, except those brand-new things we bought last week for our trip in August.”

      Mary Louise lost no time in making her selection. She piled the clothing on her bed, after she had put her room in order, and called her mother in for her approval. But before tying up the package she whistled for Jane from her window.

      Her chum came running across the grass that grew between the two houses and bounded up the steps. Briefly Mary Louise explained what she was doing.

      “But I want to give Elsie something too,” Jane said. “She ought to have some kind of summer coat and a hat. Wait till I ask Mother.”

      She returned in less than five minutes bringing a lovely white wool coat and a white felt hat to match it. Mary Louise tied up the bundle.

      “Please ask Freckles to take care of Silky this morning, Mother,” she said. “I’m afraid that perhaps Miss Grant might not like him.”

      The girls started off immediately through the streets of Riverside to the lonely road that led to Dark Cedars.

      “I sort of wish we had Silky with us,” observed Jane as they approached the house. “He is a protection.”

      Mary Louise laughed.

      “But there isn’t anything to protect us from! Elsie said nothing ever happened in the daytime.”

      A stifled sob coming from under the cedar trees caused the girls to stop abruptly and peer in among the low branches. There, half concealed by the thick growth, sat Elsie Grant, crying bitterly.

      Mary Louise and Jane were beside her in a second.

      “What’s the matter, Elsie?” demanded Mary Louise. “What happened?”

      The girl raised her tear-stained face and attempted to smile. For Mary Louise and Jane came nearest to being her friends of all the people in the world.
