A Gothic Grammar. Braune Wilhelm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Braune Wilhelm
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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For jus (jûs?), s. § 15, n. 1.

      § 151. From the stems of these pronouns adjectivs ar derived, the so-calld possessiv pronouns. 1st pers.: m. meins, n. mein, meinata; f. meina, my (mine); 2nd pers.: þeins, thy (thine); refl. seins, his. Plurals: 1st pers. unsar, our; 2nd pers. izwar, your. The only extant dual poss. prn. is igqar, the 1st pers. would be ugkar.

      Note 1. The inflection of these pronominal adjectivs is identical with that of the strong adj.; concerning unsar, izwar, cp. § 124, ns. 1 and 4. – No weak inflection occurs.

      Note 2. The reflexiv *seins occurs only in the gen., dat., acc.; insted of the nominativs of all genders and numbers the genitivs of the prn. of the 3d pers. (is, izôs; izê, izô; § 152) ar employd.


§ 152.

      Note. The acc. and gen. pl. n. and the nom. pl. f. ar not extant, but the inferd forms ar undoutedly correct.


§ 153. The simpl dem. prn. sa, , þata is uzed both as dem. prn., this, that (for the Gr. οὗτος or αὐτός), and, with a weakend force, as articl, the. The latter uze is predominant. – The neuter sing. (like the interrog., § 159) has preservd the instrumental case.

      Note 1. The final as of the dissyllabic forms ar dropt in combination with enclitics beginning with a vowel; cp. § 4, n. 1. – For þei from *þa-ei, s. § 157, n. 2.

      Note 2. The instr. n. þê is preservd only in the combinations bi-þê, du-þê (duþþê), jaþ-þê (§ 62, n. 3), þêei (§ 157, n. 1), and, like þana (in þanamais, þanaseiþs), before a comparativ (= E. 'the' in 'the more').

      § 154. A compound demonstrativ pronoun is formd by affixing the enclitic particl -uh to the simpl demonstrativ. Cp. § 24, n. 2. Its meaning is always that of the simpl sa uzed demonstrativly, this, that (= Gr. οὗτος or αὐτός). – It inflects thus:

      Note 1. The forms in square brackets ar not extant.

      Note 2. The instr. n. þêh occurs only in the adv. bi-þêh.

      § 155. A defectiv demonstrativ pronoun hi- (nom. *his = is, § 152), this, occurs only in temporal frases in the dativ m. and n. himma and in the acc. m. hina, n. hita; e. g., himma daga, to-day; und hina dag, to this day; und hita, til now.

§ 156. jains (concerning the vowel ai, cp. § 20, n. 4), n. jainata, f. jaina (yon), that, inflects like a strong adj. (blinds, § 124).

      Like weak adjectivs inflect silba, self, and sama, same, or with the articl: sa sama, the same (cp. § 132, n. 3).


§ 157. A simpl relativ pronoun is not found in the Gothic language. A relativ prn. of the 3d pers. is formd from the simpl demonstrativ pronoun by affixing the particl ei which, when uzed independently, has the force of a conjunction, that, in order that. This relativ pronoun inflects as follows:

      Note 1. The instr. n. þêei is uzed only as a conjunction.

      Note 2. Beside þatei occurs þei, which is employd, however, only in combination with ƕah (§ 164, n. 1), and (like þatei) as a conjunction, that. Cp. Beitr., 4, 467; 6, 402; Zs. fda., 29, 366 et seq.

      Note 3. Insted of the nom. sg. saei, m., sôei, f., also izei, m., sei (i. e. si-ei, § 10, n. 2), f., (formd from the 3d pers. of the pers. prn., § 152) ar employd. The form sei occurs even more frequently than sôei. Sumtimes izei stands as nom. pl. m. (for eizei which is not found); e. g., þai izei bimaitanai sind; Gal. VI, 13. – For izei the form izê is often found; cp. § 17, n. 1.

      Note 4. Concerning the change of final s before ei into z, s. § 78, c.

      § 158. When a relativ clause refers to a prn. of the 1st or 2nd pers., the relativ particl is affixt to the respectiv pers. prn. Thus, ikei, who (1st pers. sg.); —þuei, who; þuzei, to whom (as in Mk. I, 11); þukei, whom (2nd pers. sg.); —juzei, who; izwizei, to whom (2nd pers. pl.).


§ 159. The interrogativ pronoun ƕas, who? (= Lt. quis), is formd from the simpl interrogativ stem ƕa-. A substantiv following ƕas occurs always in the genitiv; e. g., ƕa mizdônô, τίνα μισθόν; Mt. V, 46.

      Note 1. The gen. f. is not extant. The instr. occurs only in the neuter (cp. sa, § 153).

      Note 2. ƕas has no plural; cp. however ƕanzuh, § 164, n.

      Note 3. ƕas is also employd as an indefinit prn.; cp. § 162, n. 2.

§ 160. From stem ƕa- ar derived: ƕaþar, which of two?, and ƕarjis, which? A substantiv following is always put in the gen. Both words inflect like strong adjectivs —ƕaþar like anþar (cp. § 124, n. 1), ƕarjis like midjis (§ 125), f. ƕarja, the n. *ƕarjata like ƕarjatôh (§ 165).

      § 161. Compound interrogativs: ƕileiks, what sort of?, 'qualis?'